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Zhejiang University of Technology

March 31th
We had a meet-up with team ZJUT-China in our school. We mainly shared experience about team building, professional skills training of team members and the competition, also we exchanged primary plan about biological part and modeling part.
We keep in touch with each other, communicating and sharing the some ideas or problems together.
During July 5th to 22th, we helped them to build a cycle-amplified plasmid BBa_K2305016 for their experiments and exchanged information about this part.
It was really great to share ideas with them and help them with their work. We both got improvement from this collaboration. Thanks a lot, team ZJUT-China.

Shandong University

June 15th
We had a meet-up with team SDU-CHINA in our school. We first introduced project to each other. And mainly discussed about chip making and hardware. After the meeting we led them to visit our laboratory. We also asked them about how to start and learn about modelling. Besides reality meeting, on July 18th , we also discussed about the data of Interlab experiments, which helps us to judge whether the result is appropriate or not. Thanks team SDU-CHINA for helping us about modelling and sharing data with us.

National Chung Cheng University

July 18th 2018
We had communicated with CCU_Taiwan through Skype and spent two meaningful hours together. We introduced the project to each other. Many good ideas and suggestions have been received after finishing our speech, including the principle demonstration of the whole chip and device promotion, we have seriously considered these aspects in following work, and did relevant researches in the part of Human Practice, then obtained many good conclusions.
Although the track we chose was different, Team CCU_Taiwan gave us some inspirations for our work. Thank CCU_Taiwan for sharing ideas with us!

Xiamen University

We learned from Conference of China iGEMer Community that some biological part design in our project is quite similar with team XMU-China, after we communicated online. We planned to discuss and communicate in two aspects, one was to improve the connection and competition experiment methods of biomarkers and aptamer- complementary chain, the other was to exchange complementary chains of aptamers for principle demonstrate (results shown in figure). We have a good time discussing with team XMU-China.

Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool Uiversity

TThe first collaboration talking with XJTLU team began in early July. We shared 1ml fluorescent calibration bead of flow cytometer. After communication online, we then share experience about using of flow cytometer.Wediscussedthe applicationprojectsmadebyvariousteams over the years, then since we havea deeper understanding ofproject of each other, we also shared thoughts about the advantages and disadvantages of sterile and bacterial systems’ application, and whether bacteria can be truly applied to the market or not. What’s more, we raised questions about the construction of biological parts and project approval. We also had a talk about relevant knowledge of microfluidic chip,which gave us inspiration for our device design.It is really delightful to discuss with team XJTLU.