

General Support

We would like to thank all of the members of the Lynch Lab for letting us work in their lab space. Mike Lynch provided support as an advisor and Adim Moreb and John Decker provided support on difficult techniques. The full support of the Pratt School of Engineering, the Duke Bass Connections program, and Duke University in making iGEM a priority allowed us to get more done than we would have otherwise. If not mentioned below, it was done independently by members of the team. For instance, we coached ourselves for our presentation.

Design Support

Experimental designs were done by our team members, building off the original G-block designs and progress of the 2016 Duke iGEM team. Technical review and questions were answered with help from Adim Moreb, John Decker, and Mike Lynch from the Lynch Lab.

All experiments were carried out by student members of the team.

Wiki Support

Text and images from the 2016 Duke iGEM Wiki's "Project Description" page were integrated into the the 2018 Duke iGEM Wiki, as our work is a continuation of that project. Components of the 2017 Duke iGEM Wiki's "Attribution" and "Advisors" pages were integrated into the 2018 Duke iGEM Wiki, as our advisors and funding sources have remained more or less unchanged. Text from the 2017 Duke iGEM Wiki's page on community outreach to the Marbles Kids Museum was used in the 2018 Duke iGEM Wiki because we visit them annually and the content of our outreach remained unchanged from the previous year. Code for slideshows used in the "Team Members" and "Team Advisors" pages utilized code from the tutorial howto_js_slideshow .

Funding Support

None of our research would have been possible without the financial support of the Lord Foundation, the Duke Bass Connections Program, IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies), Duke Undergraduate Research Support Office

Lord Foundation
Bass Connections Logo
Duke University

We would like to extend our thanks to all of these people who helped us with our project. Without their help, our project would not have been possible.