Team:Edinburgh UG/Basic Part

Edinburgh iGEM 2018

Basic Parts

Part number Type Description Supporting information Part length (bp)
BBa_K2725002 Basic FabV Triclosan resistance gene from Vibrio fischeri 1203
BBa_K2725005 Basic FabV backbone Standard iGEM backbone with Chloramphenicol resistance gene replaced with FabV 2613
BBa_K2725012 Basic KanR 5* P1003 kanamycin resistance with 5 amber stop codons 967
BBa_K2725013 Basic KanR 10* P1003 kanamycin resistance with 10 amber stop codons 967
BBa_K2725014 Basic J23102 - SupD Serine amber suppressor tRNA gene under J23102 Anderson promoter 224
BBa_K2725015 Basic J23103 - SupD Serine amber suppressor tRNA gene under J23103 Anderson promoter 224
BBa_K2725016 Basic J23108 - SupD Serine amber suppressor tRNA gene under J23108 Anderson promoter 224

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