Team:FSU/Part Collection

Part Collection

In 2013, a synthetic biology team created the BIOFAB parts collection. The goal of this collection was to create consistently reliable genetic elements when making genetic devices. This would make it easier to control transcription and translation initiation in E. Coli. Some of the genetic elements include modular promoters, ribosome binding sites, and terminators of different activities. The project was successful having a 93% reliability.

Although these reliable parts were available to the synthetic biology community, they were not readily available to the iGEM community. FSU iGEM decided it would be beneficial to add these parts to the parts registry to make it more accessible. This collection currently includes a total of 119 modular promoters of different activities. The collection also allows for other genetic elements to be added later. More Details on the BIOFAB parts can be found in the paper referenced below

Mutalik,V. Guimaraes, J. Cambray, G. Lam, C. Christoffersen, M. Mai, Q. Tran, A Morgan Paull, Keasling, J. Arkin, A. Endy, D. (2013). Precise and reliable gene expression via standard transcription and translation initiation elements: Nature Methods, 354-360

The BIOFAB parts are listed as a collection in the iGEM Parts Registry. The page is