Team:GZHS-United/Public Engagement

Public Engagement

Public Engagement and Education

We devoted ourselves to the community. On July 17th, we went to Kangning service center in Zhuhai, Guangdong and held a lecture about our topic. First, we talked about several kinds of mosquito-borne diseases and currently used treatment. Then, we introduced our project in a way that residents without expertise could understand. For example, we made a poster which is very good-looking and straightforward. After that, we taught the audience with many practical skills that they can used in daily life to prevent themselves from mosquito bites. During the break time, we also communicated individually with some audience who was passionate about the topic.

Through this practice, our IGEM program got more publicity; we helped those residence, mostly students, acquire knowledge about mosquitoes and science; we have a better understanding about people’s perception about currently-used methods to defend mosquitoes.


We went to a social services centre in Guangzhou to give a speech on mosquito eradication and to get more publicity for IGEM and genetically modified food in the community. Mosquito eradication is a hot topic in Guangzhou and people suffer from mosquito biting a lot. We told them about the potential harm of mosquito repellent and other insecticides and gave them the idea on how to efficiently prevent mosquito from biting them. Also, we discussed about genetically modified food and whether it is safe or not, which is related to their daily life. We gave them the general idea about genes and how genes work, and how to recognize the rumor of the genetically modified food on the internet.
