
Team:Minnesota/2018/EDUCATION AND ENGAGEMENT/igem

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#Minnesota 2018


The protocols were simply followed as what IGEM provided on the website.
Calibration 1: OD600 Reference Point using LUDOX:

Table 1:Corrected value is particle-only contribution.
Reference value is for 100uL of LUDOX CL-X in a well of a standard 96-well flat-bottom
black with clear bottom plate Corrected value = scaling factor * measured value.
Calibration 2: Microspheres

Table 2:Microsphere Absorbance in Serial Dilutions Raw Data.

Figure 1:Particle Standard Curve.

Figure 2:Particle Standard Curve on Log Scale.

Final scaling level determined from medium-high points likely to be less impacted by saturation or pipetting error.
Figure 2:Particle Standard Curve on Log Scale.

Table 3: Particles/OD Cospheric Monodisperse Silica Microspheres 0.916 mircometer diameter Calibration 3: Fluorescein standard Curve

Table 4:Fluorescein Raw Data

Figure 3:Fluorescein Standard Curve.

Figure 4:Fluorescein Standard Curve on Log Scale.

Experimental Values:

Table 5: Fluorescein/a.u

Table 6: Colony Raw Plate Readings

MiroM fluorescein/a.u = 1.91*10^-4

Table 7: Fluorescence per OD Experimental Value

Particles/Abs600 = 4.24E08
MEFL/ a. u.=1.15E09

Table 8: Fluorescence per Particle Experimental Values:


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