% INDUCIBLE MODEL LuxR-LuxI RESOLUTION: % Parameters time_effect = 0.017; % doubling time effect [1/min] NA = 6.023e23; % Avogadro's number: # particles/mol Vcell = 1.1e-9; % typical volume of E. coli (microliters/cell). Source: Bionumbers Vext = 1e-3; % culture medium volume [ul] in a microfluidics device Ccells_OD600_1=8e5; % cells/microliter for OD=1. % Source: Agilent, E. coli Cell Culture Concentration % from OD600 Calculator Ncell_0 = 0.1*Ccells_OD600_1*Vext; factor_units=1e15/(Vcell*NA); % Conversion factor from number of particles to % concentration (1 nMolar=nanomols/liter) % 1 particle/cell x 1/Vcell cell/microliter % x 1/nA mol/particle x % 1e6 microliter/liter x 1e9 nanomol/l pN_luxI = 17; % plasmid number of luxI in pBR322 (15-20 copies/cell) pN_luxR = 10; % plasmid number of luxI in pACYC184 (10 copies/cell) % LuxI alphaI = 0.17; % leakage of repressor dmI = time_effect + 0.23; % degradation rate of LuxI mRNA [1/min]. Typical mRNA degradation rate for E coli dI = time_effect + 0.01; % degradation rate of LuxI [1/min] pI = 3.09; % translation rate of LuxI #mRNA [1/min]. b*dmI from Weber. [3.0928 - 6.1856] kI = 1.03; % average transcription rate of LuxI [1/min] from calculator [1.0309 - 10.3093] from our rates calculator based on Alberts, and % Ref 2: 50/b from Weber % LuxR alphaR = 0.01; % ratio between unactivated vs activated of expresion LuxR dmR = time_effect + 0.23; % degradation rate of LuxR mRNA [1/min] dR = time_effect + log(2)/5; % degradation rate of LuxR [1/min] pR = 2.38; % b*dmR; % translation rate of LuxR [1/min] [2.381 - 4.7619] from our rates calculator, Alberts kR = 0.79; % 200/b; % transcription rate of LuxR [1/min] [0.79365 - 7.9365] from our rates calculator cR = kR*pN_luxR; % constitutive expression of LuxR (always ConstR = initCond of plasmids in complete model) % Monomer kd1 = 10; % 100; % dissociation constant of R to A [nM], Urbanowski etal. 2004 k_1 = 1;% 10; % unbinding rate LuxR to AHL [1/min] dRA = time_effect + log(2)/5; % degradation rate of (LuxR.A) [1/min]. Buchler et al. 2004 Monomer half-life is just few minutes. % Dimer kd2 = 10;%20; % or 10 dissociation cte (LuxR.A) [nM], Buchler et al. 2003 %Koren, R. & Hammes, G. G. (1976) Biochemistry 15, 1165–1171. %Northrup, S. H. & Erickson, H. P. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 3338–3342. k_2 = 0.1; % dissociation rate dimer (LuxR.A)2 [1/min] kdLux = 10; % dissociation cte (LuxR.A)2 to promoter [nM], Bucler et al [1 1000]nM k_Lux = 10; % dissociation rate(LuxR.A)2 to Lux promoter [1/min] kLux = k_Lux/kdLux; % binding rate LuxR to AHL [1/min] dRA2 = time_effect; % Ron Weiss et al. A synthetic multicellular system for programmed pattern formation % Buchler 2004 Degradation rate for (LuxR.AHL)_2. Corresponding to dilution if cell half-life = tau minutes D = 2; % kinetic rate of AHL external transport [1/min] across the cell membrane, calculated dA = time_effect + 0.0002; %[0.05 0.03 min^-1]Degradation from Bionumbers online %0.0164, Degradation rate for AHL. From Kaufmann etal. 2005. Similar to You etal. Nature, 2004 dAe = 0.0002; Vc = Vcell/Vext; N = 240; % cells param = [pI, kI, pN_luxI, dmI, kdLux, alphaI, dI, k_1, kd1, pR, cR, dmR, k_2, kd2, dRA, dR, dRA2, D, Vc, dA, dAe, N]; %% SIMULATION AHL = 100; % en nM AHL0 = AHL*NA*1e-9*1e-9 ; % AHL nM x 1e-9M/1nM x N Avogadro x Vol (1e-9L) % Initial Conditions InitC = [929, 505, 0, 0, AHL0]; time = 1:0.1:300; options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-6,'RelTol',1e-3); [t,n] = ode15s(@(t,x) mi_lux(x,param),time,InitC,options); % Graphs fig = figure('Color','w'); hold on subplot(2,3,1) plot(t,n(:,1),'r') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('PoI (molec)','FontName','Lato') title('PoI vs Time','FontName','Lato','FontSize',14) hold on subplot(2,3,2) plot(t,n(:,2),'r') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('LuxR (molec)','FontName','Lato') title('LuxR vs Time','FontName','Lato','FontSize',14) hold on subplot(2,3,3) plot(t,n(:,3),'k') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('(LuxR.AHL)_2 (molec)','FontName','Lato') title('(LuxR.AHL)_2 vs Time','FontName','Lato','FontSize',14) hold on subplot(2,3,4) plot(t,n(:,4),'r') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('AHL_i (molec)','FontName','Lato') title('AHL_i vs Time','FontName','Lato','FontSize',14) hold on subplot(2,3,5) plot(t,n(:,5),'b') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('AHL_e (molec)','FontName','Lato') title('AHL_e vs Time','FontName','Lato','FontSize',14) hold on %% ANALYSIS load data_exp_ahl.mat AHL = logspace(-2,3,100); % nM AHL0 = AHL*NA*1e-9*1e-9 ; % AHL nM x 1e-9M/1nM x N Avogadro x Vol (1e-9L) param = [pI, kI, pN_luxI, dmI, kdLux, alphaI, dI, k_1, kd1, pR, cR, dmR,... k_2, kd2, dRA, dR, dRA2, D, Vc, dA, dAe, N]; PoI = []; for i=1:length(AHL) % Initial Conditions InitC = [929, 505, 0, 0, AHL0(i)]; time = 1:0.1:300; options = odeset('AbsTol',1e-6,'RelTol',1e-3); [t,n] = ode15s(@(t,x) mi_lux(x,param),time,InitC,options); PoI = [PoI n(end,1)]; end % Graphs blue = [68 146 198]/255; red = [246 80 88]/255; yellow = [255 198 0]/255; fig1 = figure('Color','w'); PoI = PoI/max(PoI); semilogx(AHL,PoI,'Color',blue,'LineWidth',1.8) hold on semilogx(data_exp(:,1),data_exp(:,2),'MarkerSize',6,... 'MarkerFaceColor',red, 'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0],... 'Marker','o', 'LineStyle','none') xlabel('AHL concentration (nm)','FontName','Lato') ylabel('GFP normalised fluorescence (a.u)','FontName','Lato') title('GFP vs AHL','FontName','Lato','FontSize',16) legend({'Fitted model','Experimental data'},'Location','northeast') grid on