clear all % Data extaction: directory = 'C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Carlos AV\UPV\iGEM\Modelling\Experimentos\Comparison_GFP_sfGFP\'; sheet = 'Plate 1 - Sheet1'; fname = 'Experiment_GFP_sfGFP_data'; FOD = xlsread([directory fname '.xlsx'],sheet,'G370:V442'); % Time vector: % Total time: 06:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) % Interval: 05:00 (MM:SS) time = 5:5:(6*60+5); FOD_GFP = FOD(:,1:8); FOD_sfGFP = FOD(:,9:16); save([directory fname '.mat'],'FOD_GFP','FOD_sfGFP','FOD','time'); %% GRAPHICS clear all directory = 'C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Carlos AV\UPV\iGEM\Modelling\Experimentos\Comparison_GFP_sfGFP\'; fname = 'Experiment_GFP_sfGFP_data'; load([directory fname '.mat']) % Corrected FOD with excitation/emission wavelengths efficiency % (485/528 nm) and gain Gain = 60; GFP_Exc_eff = 0.5088; GFP_Em_eff =0.6606; sfGFP_Exc_eff = 0.8967; sfGFP_Em_eff = 0.6333; MEAN_FOD_GFP = mean(FOD_GFP,2)/(GFP_Exc_eff*GFP_Em_eff*Gain); MEAN_FOD_sfGFP = mean(FOD_sfGFP,2)/(sfGFP_Exc_eff*sfGFP_Em_eff*Gain); % We select a stationary period of time fig_comp= figure('Color','w'); % Create axis axes = axes('Parent',fig_comp); hold(axes,'on'); plot(time,MEAN_FOD_GFP,'r',time,MEAN_FOD_sfGFP,'LineWidth',1) title('Comparison between relative intensity of sfGFP and GFP reporter proteins','FontName','Lato','FontSize',12); ylabel('Fluorescence (RFU)','FontName','Lato') xlabel('Time (min)','FontName','Lato') legend({'GFP','sfGFP'},'FontName','Lato','Location','east'); xlim([time(1) time(end)]) box(axes,'on'); set(axes,'FontName','Lato','XGrid','on','YGrid','on'); % Number of equivalent fluorescein molecules % 273.7 MEFL/RFU(GFP) MOL = 273.7*MEAN_FOD_GFP(29:58); % Number of MEFL = Number of GFP molecules = Number of sfGFP molecules % MEFL/RFU factor K = mean(MOL./MEAN_FOD_sfGFP(29:58))