DNA Distribution Kit
Each team will receive a copy of the DNA Distribution Kit. The kit includes a curated selection of the best parts past teams have built, resources to help iGEMers test their competent cells, and materials for submitting samples to us at the end of the season.
2018 Shipping
We expect to begin the Distribution Kit shipment process for our 2018 iGEM teams in mid-April.
For complete details about the 2018 Distribution Kit, please visit our Distribution Kit Registry Page!
The iGEM 2018 DNA Distribution contains:
- DNA Distribution Kit Plates 1 - 6
- Linearized Plasmid Backbones
- Transformation Efficiency Kit
- InterLab Measurement Kit
- 2018 Part Submission Kit
- iGEM Stickers and Pins!
Get & Give Philosophy
The Registry is an open community that runs and grows on the "Get & Give (& Share)" philosophy. Users get parts, samples, data, and tools from the Registry to work on their synthetic biology projects. They'll give back to the Registry the new parts they've made, as well as data and experience on new and existing parts. Finally, users will share experience and collaborate in the Registry's open community through their wikis and other social tools.