
Modular Protein Engineering

during Wikifreeze
Participants: Quirin Emslander
Protocol: Phage T7 DNA Purification, Phage T7 Assembly TX-TL
Notes: Overexpression of proteins
Purification and Assembly of proteins
Results: Plasmids psb1C3_T7_His_yFP_HOC and psb1C3_T7_His_Nanoluc_HOC got cloned.
Proteins His_yFP_HOC / His_Nanoluc_HOC got expressed and purified.
Phages assembled with His_yFP_HOC / His_Nanoluc_HOC

Assembly of T4 Phage with Yfp_his_hoc in commercial cell extract

Participants: Brigit Tunaj
Protocol: Phage Assembly TX/TL, Agar overlay plaque assay
Notes: 600 ng DNA and 0,54 uM yfp_his_hoc Protein
Results: Spot test worked --> has been used fluorescence microscopy