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  1. home\刘逸珩
  2. team
    1. team members\任逸飞
      • team members, instructors, advisors
      • small biography / a few words
      • team pictures (school, lab, city)
      • maybe image galleries
      • link1 link2 link3 link4
    2. collaborations\韦思齐
      • 西交利物浦、兰州大学
      • link1
  3. project
    1. description\吴亚轩
      • A clear and concise description of our project.
      • A detailed explanation of why our team chose to work on this particular project.
      • References and sources to document our research.
      • Use illustrations and other visual resources to explain our project.
      • Concise, accurate, unambiguous
      • References
      • link1 link2 link3 link4
    2. design\实验队
      • Explanation of the engineering principles our team used in our design
      • Discussion of the design iterations our team went through
      • Experimental plan to test our designs
      • link1 link2 link3
    3. experiments\实验队
      • Protocols
      • Experiments
      • Documentation of the development of our project
      • detailed enough for another team to repeat our experiments
      • put all characterization and measurement data for our parts on the corresponding Registry part pages
      • link1 link2 link3
    4. interlab\刘逸珩,徐昇
      • Show introduction of interlab including measurement and methods
      • Show results and observations with curves or tables to present data
      • Analyze the data, discuss the data that does not match expectations and give possible explanations
      • link1 link2
    5. results\暂无
      • 结果页面
      • Simple overview, including experiments and digital models
      • Experimental feasibility (applicability and functionality)
      • Probable measurements
      • Develop an approach to achieve the goal most effective
      • Proof of Concept(Unable to perform the full range of characterization due to time concerns and provide useful proof theoretically)
      • Enabling Future iGEM Teams(How to make system more accessible.Create a suite of constructs and add them to the registry)
      • link1 link2 link3 link4
    6. demonstrate\方成竹,周佳欣,李沛锴
      • show our system working under real world conditions
      • convince the judges that our project works
    7. attributions\刘江原
      • explain what parts of our project we did and what was done by technicians, advisers, etc. NOT about literature references.
        • Clearly state what the team accomplished
        • General Support
        • Project support and advice
        • Fundraising help and advice
        • Lab support
        • Difficult technique support
        • Project advisor support
        • Wiki support
        • Presentation coaching
        • Human Practices support
        • Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team
      • if our institution teaches an iGEM or synthetic biology class and when we started our project:
        • Does our institution teach an iGEM or synthetic biology course?
        • When did we start this course?
        • Are the syllabus and course materials freely available online?
        • When did we start our brainstorming?
        • When did we start in the lab?
        • When did we start working on our project?
      • link1 link2 link3 link4
  4. model\李沛锴,刘江原
    • document our model's contribution to our project on our team's wiki
      • assumptions
      • relevant data
      • model results
      • a clear explanation of our model that anyone can understand
    • link1 link2 link3 link4
  5. notebook\葛吉涛,任逸飞
    • Chronological notes of what our team is doing.
    • Brief descriptions of daily important events.
    • Pictures of our progress.
    • Mention who participated in what task.
    • Document the dates we worked on our project. This should be a detailed account of the work done each day for our project.
    • link1 link2 link3 link4
  6. parts\刘逸珩,葛吉涛
    1. parts overview
      • Adding parts to the registry
      • describe and define a part
      • provide proper references to acknowledge previous authors and to provide for users who wish to know more
      • send the DNA sample before the Jamboree:在ddl前送至金斯瑞
      • link1 link2 link3
      • information needed on registry:
        • Part Name
        • Part type
        • Creator
        • Sequence
        • Short Description (60 characters on what the DNA does)
        • Long Description (Longer description of what the DNA does)
        • Design considerations
    2. basic parts
      • all the basic parts
      • NOT put characterization information on this page
      • Best Basic Part Special Prize: only enter ONE (1) part number in the judging form for this prize(of course the best one)
    3. composite parts
      • all the composite parts
      • NOT put characterization information on this page
      • Best Composite Part Special Prize: only enter ONE (1) part number in the judging form for this prize
    4. part collection
    5. improve
      • For teams seeking to improve upon a previous part or project
      • Include all part measurement and characterization data on the part page on the Regisrty. Include a link to improved part on this page.(Improve the function of an existing BioBrick Part. The original part must NOT be from part number range. If you change the original part sequence, you must submit a new part. In addition, both the new and original part pages must reference each other. )
      • link1 link2
  7. safety\韦思齐
    • write about how we are addressing any safety issues in our project
    • write about whatever safety topics are most interesting in our project (do not need to copy our safety forms onto this wiki page)
    1. Safe Project Design (project safety features, certain decisions about the design to reduce risks, etc)
      • Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis
      • Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants
      • Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment
      • Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device
      • ......
    2. Safe Lab Work
      • Safety procedures used every day in the lab
      • Did we perform any unusual experiments, or face any unusual safety issues?
    3. Safe Shipment
      • Did we face any safety problems in sending our DNA parts to the Registry?
      • How did we solve those problems?
  8. hp\任逸飞,黄泽兰
    1. human practices
      • document all of our Human Practices work and activities
      • write about the Human Practices topics we considered in our project
      • document any activities we conducted to explore these topics (such as engaging with experts and stakeholders)
      • describe why we took a particular approach (including referencing any work we built upon)
      • explain if and how we integrated takeaways from our Human Practices work back into our project purpose, design and/or execution
      • Human Practice
    2. education & engagement
      • document our Education and Public Engagement work and activities
      • Describe our team’s efforts to include more people in shaping synthetic biology
        • creating or building upon innovative educational tools
        • public engagement activities to establish two-way dialogue with new communities
        • engaging new groups in discussions about synthetic biology and public values
      • Describe our approach
      • why we chose it
      • what was learned by everyone involved (including ourselves)
  9. awards
    1. applied design
    2. entrepreneurship
    3. hardware
    4. measurement
    5. model: same as the previous one
    6. plant
    7. software
  10. judging form