Streaking for isolation is done to isolate a pure strain of a particular bacteria. We will do this to obtain our vector. This must be done under flame.
A source of bacteria (stock culture, previously streaked agar plate or any other inoculum)
Inoculation loop
A striker/lighter
Bunsen burner
Agar plate
Paper towels
Label plates: plasmid, type of e. coli/bacteria, date, antibiotic, temp
Sterilize work station.
Turn on bunsen burner.
Put the innoculation loop in ethanol to disinfect and then put through flame.
Wait 10 sec to cool down, but keep close to the flame to ensure sterilization.
Place the innoculation loop into the sample and twist.
Streak the first quadrant.
Place in fire and wait 10 seconds.
Swipe across the first quadrant and then streak second quadrant.
Place in fire and wait 10 seconds.
Swipe across the second quadrant and then streak third quadrant.
Place in fire and wait 10 seconds.
Swipe across the third quadrant and then streak fourth quadrant.
Put the plates UPSIDE DOWN (prevents condensation) in 37C and shaking.