Team:Rotterdam HR/test/team

Team members

Chemistry student | 18
Hi! My name is Mei Ju Goemans and I am the team leader of the Rotterdam HR team. I am 18 years old and a second year chemistry student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. In my free time I like to dance, swim, fitness and hang out with my friends. I think that my knowledge of chemistry can be useful for the project and I am sure that I will learn a lot during this experience.

Can't wait to see you in Boston!

  • Mei Ju Goemans

  • Team Leader

Biology and Medical Laboratory research student | 19
Hey! I'm Dustin, and I'm a third year student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. In the first iGEM team of our school my primary role is lab management, and supporting the managers for Budget and Fundraising, Safety, and our team leader. In my spare time I mostly enjoy reading, teaching myself new subjects and Aikido. During iGEM I hope to learn from our multidisciplinary team.

We'll see each other in Boston!

  • Dustin van der Meulen

  • Lab

Biology and Medical Laboratory research student | 26
Hello there. My name is Randall de Waard, a third year student at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Within the team I take care of the budget and reach out to sponsors. I also have a supporting role within modeling and Lab management. In my spare time I like to jog, cycle and go to the cinema with friends. With iGEM I hope to expand my horizon and present a solid gadget.

Hope to see you all in Boston!

  • Randall de Waard

  • Budget and fundraising

Chemistry student | 18
Hey there! My name is Suzanne Romeijn and I am a second year chemisty student at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. My purpose within the team is keeping the social media up-to-date and I'm the co-manager of Policy and Practice. Besides IGEM, I like to draw, read, play tennis and to meet up with friends. I hope to gain a lot of knowledge from the project and to meet a lot of new people of course.

Really looking forward to meet you all in Boston!

  • Suzanne Romeijn

  • Public Relations

Biology and Medical Laboratory research student | 20
Hi I'm Elise and I'm the policy and practise manager and the co-manager of the Wiki page. I'm in my third year of the study Biology and Medical Laboratory research at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Besides school I like to read, draw and be outside. With iGEM I hope to improve my laboratory skills and meet a lot of new people.

  • Elise Grootscholten

  • Policy and Practice

Electrical Engineering student | 21
How's it going? My name is Mike, I am currently in my second year pursuing Electrical Engineering at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. I am 21 years of age and like to play games and fiddle with electronics in my spare time. I am eager to learn new things and hope to pick up some knowledge about synthetic biology and chemistry along the way. I think my knowledge in the field of electrical engineering will be useful to the project, as it will give a view from another perspective.

See you in Boston!

  • Mike Vrieswijk

  • Hardware

Electrical Engineering student | 19
Hi there, I'm Tom, a second year student Electrical Engineering at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. I am 19 years old and in my free time I like to design electronics or to go mountain biking. During iGEM I hope to learn a thing or two about synthetic biology and chemistry, and I think my knowledge of electrical engineering will be useful for our project.

Hope to see you all in Boston!

  • Tom van Dijk

  • Modeling

Master in Science Degree in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology | Biology and Medical Laboratory Research student | 31
My name is Paul Reusink and I'm the Science Manager of the 2018 HR iGEM team. This means I will mainly focus on the literature that will be necessary for this interdisciplinary project. I'm studying Biology and Medical Laboratory Research and in a previous life I've also managed to earn a Master in Science Degree in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology.

  • Paul Reusink

  • Science

Biology and Medical Laboratory research student | 20
Hello, I am Loraine, a third year student. In our iGEM team I will take responsibility over the safety and our wiki page. As a third year student at the University of Rotterdam I got the opportunity to be a part of the first iGEM team our school set up. I hope to improve my skills and learn more things besides doing biology research.

Bye Bye,

  • Loraine Nelson

  • Safety and Wiki

Computer Science student | 18
Hello everyone,
I'm Rens Boeser, an 18 year old computer science undergraduate at the University of applied sciences of Rotterdam and I am the newest member of the team. From now on I will take on the responsibility of creating and maintaining our wiki. I think I am a valuable asset to the team because of my different background and viewpoints. Because I study computer science I specialize in automating processes. In my free time I play the guitar and attend singing lessons.

It is a pleasure to be a part of the team. I will strive to be a valuable member!

  • Rens Boeser

  • Wiki


PhD Molecular Microbiology
I’m a biologist who, after obtaining my PhD focussed on molecular biology techniques to investigate cancer cells. After 20 years of working for Erasmus university Medical Centre in Rotterdam and its predecessors, I switched to teaching as senior lecturer at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science. I’m also involved in setting up research projects for the students, mostly concerning modern molecular biology tools (modern cloning techniques and CRISPR/Cas9 related projects).
I think it’s great to help this enthusiastic Rotterdam HR team on its way to many medals and a great Jamboree in Boston!

  • Jos Veldscholte

  • Primary PI

PhD Molecular Microbiology
I'm a molecular microbiologist with experience in University and in the biotech company DSM, and have also worked in cancer genetics at the ErasmusMC medical centre. Within the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences I coordinate a research group of lecturers and students (LabAcademy) that perform applied projects. I love the ambitions and energy in the synthetic biology community and it's an honor to be able to support the Rotterdam iGEM team.
Looking forward to show you the results from Rotterdam and seeing the wonderful projects of all other iGEM teams, so let's meet in Boston!

  • Eric Kamst

  • Secondary PI

Bachelor of Science
I’m a research technician with a background in molecular biology. To be an integral part of the Hogeschool Rotterdam iGEM supervisor team gives me the unique chance to apply different facets of my knowledge as a former iGEM’er (2014). Additionally, it’s a challenge to use my technical knowledge to support and encourage the team to do their utmost. I see iGEM as a great (networking) opportunity for students from every discipline to have a multidisciplinary collaboration and broaden their knowledge.
Looking forward to the World Championship Jamboree in Boston and see all the fascinating work again!

  • Esra Sahiner-Bekdas

  • Instructor