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Lisa Büller

Team Captain

Lisa Büller

Hi, I am Lisa Büller and I am a master student LST. As team captain, I am responsible for making sure everyone does their job and keep up the good moral of the team. I see iGEM as a great opportunity to challenge a big science related project while working with a motivated group of fellow students. I love to take on a good challenge and can be rather competitive, not only in iGEM but also on the hockey field.

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Kavish Kohabir

Secretary & Safety Officer

Kavish Kohabir

Hey there! My name is Kavish and I fulfilled this year’s secretary role, essentially keeping everything structured and organized for my team. I keep track of deadlines, events and all incoming correspondence. Furthermore, as Laboratory Safety Officer, I supervise laboratory safety issues involved in our project. So no eating in the lab, but who said something about no music, singing or dancing? This year I was involved in the science & wetlab team. Apart from being a humming musician in the lab, I enjoy playing flute and violin in my spare time. (You can always wake me up for food)

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Janine Nijenhuis

Finance Manager

Janine Nijenhuis

Hi! My name is Janine, and I’m now a second year LST Master. This year I’m responsible of the finances of the team, keeping track of all the money that we spend and get. Next to this, I’m also part of the team that helps to organize the EurAsian Meetup in China! When I’m doing neither of these, I’ll be responsible for growing our cultures and purifying our enzyme in the lab. Apart from iGEM, I’m also rowing and I’d like to get the same team spirit in our iGEM team as in my rowing team!

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Monique de Leeuw

Data Manager

Monique de Leeuw

Hi all, my name is Monique and I am this year’s data manager. I will be responsible for data collection, analysis and reporting. The end goal is to streamline data collection and insure that the appropriate data is flowing seamlessly to the modeling team. Another big component of data managing is quality control. I will be responsible for validating all protocols to ensure that we obtain robust, reliable and reproducible data. Other than being noise deep in data, I enjoy the outdoors. My favorite adventure has been rowing the Grand Canyon.

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Nicole Bennis

Lab Manager

Nicole Bennis

Hi reader! The Lab Manager of this year’s iGEM team is me! I will be organizing the iGEM laboratory and I am responsible for keeping the lab workable. Besides this, I will be involved with all the exciting synbio experiments. As we say: with great technology comes great responsibility, so you will probably find me in the lab working hard. In my spare time, you can find me sweating in the swimming pool gaining some other muscles than pipet fingers!

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Venda Mangkusaputra

Collaboration Manager

Venda Mangkusaputra

Hi all! I am Venda and I am a member of a great Science and Communication team! I am a project manager in a module of the wet-lab and it is my job to make sure that every aspect of that module will be a success! I am also organizing a really awesome Eurasian Meetup in Shenzhen, China, that an iGEM team would not want to miss! If you do not find me in the lab or the office, I would probably be on my yoga mat.

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Timmy Paez

Science Manager

Timmy Paez

Hello! I’m Timmy, this year’s Science Manager. I basically organize the main scientific modules so we can work more efficiently as a team. I’m really enjoying and learning a lot while working on iGEM, not only from a scientific, but also from a sponsorship and human practices point of view. I love challenges, especially because while working on them I get to know my teammates and learn from them. I consider myself to be a very loving and caring person, and hope this helps us succeed!

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Lisbeth Schmidtchen

Wiki Manager

Lisbeth Schmidtchen

What’s up y’all! My name is Lisbeth and for this year’s iGEM project I decided to learn some HTML and be responsible for the website and the wiki you are currently looking at. In contrast, I was also helping to organize the EurAsian meetup. I wanted to ensure that it was an unforgettable event for all participants. I think iGEM is the perfect opportunity to learn so many different important aspects for the future and your life in general, including team-building, commitment and discipline. I am in love with our awesome team and very grateful to be part of it!

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Alexander Armstrong

Modeling Manager

Alexander Armstrong

Hey all! I am Alexander Armstrong, MSc LST student, and this year’s modelling manager! Originally born in California, I have spent most of my life living around the world and now find myself in The Netherlands! As modelling manager, I manage and work with the rest of the dry lab team to develop and implement modelling modules for our project. Together, we have built a comprehensive model of gene doping, a gRNA search function, and a machine learning algorithm to classify DNA sequences. I was also part of the team that put in all the hard work that went into making the Eurasian Meetup awesome! When I’m not busy with iGEM, my hobbies include scuba diving and homebrewing. Cheers!

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Susan Bouwmeester

Sponsor Manager

Susan Bouwmeester

Hé, I am Susan Bouwmeester. It is my responsibility to get all the money we need for a successful project. I do this by reaching out to companies, institutes and by applying for funds. Next to this I talk about our project to a lot of people, to teach and to get information which we can integrate to improve the design. When I am not talking about our project, I like to talk about a lot of other stuff. Sometimes maybe a bit to much, which is why my productivity in our daily silent hours significantly improves.

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Gemma van der Voort

Communication Manager

Gemma van der Voort

Hi, I(‘m) Gem! Or Gemma, if you’d like to be formal. I’m the communication manager for the team, which means that I love talking to people and that I fill my days organizing our Eurasian meetup, together with my amazing team and the BGI college team in Shenzhen! I also like to spend time in the dry lab and on human practices, brainstorming, interviewing and coding our way to an even better project. Finally, I’m the go-to person when it comes to checking formal texts and emails, which enables me to stay in the loop with the whole of the project. Unofficially, I’m known as coach iGemma, because I organize our doping-free running practices, and scream at my friends in a motivational way.

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Jard Mattens

Human Practices Manager

Jard Mattens

Hi, I am Jard. As the only Nanobiologist and the only bachelor student in the team I am a true endangered species. In my role of Human Practices Manager, I coordinate stakeholder contacts, outreach as well as ethical and public safety integration during the whole project. On top of this I am passionate about my modelling part and lab work, as I want to learn as much as possible. In fact, iGEM for me was the main reason to come and study in Delft. But, work hard play hard! Next to iGEM I therefore enjoy playing the cello to stay in tune.

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Prof. Stan Brouns

Associate Professor

Principal Investigator of the Brouns Lab


Prof. Timon Idema

Associate Professor

Principal Investigator of the Idema Group


Dr. Zoë Robaey

Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoc at the Lotte Asveld Group


Dr. Teunke van Rossum

Science Manager

Science Manager of the Brouns Lab


Dr. Cristóbal Almendros Romero

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc at the Brouns Lab


Dr. Franklin Luzia de Nóbrega

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc at the Brouns Lab


Dr. Ana Rita Costa

Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoc at the Brouns Lab


Dr. David Foschepoth

Postdoctoal Researcher

Postdoc of the Danelon Lab


Dr. Louis Rees

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc of the Marileen Dogterom Lab


Sebastian Kieper


PhD candidate in the Brouns Lab


Esengül Yildirim


Technician at the Marileen Dogterom Lab