

{{iGEMParseDate(selected.pos + 1) + ' of ' + selected.month }}

March 2018
We presented our project idea to our Primary Investigators and Professors of our Faculties. During this time period we focused our brainstorming sessions on the enrichment of our project, we enlisted the materials needed for the laboratory work and we began to develop our experimental workflow.
June 2018

During our first weeks in the lab we received Safety and Security training by various members of the labs we worked in. We were taught proper lab practice, sterile techniques and physical biosecurity, along with proper waste disposal and emergency procedures. We were instructed on the function and usage of the various equipment in the lab like Biosafety Cabinets, centrifuges and more.

  • General Laboratory Procedures
  • Equipment Use
  • Emergency response procedures
  • Prevention and control of laboratory contaminations
  • Handling of hazardous reagents
  • Disposal of Buffers and Chemicals
Setting up the Lab This week we focused on gathering the material and equipment needed for our laboratory work. We prepared solutions, agar plates, Bacterial Growth Medium and a small batch of DH5a competent cells. We also resuspended the parts we needed from the iGEM 2018 distribution kit.
July 2018
Wet Lab-Dry Lab meetings focused on Human Practices
This week we continued setting up the lab and gathering the materials needed for our experiments. We, also, conducted the Interlaboratory Measurement Study.
The pThSSe_59, pThSSe_60 plasmids from Addgene and our first gBlocks arrived. We focused on cloning the Talesp1 and Talesp2 stabilized cassette in backbones with different ORIs and prepared the constructs for Flow Cytometry.
August 2018
We successfully removed the two illegal PStI sited inside the pTHSSe_59 and pTHSSe_60 plasmids.
We got our first results for the TAL Effector Stabilization system.
We focused on the design of our CRISPRi stabilization system.
This week we successfully cloned our Riboswitch Constructs and got our first Flow Cytometry data. We, also, successfully cloned our Theophylline Riboswitch in the Tale Stabilised cassette.
After a constructive wet-dry meeting we decided to go a step further and design a RNA level control system. Together with the dry lab we simulated different topologies and chose the one better suited for our system.
September 2018
This Week we started working on our AND Gate Constructs.
Our Interlaboratory Measurement Collab has started. We prepared and measured the samples to be sent to the other iGEM Teams.
The pAN-PTet-dCas9 plasmid arrived and we started working on our CRISRi stabilization system. The AND Gate gBlocks arrived.
We received our sequencing results
We conducted the flow cytometry measurements for our constructs and analyzed the results.
October 2018
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