function makekenburns($element) {
// we set the 'fx' class on the first image // when the page loads $element.find('img')[0].className = "fx";
// the third variable is to keep track of // where we are in the loop // if it is set to *1* (instead of 0) // it is because the first image is styled // when the page loads var images = $element.find('img'), numberOfImages = images.length, i = 1; if (numberOfImages == 1) { images[0].className = "singlefx"; } // this calls the kenBurns function every // 4 seconds. You can increase or decrease // this value to get different effects window.setInterval(kenBurns, 7000);
function kenBurns() { if (numberOfImages != 1) { if (i == numberOfImages) { i = 0; } images[i].className = "fx"; // we can't remove the class from the previous // element or we'd get a bouncing effect so we // clean up the one before last // (there must be a smarter way to do this though) if (i === 0) { images[numberOfImages - 2].className = ""; } if (i === 1) { images[numberOfImages - 1].className = ""; } if (i > 1) { images[i - 2].className = ""; } i++; } }
(function ($) {
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function () {
// Page Section DEFAULTS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$(".ct-mediaSection").each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $height = $this.attr("data-height");
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// Page Section BACKGROUND IMAGE // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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// Page Section BACKGROUND POSITION FOR iDevices // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( || device.ipad() || device.androidTablet() || device.isIE8) { $this.css('background-attachment', 'scroll'); // iOS SUCKS } }
// Page Section KENBURNS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if($this.attr('data-type')=="kenburns"){ var images = $this.find('.ct-mediaSection-kenburnsImageContainer img');
if (!( || device.ipad() || device.androidTablet())) { makekenburns($this.find('.ct-mediaSection-kenburnsImageContainer')); } else { images.each(function () { $(this).remove(); }) } }
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player.addEvent('ready', function () { player.api('setVolume', 0); player.api('seekTo', $time); }) } } } else { //THIS IS WHERE YOU CALL THE VIDEO ID AND AUTO PLAY IT. CHROME HAS SOME KIND OF ISSUE AUTOPLAYING HTML5 VIDEOS, SO THIS IS NEEDED document.getElementById('video1').play(); } if ($devicewidth < 992 || || device.ipad() || device.androidTablet()) { $this.find(".ct-mediaSection-video").css('display', 'none'); } }
// Page Section PARALLAX // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($().stellar && !device.isIE8) { if (! && !device.ipad() && !device.androidTablet()) { $(window).stellar({ horizontalScrolling: false, responsive: true, positionProperty: 'transform' }); } }
// Page Section PARALLAX // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$(".stellar-object").each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $bg = $this.attr("data-image"); var $height = $this.attr("data-height") + 'px'; var $width = $this.attr("data-width") + 'px'; var $top = $this.attr("data-top"); var $left = $this.attr("data-left");
$this.css('background-image', 'url("' + $bg + '")'); $this.css('width', $width); $this.css('height', $height); $this.css('top', $top); $this.css('left', $left); })