
  • Register the team, have a great summer, and plan to have fun at the Giant Jamboree.
                       SYSU-Software Team has already registered in 2018 iGEM, all members work hard for the project and are well prepared for the incoming Giant Jamboree.
  • Convince the judges that you have completed the following Competition Deliverables from this page
    • We've created a Team Wiki with beautiful design and web programming.
    • Team Poster has already been printed, check it on Giant Jamboree.
    • Team Presentation was well prepared, check it on Giant Jamboree.
    • Judging form has been filled.
  • Convince the judges that you have completed Competition Deliverable #5 Attributions from this page
                       The attribution of different parts in our project is well demonstrated and the acknowledgement of help from others is also listed on the <a href="javascript:void(0)" goto="A-Overview"> ATTRIBUTION page.</a>
  • Document at least one new substantial contribution to the iGEM community that showcases a project related to BioBricks. This contribution should be central to your project and equivalent in difficulty to making and submitting a BioBrick part.
                       Our project realizes the visualization of circuit design, and one of the core features is its support for Biobricks, which are standardized and widely used in synbio. After users specifying the type, inputing the key of Biobricks, the search engine will intelligently return the potentially desirable results in seconds. CO-RAD is able to provide the basic information of each Biobrick, including its type, description, safety level, etc., which are all formated in SBOL standard.