Difference between revisions of "Team:Tongji-Software"

Line 1: Line 1:
Laro.register('JxHome', function (La) {
<!doctype html>
var pkg = this;
<html lang="en" class="fullHeight">
var bugBalls;
this.initStage = function () {
<meta charset="UTF-8">
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sidebar.css">
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
<body class="fullHeight">
this.canvas = canvas;
this.stage = new CVS.$stage(canvas);
this.ctx = this.stage.ctx;
this.vpx = canvas.width/2;
this.vpy = canvas.height/2;
this.normalN = 100;
this.normalBalls = [];
this.angleX = 0.001;
this.angleY = 0.001;
this.zstep = 1;
this.zflag = 1;
this.range = function (a, b)
        return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a) + a);
this.tween = function (ball, t)
if (!ball.end)
var _x = ball.xpos, _y = ball.ypos, _z = ball.zpos;
var _t = (+new Date) - ball.startAnimTime;
ball.xpos = ball.f_xpos + (ball.t_xpos - ball.f_xpos)*Math.sin(Math.PI*_t/(2*t));
ball.ypos = ball.f_ypos + (ball.t_ypos - ball.f_ypos)*Math.sin(Math.PI*_t/(2*t));
ball.zpos = ball.f_zpos + (ball.t_zpos - ball.f_zpos)*Math.sin(Math.PI*_t/(2*t));
if (_t >= t)
ball.end = true;
this.addNormalBalls = function (n)
var vpx = this.vpx, vpy = this.vpy, range = this.range, stage = this.stage,
_this = this;
if (n) {
this.normalN = n;
for (var i=0; i< this.normalN; i++) {
var ball = CVS.createPoint3D(this.stage.ctx, function () {
                var color = 'rgb('+range(200, 255)+', '+range(40, 255)+', '+range(80, 180)+')';
this.xpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
this.ypos = range(-vpy, vpy);
this.zpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
this.width = range(8, 15);
this.w = this.width;
.move_right {
this.draw = function () {
-webkit-animation-name : move_right;  
animation-name : move_right;  
this.ctx.arc(0, 0, this.width/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
-webkit-animation-duration : 1s;
animation-duration : 1s;
                    this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
-webkit-animation-iteration-count : 1;
animation-iteration-count : 1;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode : forwards;
animation-fill-mode : forwards;
ball.type = 'normal';
ball.setVanishPoint(vpx, vpy);
.move_left {  
ball.setCenterPoint(0, 0, 0);
-webkit-animation-name : move_left;  
animation-name : move_left;  
-webkit-animation-duration : 1s;  
animation-duration : 1s;  
-webkit-animation-iteration-count : 1;
animation-iteration-count : 1;
this.updateBalls = function (dt, name)  
-webkit-animation-fill-mode : forwards;  
animation-fill-mode : forwards;
var balls = this.particleHash[name];
.move_up {
-webkit-animation-name : move_up;  
animation-name : move_up;  
this._updateBalls = function (dt,balls)  
-webkit-animation-duration : 1s;  
animation-duration : 1s;
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i ++) {
-webkit-animation-iteration-count : 1;
var ball = balls[i];
animation-iteration-count : 1;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode : forwards;
ball.zpos += JxHome.zstep;
animation-fill-mode : forwards;
.fadeIn {
-webkit-transform : translateX(120px);  
transform : translateX(120px);  
opacity: 1;
.fadeInUp {
-webkit-transform : translateY(-250px);
transform : translateY(-250px);
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transition :-webkit-transform .2s ease-out,opacity .2s ease-out;  
transition :transform .2s ease-out, opacity .2s ease-out;  
.fadeOutLeft {
-webkit-transform : translateX(-120px);
transform : translateX(-120px);  
opacity: 0.0;  
-webkit-transition :-webkit-transform .2s ease-out,opacity .2s ease-out;  
transition :transform .2s ease-out, opacity .2s ease-out;  
var scale = ball.getScale(),
pos = ball.getScreenXY();
ball.width = Math.max(10*scale, 2);
ball.x = pos.x;
ball.y = pos.y;
this.pushBalls = function (name)
var balls = this.particleHash[name];
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i ++) {
var ball = balls[i];
ball.end = false;
ball.width = ball.logoPos.width;
ball.color = 'rgb('+ball.logoPos.r+', '+ball.logoPos.g+', '+ball.logoPos.b+')';
ball.startAnimTime = (+ new Date);
this.bindStage = function () {
var _this = this;
this.stage.addEventListener('mousemove', function (x, y) {
_this.angleY = (x - _this.vpx) * .00001;
            _this.angleX = (y - _this.vpy) * .00001;
this.initParticles = function ()
this.qqParticles = this.getParticles('youtext',47,11);
this.jxParticles = this.getParticles('designIco',29,5);
this.qplusParticles = this.getParticles('h5ico',28,5);
this.atParticles = this.getParticles('cs3',21,5);
this.particleHash =
'normal': this.normalBalls,
'youtext': this.qqParticles,
'designIco': this.jxParticles,
'h5ico': this.qplusParticles,
'cs3': this.atParticles
this.getParticles = function (id, w, h, z)
if (z == undefined) { z = 0; }
var image = document.getElementById(id);
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, w, h, Math.round(this.canvas.width/2-w/2), Math.round(this.canvas.height/2-h/2), w, h);
var imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(Math.round(this.canvas.width/2-w/2), Math.round(this.canvas.height/2-h/2), w, h);
var ret = [];
for (var x = 0; x < imageData.width; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < imageData.height; y++)
var i = 4*(y * imageData.width + x);
                if (imageData.data[i + 3] > 128)
var r = imageData.data[i],
g = imageData.data[i + 1],
b = imageData.data[i + 2];
ret.push(new JxHome.Particle(this.stage, this.canvas, id, w, h, x, y, z, r, g, b));
return ret;
this.init = function ()
Laro.register('JxHome', function (La) {
<div class='sidebar fullHeight'>sidebar</div>
var pkg = this,
<div class="controller">
range = JxHome.range,
vpx = JxHome.vpx,
<button onclick="fadeIn()">淡进</button>
vpy = JxHome.vpy;
<button onclick="fadeOut()">淡出</button>
this.Particle = function (stage, canvas, id, w, h, x, y, z, r, g, b) {
this.canvas = canvas;
<button onclick="fadeInUp()">向上淡进</button>
<button onclick="fadeOutLeft()">向左淡出</button>
var vpx = canvas.width/2,
vpy = canvas.height/2;
<script src="sidebarEffects.js"></script>
var ball =  CVS.createPoint3D(stage.ctx, function ()
var color = 'rgb('+ range(200, 255) +', '+ range(200, 255) +', '+ range(200, 255) +')';
var a = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();
            var b = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();
var r = range(vpx, vpy);
this.xpos = Math.sin(a) * Math.sin(b) * r;
this.ypos = Math.cos(a) * Math.sin(b) * r;
this.zpos = -Math.abs(Math.cos(b) * r);
this.width = range(3, 15);
this.color = color;
this.draw = function ()
this.ctx.arc(0, 0, this.width/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
                    this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ball.logoPos =
x: (x-w/2)*11,
y: (y-h/2)*11,
z: Math.round((1100-this.canvas.width)/5),
width: 10,
r: r,
g: g,
b: b
ball.f_xpos = ball.xpos;
ball.f_ypos = ball.ypos;
ball.f_zpos = ball.zpos;
ball.t_xpos = ball.logoPos.x;
ball.t_ypos = ball.logoPos.y;
ball.t_zpos = ball.logoPos.z;
ball.startAnimTime = (+new Date);
ball.end = true;
ball.type = id;
ball.setVanishPoint(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);
ball.setCenterPoint(0, 0, z);
ball.moveX = 1 - Math.random()*2;
return ball;
Laro.register('JxHome.$states', function (La) {
var pkg = this;
this.No = La.BaseState.extend(function () {
enter: function (msg, fromState)
this._t = 0;
leave: function ()
update: function (dt) {
this._t += dt;
JxHome.updateBalls(dt, 'normal');
transition: function () {
if (this._t > 2) {
draw: function () {
this.QQ = La.BaseState.extend(function () {
enter: function (msg, fromState)
this.push = false;
this._t = 0;
this.explosion = false;
leave: function ()
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.stage.children.length; i++)
var ball = JxHome.stage.children[i];
//ball.type == 'cs3' 在循环时清除最后一组粒子,非常重要!!!!
if (ball.type == 'normal' || ball.type == 'cs3' )
JxHome.stage.children.splice(i, 1);
i --;
update: function (dt)
this._t += dt;
JxHome.updateBalls(dt, 'normal');
if(JxHome.bugBalls)JxHome._updateBalls(dt, JxHome.bugBalls);
if (this._t > 2 && !this.push)
this.push = true;
if (this.push)
    for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.qqParticles.length; i ++)
    var ball = (JxHome.qqParticles[i]);
    JxHome.tween(ball, 1000);
    ball.zpos += JxHome.zstep;
    var scale = ball.getScale(),
    pos = ball.getScreenXY();
    ball.width = Math.max(10*scale, 2);
    ball.x = pos.x;
    ball.y = pos.y;
transition: function ()
var range = JxHome.range,
vpx = JxHome.vpx,
vpy = JxHome.vpy;
if (this._t > 5 && !this.explosion)
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.qqParticles.length; i ++)
var ball = JxHome.qqParticles[i];
ball.f_xpos = ball.xpos;
ball.f_ypos = ball.ypos;
ball.f_zpos = ball.zpos;
ball.t_xpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.t_ypos = range(-vpy, vpy);
ball.t_zpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.end = false;
ball.width = range(8, 15);
ball.startAnimTime = (+ new Date);
this.explosion = true;
this.explosionT = (+new Date);
if (this.explosion && (+new Date) - this.explosionT >= 1000) {
draw: function () {
this.Jx = La.BaseState.extend(function () {
enter: function (msg, fromState) {
this.push = false;
this._t = 0;
var sidebarEl = document.querySelector(".sidebar");  
this.explosion = false;
function fadeIn (e) {  
sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight';  
leave: function () {
sidebarEl.style.top = '0px';  
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.stage.children.length; i ++) {
sidebarEl.style.left = '0px';  
var ball = JxHome.stage.children[i];
if (ball.type == 'youtext') {
JxHome.stage.children.splice(i, 1);
function fadeOut (e) {  
i --;
sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight';
sidebarEl.style.left = '120px';  
update: function (dt) {
function fadeInUp(e) {  
this._t += dt;
sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight';  
JxHome.updateBalls(dt, 'youtext');
sidebarEl.style.top = '250px';
sidebarEl.style.left = '120px';  
if (this._t > 2 && !this.push) {
this.push = true;
function fadeOutLeft(e) {  
sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight';  
if (this.push) {
sidebarEl.style.top = '0px';  
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.jxParticles.length; i ++)
sidebarEl.style.left = '120px';  
var ball = (JxHome.jxParticles[i]);
JxHome.tween(ball, 1000);
ball.zpos += JxHome.zstep;
var scale = ball.getScale(),
pos = ball.getScreenXY();
ball.width = Math.max(10*scale, 2);
ball.x = pos.x;
ball.y = pos.y;
// explosion
transition: function ()  
var range = JxHome.range,
vpx = JxHome.vpx,
vpy = JxHome.vpy;
if (this._t > 5 && !this.explosion) {
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.jxParticles.length; i ++) {
var ball = JxHome.jxParticles[i];
ball.f_xpos = ball.xpos;
ball.f_ypos = ball.ypos;
ball.f_zpos = ball.zpos;
ball.t_xpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.t_ypos = range(-vpy, vpy);
ball.t_zpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.end = false;
ball.width = range(8, 15);
ball.startAnimTime = (+ new Date);
this.explosion = true;
this.explosionT = (+new Date);
if (this.explosion && (+new Date) - this.explosionT >= 1000) {
draw: function () {
this.QPlus = La.BaseState.extend(function () {
enter: function (msg, fromState) {
this.push = false;
this._t = 0;
this.explosion = false;
leave: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.stage.children.length; i ++) {
var ball = JxHome.stage.children[i];
if (ball.type == 'designIco') {
JxHome.stage.children.splice(i, 1);
i --;
update: function (dt) {
this._t += dt;
JxHome.updateBalls(dt, 'designIco');
if (this._t > 2 && !this.push) {
this.push = true;
if (this.push) {
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.qplusParticles.length; i ++)
var ball = (JxHome.qplusParticles[i]);
JxHome.tween(ball, 1000);
ball.zpos += JxHome.zstep;
var scale = ball.getScale(),
pos = ball.getScreenXY();
ball.width = Math.max(10*scale, 2);
ball.x = pos.x;
ball.y = pos.y;
transition: function () {
var range = JxHome.range,
vpx = JxHome.vpx,
vpy = JxHome.vpy;
if (this._t > 5 && !this.explosion) {
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.qplusParticles.length; i ++) {
var ball = JxHome.qplusParticles[i];
ball.f_xpos = ball.xpos;
ball.f_ypos = ball.ypos;
ball.f_zpos = ball.zpos;
ball.t_xpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.t_ypos = range(-vpy, vpy);
ball.t_zpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.end = false;
ball.width = range(8, 15);
ball.startAnimTime = (+ new Date);
this.explosion = true;
this.explosionT = (+new Date);
if (this.explosion && (+new Date) - this.explosionT >= 1000) {
draw: function () {
this.AT = La.BaseState.extend(function () {
enter: function (msg, fromState)
this.push = false;
this._t = 0;
this.explosion = false;
leave: function ()
    for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.stage.children.length; i ++) {
var ball = JxHome.stage.children[i];
if (ball.type == 'h5ico')
JxHome.stage.children.splice(i, 1);
i --;
update: function (dt)
this._t += dt;
JxHome.updateBalls(dt, 'h5ico');
if (this._t > 2 && !this.push)
this.push = true;
if (this.push)
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.atParticles.length; i ++)
var ball = (JxHome.atParticles[i]);
JxHome.tween(ball, 1000);
ball.zpos += JxHome.zstep;
var scale = ball.getScale(),
pos = ball.getScreenXY();
ball.width = Math.max(10*scale, 2);
ball.x = pos.x;
ball.y = pos.y;
transition: function()  
var range = JxHome.range,
vpx = JxHome.vpx,
vpy = JxHome.vpy;
if(this._t > 5 && !this.explosion)
for (var i = 0; i < JxHome.atParticles.length; i ++)
var ball = JxHome.atParticles[i];
ball.f_xpos = ball.xpos;
ball.f_ypos = ball.ypos;
ball.f_zpos = ball.zpos;
ball.t_xpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.t_ypos = range(-vpy, vpy);
ball.t_zpos = range(-vpx, vpx);
ball.end = false;
ball.width = range(8, 15);
ball.startAnimTime = (+ new Date);
this.explosion = true;
this.explosionT = (+new Date);
if (this.explosion && (+new Date) - this.explosionT >= 1000)
if (this._t > 7)
JxHome.bugBalls = JxHome.particleHash['cs3'];
draw: function () {
Laro.register('JxHome.$fsm', function (La)
var pkg = this;
this.init = function ()
this.$ = new La.AppFSM(this, this.statesList);
this.getStatesList = function ()
this.statesList = [
0, JxHome.$states.No,
1, JxHome.$states.QQ,
2, JxHome.$states.Jx,
3, JxHome.$states.QPlus,
4, JxHome.$states.AT
this.setState = function (state, msg, suspendCurrent)
this.$.setState(state, msg, suspendCurrent);
Laro.register('JxHome.$loop', function (La)  
var pkg = this;
this.init = function () {
this.$ = new La.Loop(this.looper, this);
this.looper = function (dt)
this.update = function (dt) {
if (JxHome.zstep > 2 || JxHome.zstep < -2)
JxHome.zflag *= -1;
JxHome.zstep += JxHome.zflag*0.01;
this.draw = function ()
JxHome.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, JxHome.canvas.width, JxHome.canvas.height);
window.onload = function ()
$(window).resize(function() {
window.location.href = "index.html";

Revision as of 13:54, 4 October 2018

<!doctype html> demo

<script> var sidebarEl = document.querySelector(".sidebar"); function fadeIn (e) { sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight'; sidebarEl.style.top = '0px'; sidebarEl.style.left = '0px'; sidebarEl.classList.add('move_right'); } function fadeOut (e) { sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight'; sidebarEl.style.left = '120px'; sidebarEl.classList.add('move_left'); } function fadeInUp(e) { sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight'; sidebarEl.style.top = '250px'; sidebarEl.style.left = '120px'; sidebarEl.classList.add('move_up'); } function fadeOutLeft(e) { sidebarEl.className = 'sidebar fullHeight'; sidebarEl.style.top = '0px'; sidebarEl.style.left = '120px'; sidebarEl.classList.add('move_left'); } </script>