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                    HBUT iGEM 2018
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                    Wuhan China
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                        About US
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                                This year's iGEM team decided to continue the work started by last year's team with the Nickel Hunter project; a biological device to detect nickel ions in the environment. Two shortcomings of the previous design were a small measurement range, and low precision. This year we added the nickel ions channel protein NikABCDE gene to the original gene element allowing the ions to enter the cell more smoothly, which has improved both of these issues. We also replaced the RFP gene with the luciferase LuxCDABE gene. The reporter gene emits bioluminescence in response to nickel ions which further enhances our measurement precision. It also provided the opportunity to develop a biosensing instrument for real-time nickel ions detection. Our changes improved sensitivity and range, as well as provided an opportunity for a new method of nickel ions detection.
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                    <p class="disperse"> The pollution of nickel ion is a very serious environmental problem in China. This kind of pollution
                        is different from that of other organic compounds. Nickel ions are a common pollutant, and do not
                        easily degrade in the environment. To solve this problem, this year we integrated protein genes (which
                        are capable of absorbing nickel ions) into the chromosomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, so that the
                        nickel ions in the environment can be accumulated in the vacuoles of these yeast cells, thus reducing
                        nickel ion concentrations in the environment. Secondly, we integrated the system of the E. coli itself
                        with the original nickel ion detection bioaccumulation block, and created a brand new system. By
                        increasing the signal to noise ratio of the system via the nickel ion channel protein, the accuracy
                        of the detection is improved. The new fluorescein protein we used this time can light itself without
                        the need of an external light source. We also plan to link the E. coli detection system to an APP
                        using the transmission of electrical signals, so as to achieve real-time detection.
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Revision as of 15:34, 14 October 2018

HBUT iGEM 2018

Wuhan China

About US

This year's iGEM team decided to continue the work started by last year's team with the Nickel Hunter project; a biological device to detect nickel ions in the environment. Two shortcomings of the previous design were a small measurement range, and low precision. This year we added the nickel ions channel protein NikABCDE gene to the original gene element allowing the ions to enter the cell more smoothly, which has improved both of these issues. We also replaced the RFP gene with the luciferase LuxCDABE gene. The reporter gene emits bioluminescence in response to nickel ions which further enhances our measurement precision. It also provided the opportunity to develop a biosensing instrument for real-time nickel ions detection. Our changes improved sensitivity and range, as well as provided an opportunity for a new method of nickel ions detection.