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− | background-color: #DCDCDC !important;
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− | transition:all .25s ease
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− |
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− |
| |
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− | background:#363636;
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− |
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− | #cssmenu ul ul ul li.active a {
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| |
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| |
− |
| |
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− |
| |
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| |
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− | top: 12px;
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− |
| |
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− | background-color: #1B4900 !important;
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− |
| |
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− | left: 171px !important;
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− |
| |
− |
| |
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− |
| |
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− |
| |
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− | width:100%;
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− | font-family: 'objektiv-mk1';
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− | right: 7px;
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− |
| |
− | /*h4 {
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− | display: block;
| |
− | }*/
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− |
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− |
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| |
− | width:100%;
| |
− | display:none;
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− |
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− |
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| |
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| |
− |
| |
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| |
− | background:#1B4900;
| |
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− |
| |
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− |
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| |
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− |
| |
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− | float:none;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
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| |
− | padding-left:25px
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu ul ul li {
| |
− | background:#DCDCDC!important;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu li a:hover {
| |
− | color: #fff !important;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
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− | color: #fff !important;
| |
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| |
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− |
| |
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| |
− |
| |
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| |
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− |
| |
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− |
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| |
− |
| |
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− | padding:23px;
| |
− | color:#ddd;
| |
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| |
− |
| |
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| |
− | width:55px;
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− | height:46px;
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− | right:0;
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| |
− |
| |
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− | height:8px;
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− | width:20px;
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− | border-bottom:2px solid #363636;
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− | content:''
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | .button-custom:before {
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− | transition:all .3s ease;
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− | top:16px;
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− | right:20px;
| |
− | display:block;
| |
− | height:2px;
| |
− | width:20px;
| |
− | background:#363636;
| |
− | content:''
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .button-custom.menu-opened:after {
| |
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− | -ms-transition:all .3s ease;
| |
− | transition:all .3s ease;
| |
− | top:23px;
| |
− | border:0;height:2px;
| |
− | width:19px;
| |
− | background:#363636;
| |
− | -webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);
| |
− | -moz-transform:rotate(45deg);
| |
− | -ms-transform:rotate(45deg);
| |
− | -o-transform:rotate(45deg);
| |
− | transform:rotate(45deg)
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .button-custom.menu-opened:before {
| |
− | top:23px;
| |
− | background:#363636;
| |
− | width:19px;
| |
− | -webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);
| |
− | -moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);
| |
− | -ms-transform:rotate(-45deg);
| |
− | -o-transform:rotate(-45deg);
| |
− | transform:rotate(-45deg)
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu .submenu-button-custom {
| |
− | position:absolute;
| |
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| |
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| |
− | top:0;
| |
− | display:block;
| |
− | border-left:1px solid #444;
| |
− | height:42px;
| |
− | width:46px;
| |
− | cursor:pointer
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu .submenu-button-custom.submenu-opened {
| |
− |
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu ul ul .submenu-button-custom {
| |
− | height:28px;
| |
− | width:34px
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu .submenu-button-custom:after {
| |
− | position:absolute;
| |
− | top:22px;
| |
− | right:19px;
| |
− | width:8px;
| |
− | height:2px;
| |
− | display:block;
| |
− | background:#363636;
| |
− | content:''
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu ul ul .submenu-button-custom:after {
| |
− | top:15px;
| |
− | right:13px
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu .submenu-button-custom.submenu-opened:after {
| |
− | background:#fff
| |
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| |
− |
| |
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| |
− | position:absolute;
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− | right:22px;
| |
− | display:block;
| |
− | width:2px;
| |
− | height:8px;
| |
− | background:#363636;
| |
− | content:''
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu ul ul .submenu-button-custom:before {
| |
− | top:12px;
| |
− | right:16px
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu .submenu-button-custom.submenu-opened:before {
| |
− | display:none
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu ul ul ul li.active a {
| |
− | border-left:none
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #cssmenu > ul > li.has-sub > ul > li.active > a,#cssmenu > ul ul > li.has-sub > ul > li.active > a {
| |
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| |
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| |
− |
| |
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| |
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− | <header>
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− | <nav id="top-nav">
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− | <a href="index.html">Home</a>
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− | <a href="team.html">Team</a>
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− | <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
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− | <div class="dropdown-content">
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− | <div><a href="experiments.html">Team Members</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="notebook.html">Collaborations</a></div>
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− | </div>
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− | <a href="project.html">Project</a>
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− | <div><a href="description.html">Description</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="design.html">Design</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="parts.html">Experiments</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="html/notebook.html">Notebook</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="interlab.html">Interlab</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="model.html">Model</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="results.html">Results</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="demonstrate.html">Demonstrate</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="improve.html">Improve</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="attributions.html">Attributions</a></div>
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− | </div>
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− |
| |
− | <li class="dropdown">
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− | <div><a href="parts_overview.html">Parts Overview</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="composite_parts.html">Composite Parts</a></div>
| |
− | <div><a href="part_collection.html">Part Collection</a></div>
| |
− | </div>
| |
− | </li>
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− |
| |
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− | <a href="safety.html">Safety</a>
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− | </li>
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− |
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− | <a href="html/human.html">Human Practices</a>
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− | <div><a href="human.html">Human Practices</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="education.html">Education and Engagement</a></div>
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− | </div>
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− | </li>
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− |
| |
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− | <a href="html/awards.html">Awards</a>
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− | <div><a href="applied_design.html">Applied Design</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="entrepreneurship.html">Entrepreneurship</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="hardware.html">Hardware</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="model.html">Model</a></div>
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− | <div><a href="plant.html">Plant</a></div>
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− | </header>
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− | html, body {
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− | .proj-button-desc {
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− | background: transparent;
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− | transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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− | -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
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− | .proj-button:hover .proj-button-image {
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− | .proj-button:hover .proj-button-desc {
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− | font-weight: 600 !important;
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− | padding: 16px 32px;
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− | .titlebox {
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− | p {
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| |
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− | position: absolute;
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− | transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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| |
− | h1 {
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− | h2 {
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| |
− | .text-container {
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− | /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
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− | display: inline-block;
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− | width: 60%;
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− | height: auto;
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− | transition: .5s ease;
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− | backface-visibility: hidden;
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− |
| |
− | .proj-button-desc {
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− | position: absolute;
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− | left: 50%;
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− | transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
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− | -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
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− | /*styles consistent across header, and meet the team below:*/
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− | #globalWrapper {
| |
− | padding:0;
| |
− | /*margin-bottom: -40px;*/
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− | padding-top: 60px
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− | .text-center {
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− | padding-top: 50px;
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− | width: 100%
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− | .hl_1 {
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− | color: green;
| |
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− | .page{
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− | /*p {
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− | margin: 0px !important;
| |
− | font-weight: 300 !important;
| |
− | line-height: 30px;
| |
− | font-size: 120%;
| |
− | font-family: "Objektiv-mk1" !important;
| |
− | }*/
| |
− | .persondesc {
| |
− | font-weight: 300;
| |
− | line-height: 30px;
| |
− | font-size: 105%
| |
− | }
| |
− | .pad-row {
| |
− | padding-top: 40px;
| |
− | padding-bottom: 40px
| |
− | }
| |
− | .pad-bottom {
| |
− | padding-bottom: 50px
| |
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− | background: #333;
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− | transition: all .2s ease
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− | top: 68px;
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− |
| |
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| |
− | .navsub ul li, .nhs ul li {
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− | .navsub ul li a, .nhs ul li a {
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− | color: white;
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− | text-decoration: none
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− |
| |
− | .nav > li > .navsub {
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− | visibility: hidden;
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− | transition: visibility 1.26s linear 0s, opacity 0.9s linear 0.36s, z-index 1.26s;
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− | z-index:10;
| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | .nav > li:hover > .navsub, .nhs {
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− | visibility:visible;
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− | opacity:1;
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− | transition:visibility 0s linear 0s,opacity 0s linear;
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− | transition-delay:0s;
| |
− | z-index: 100;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .nhs {
| |
− | z-index:1
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .nhs:hover {
| |
− | z-index:100
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .navbar {
| |
− | -webkit-transition: background .8s ease-out, padding .8s ease-out;
| |
− | -moz-transition: background .8s ease-out, padding .8s ease-out;
| |
− | transition: background .8s ease-out, padding .8s ease-out
| |
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| |
− | .navbar-pad-original {
| |
− | padding: 0
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | small {
| |
− | font-size: 15px;
| |
− | padding-left: 10px
| |
− | }
| |
− | #footer-sec {
| |
− | background-color: #000;
| |
− | margin-left: -1px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: -10px;
| |
− | color: gray
| |
− | }
| |
− | #footer-sec h4 {
| |
− | text-transform: uppercase;
| |
− | color: #fff
| |
− | }
| |
− | section {
| |
− | padding: 0;
| |
− | margin: 0;
| |
− | border: 0
| |
− | }
| |
− | .cam-container {
| |
− | height: auto;
| |
− | margin: 0;
| |
− | padding: 0px;
| |
− | background-color: #fff;
| |
− | font-size: 13.6px;
| |
− | min-width: 300px;
| |
− | -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | #content {
| |
− | padding:0;
| |
− | /*margin-bottom: -50px;*/
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | /*@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
| |
− | .cam-container {
| |
− | background-color: #000
| |
− | }
| |
− | }*/
| |
− |
| |
− | .cam-container section:first-of-type {
| |
− | margin-top: 50px;
| |
− | padding-top: 50px
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .slide,
| |
− | .slide-team,
| |
− | .slide-bare {
| |
− | background-repeat: no-repeat;
| |
− | background-position: center;
| |
− | background-size: 100% auto;
| |
− | color: white;
| |
− | max-width: 1200px;
| |
− | margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
| |
− | padding: 20px 0px;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .ss {
| |
− | padding: 20px 10px;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .slide,
| |
− | .slide-team {
| |
− | min-height: 600px
| |
− | }
| |
− | .slide-team {
| |
− |
| |
− | display: block
| |
− | }
| |
− | .team {
| |
− | max-width: 1170px;
| |
− | min-width: 300px;
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .teamen {
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face {
| |
− | white-space: normal;
| |
− | width: 220px;
| |
− | height: 280px;
| |
− | background-repeat: no-repeat;
| |
− | background-position: center;
| |
− | background-size: auto 100%;
| |
− | position: relative;
| |
− | display: inline-block;
| |
− | margin-top: 12px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 12px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face .profile,
| |
− | .face .blur {
| |
− | width: 100%;
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− | height: 100%;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | overflow: hidden;
| |
− | top: 0;
| |
− | left: 0
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face .profile {
| |
− | opacity: 0;
| |
− | padding: 0px;
| |
− | color: #fff
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face .profile h3 {
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | margin: 0px 0
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face .profile p {
| |
− | line-height: normal
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face:hover .profile, .profilehovered {
| |
− | opacity: 1;
| |
− | background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
| |
− | cursor: pointer;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face:hover .blur, .facehovered {
| |
− | background: inherit;
| |
− | filter: blur(10px);
| |
− | -webkit-filter: blur(10px)
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .person-name {
| |
− | font-family: 'Objektiv-mk1';
| |
− | font-weight: 300;
| |
− | opacity: 0;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | @media (max-width: 768px) {
| |
− | .person-name {
| |
− | opacity: 1;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | top: -42px;
| |
− | width: inherit;
| |
− | height: auto;
| |
− | background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
| |
− | }
| |
− | .face:hover .profile, .profilehovered {
| |
− | opacity: 0;
| |
− | background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
| |
− | cursor: pointer;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | @media (max-width: 420px) {
| |
− | .person-name {
| |
− | opacity: 1;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | top: -42px;
| |
− | width: inherit;
| |
− | height: auto;
| |
− | background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | }
| |
− |
| |
− | .facen {
| |
− | width: 250px;
| |
− | height: 260px;
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