Difference between revisions of "Team:Austin LASA/Team"
Revision as of 23:21, 14 October 2018
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Revision as of 23:21, 14 October 2018
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Revision as of 23:21, 14 October 2018
h(g.Page, {title: 'Team Members', prev: 'prev', next: 'next', selector: [2, 0]}, h('div', {className: 'member'}, h('img', {src: 'https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/f/f5/T--Austin_LASA--boi.png'}, null), h('div', null, h('h3', null, 'Anna Tutuianu (Student Leader)'), h('p', null, 'Anna Tutuianu is a senior at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. Anna has been leading the LASA iGEM team since the end of her freshman year of high school and, as a result, has developed a deep passion for innovation in the applied sciences. She is the core organizer of the LASA iGEM team but gave up on keeping the lab bench organized a long time ago. Outside of iGEM and school, Anna enjoys bullet journaling, doing yoga, researching sustainable living, and reading bizarre novels.') ) ), h('div', {className: 'member'}, h('img', {src: 'https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/f/f5/T--Austin_LASA--boi.png'}, null), h('div', null, h('h3', null, 'Shreya Gupta (Student Leader)'), h('p', null, 'Shreya Gupta is a senior at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. She joined the iGEM team because she enjoys combining problem solving with elements of biology to solve a problem. In the future, Shreya wishes to go into the medical field. Alongside iGEM, she is a member of an FRC robotics team and enjoys watching crime shows.') ) ), );