Line 21: |
Line 21: |
| <!-- init 2018-10-16 --> | | <!-- init 2018-10-16 --> |
| <script src="https://2018.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Fudan/createjs20151126.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script> | | <script src="https://2018.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Fudan/createjs20151126.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script> |
− | <script> | + | <script src="https://2018.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Fudan/mainpageDraw.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script> |
− | (function (cjs, an) {
| + | <!-- init 2018-10-16 --> |
− | var p; // shortcut to reference prototypes
| + | |
− | var lib={};var ss={};var img={};
| + | |
− | lib.ssMetadata = [];
| + | |
− | // symbols:
| + | |
− | // helper functions:
| + | |
− | function mc_symbol_clone() {
| + | |
− | var clone = this._cloneProps(new this.constructor(this.mode, this.startPosition, this.loop));
| + | |
− | clone.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame);
| + | |
− | clone.paused = this.paused;
| + | |
− | clone.framerate = this.framerate;
| + | |
− | return clone;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | function getMCSymbolPrototype(symbol, nominalBounds, frameBounds) {
| + | |
− | var prototype = cjs.extend(symbol, cjs.MovieClip);
| + | |
− | prototype.clone = mc_symbol_clone;
| + | |
− | prototype.nominalBounds = nominalBounds;
| + | |
− | prototype.frameBounds = frameBounds;
| + | |
− | return prototype;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | (lib.Yellowai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#F5CD20").s().p("Ai/ObIvnjpIfP5UIFlLOQApBagaBgQgaBfhQA6IwRLvQgwAjg7AMQgcAGgcAAQgfAAgfgIg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(119.1,93.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,238.2,186.1);
| + | |
− | (lib.Yellow副本ai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#F7F8F8").s().p("Ai/ObIvnjpIfP5UIFlLOQApBagaBgQgaBfhQA6IwRLvQgwAjg7AMQgcAGgcAAQgfAAgfgIg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(119.1,93.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,238.2,186.1);
| + | |
− | (lib.N = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#3B3B3B").s().p("ABQE5IiDk4Ig2iHIgEAAQAFAzAIA8QAIA6AAA4IAADeIiIAAIAApxICQAAICEE4IA2CIIADAAQgEgxgIg+QgIg8AAg3IAAjeICIAAIAAJxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(-0.1,2.9);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-30.9,-62.3,61.8,124.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.L = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#3B3B3B").s().p("AjRE5IAApxICOAAIAAH6IEVAAIAAB3g");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(2.3,2.9);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-30.9,-62.3,61.8,124.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.E = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#3B3B3B").s().p("AjSE5IAApxIGbAAIAAB3IkOAAIAAB+IDlAAIAAB1IjlAAIAACQIEYAAIAAB3g");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(3.6,-1.5);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-28.5,-66.6,61.8,124.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.B = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(1.9,2.9);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-30.9,-62.3,61.8,124.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.A = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#3B3B3B").s().p("ACCE5IgmiVIi7AAIgnCVIiQAAIDDpxICoAAIDCJxgAgchmIgYBjIgPA5ICDAAIgPg5QgMgugNg1IgYhnIgEAAIgYBng");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(-0.1,2.9);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-30.9,-62.3,61.8,124.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.Textai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(282.2,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(270.2,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_2 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.setTransform(259.6,8.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_3 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.setTransform(251.4,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_4 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.setTransform(239.5,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_5 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.setTransform(224,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_6 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_6.setTransform(208.8,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_7 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_7.setTransform(187.9,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_8 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_8.setTransform(174.7,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_9 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AgGAtIgjhZIARAAIATA1IAFASIAZhHIAQAAIgiBZg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.setTransform(162.1,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_10 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_10.setTransform(149.4,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_11 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_11.setTransform(128.4,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_12 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AgGA+IAAh7IAOAAIAAB7g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.setTransform(118.7,8.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_13 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AgHA+IAAh7IAOAAIAAB7g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.setTransform(111.3,8.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_14 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.setTransform(101.1,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_15 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.setTransform(88.7,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_16 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.setTransform(67.2,12.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_17 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_17.setTransform(54.3,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_18 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AgHA+IAAhZIAPAAIAABZgAgHgrIAAgSIAPAAIAAASg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.setTransform(44.1,8.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_19 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AATA+IgdguIgLAKIAAAkIgPAAIAAh7IAPAAIAABGIAjgkIAUAAIgiAhIAlA4g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.setTransform(34.9,8.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_20 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_20.setTransform(21.6,10.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_21 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_21.setTransform(6.1,10.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_22 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.graphics.f("#FFFFFF").s().p("ABkCfIAAj5IhDD5IhBAAIhCj5IAAD5IhAAAIAAk9IBmAAIA8DYIA9jYIBmAAIAAE9g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.setTransform(465.5,25.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_23 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_23.graphics.f("#FFFFFF").s().p("Ah/CfIAAk9ID5AAIAAA2Ii1AAIAABGICoAAIAAA1IioAAIAABWIC7AAIAAA2g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_23.setTransform(417.7,25.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_24 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_24.setTransform(369.8,25.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_25 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_25.graphics.f("#FFFFFF").s().p("AgfCfIAAjlIA/AAIAADlgAgfhlIAAg5IA/AAIAAA5g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_25.setTransform(332.3,25.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_26 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_26.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("Au4D8IAAn3IdxAAIAAH3g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_26.setTransform(405.4,25.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_27 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_27.setTransform(277.6,35.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_28 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_28.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AAMBWIAAiVQgIAFgNAGQgOAFgJACIAAgPQAYgGAZgTIAQAAIAACrg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_28.setTransform(254.5,35.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_29 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_29.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("Ag3A9QgOgXAAgmQAAgkAPgXQASgdAlAAQAlAAASAcQAOAWAAAmQAAAkgOAXQgRAegnAAQglAAgSgcgAglgyQgJASAAAgQAABJAuAAQAvAAAAhJQAAhIguAAQgaAAgMAWg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_29.setTransform(233.2,35.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape_30 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_30.setTransform(208.6,35);
| + | |
− | this.shape_31 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_31.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AA6BbIh7iiIAAAAQABARAABCIAABPIgWAAIAAi1IAgAAQBzCWAFAIIAAAAQgBgSAAg/IAAhNIAVAAIAAC1g");
| + | |
− | this.shape_31.setTransform(156.3,34.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_32 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_32.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("ABHBbIgbg7IhZAAIgaA7IgXAAIBPi1IAbAAIBTC1gAgnAPIBMAAIgmhZIgmBZg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_32.setTransform(118.2,34.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_33 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_33.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AhYBbIAAi1IBLAAQAtAAAdAYQAcAZAAAoQAAAogcAaQgdAagtAAgAhCBKIAyAAQAnAAAWgVQAUgVAAggQAAgfgTgUQgWgXgoAAIgyAAg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_33.setTransform(81.2,34.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_34 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_34.setTransform(41.9,34.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_35 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_35.graphics.f("#060101").s().p("AhEBbIAAi1ICIAAIAAAQIhxAAIAABBIBqAAIAAAPIhqAAIAABVg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_35.setTransform(6.9,34.7);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_35},{t:this.shape_34},{t:this.shape_33},{t:this.shape_32},{t:this.shape_31},{t:this.shape_30},{t:this.shape_29},{t:this.shape_28},{t:this.shape_27},{t:this.shape_26},{t:this.shape_25},{t:this.shape_24},{t:this.shape_23},{t:this.shape_22},{t:this.shape_21},{t:this.shape_20},{t:this.shape_19},{t:this.shape_18},{t:this.shape_17},{t:this.shape_16},{t:this.shape_15},{t:this.shape_14},{t:this.shape_13},{t:this.shape_12},{t:this.shape_11},{t:this.shape_10},{t:this.shape_9},{t:this.shape_8},{t:this.shape_7},{t:this.shape_6},{t:this.shape_5},{t:this.shape_4},{t:this.shape_3},{t:this.shape_2},{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,500.7,50.5);
| + | |
− | (lib.RecUp = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#919191").s().p("AiihvQAPgKAOgOQARgQANgTIEKEbIg9A6g");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(14.6,14.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.graphics.f("#C88A2B").s().p("AgiDBQgtAAgqgSQgogSghggIA4g3QAVAWAbAMQAbALAeAAQAeABAbgLQAbgLAWgVQAsgrABg+QAAg+grgsIA3g2QBCBDgCBfQAABFgmA2QgMATgSAQQgNAOgQAKQgRAMgTAJQgsAUgxAAIgCAAg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(-11.4,-12.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-30.9,-31.3,61.9,62.8);
| + | |
− | (lib.RecDown = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#B44E22").s().p("AAACSQAbgNAUgWQAUgWAKgcQAKgcgCgeQgBgdgNgbQgbg3g6gVQg6gVg4AbIgihFQBVgpBYAfQBNAbApBEIALAVQANAbAGAdIADAVQAEAwgQAvQgPArgeAiQgeAhgpAUg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(-18.8,3.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.graphics.f("#919191").s().p("AjABGIgMgVIF1iuIAkBMIl7CvQgFgdgNgbg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(14.6,-12.3);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-35,-24.9,70.1,49.9);
| + | |
− | (lib.Orangeai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#EA8E4B").s().p("AsKuFIPADuQA7ANAxAmQAxAlAdA1IF5LFQAyBegZBnQgZBnhXA8IrrFjg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(77.9,90.2);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,155.8,180.4);
| + | |
− | (lib.Orange副本ai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#F7F8F8").s().p("AsKuFIPADuQA7ANAxAmQAxAlAdA1IF5LFQAyBegZBnQgZBnhXA8IrrFjg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(77.9,90.2);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,155.8,180.4);
| + | |
− | (lib.NotchUp = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#FF8500").s().rr(-11.9,-11.9,23.8,23.8,6.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(0,0,1.1,1.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-13,-13,26.2,26.1);
| + | |
− | (lib.NotchDown = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#FF3C15").s().rr(-11.9,-11.9,23.8,23.8,6.2);
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(0,0.1,1.1,1.1,20.3);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-15.1,-15,30.2,30.2);
| + | |
− | (lib.LOGO_endai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(274,437,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(264.5,437,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_2 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.setTransform(256.1,435.8,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_3 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.setTransform(249.6,437,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_4 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.setTransform(240.1,437,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_5 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.setTransform(227.8,437,0.8,0.8);
| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
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− | (lib.LigDown = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
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− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
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− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
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− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(-25.4,-16.1,50.8,32.2);
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− | (lib.Gate = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
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| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
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− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = getMCSymbolPrototype(lib.Gate, new cjs.Rectangle(-115.2,-90.4,230.6,180.9), null);
| + | |
− | (lib.Cover = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
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| + | |
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| + | |
− | (lib.Blueai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
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| + | |
− | // 图层 1
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− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
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− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,321.1,229.3);
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− | (lib.Blue副本ai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
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− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
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− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,321.1,229.3);
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− | (lib.BGai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
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| + | |
− | this.shape_12.setTransform(706.4,254.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_13 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A/3NsIG8wcQBqiNCMhgQCLhfCggpITRk8QDpg8DoBKQDnBLCqC/IPeXGg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.setTransform(979.8,1091.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_14 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A5gYyInY3nQgnh7Afh8QAeh9BehjIOsvqQCGiPDSgiQDRgjC6BaMAgxAPzQCiBOBbCLQBbCLgGCeIg6Ytg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.setTransform(1467.2,1022.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_15 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A3EU8Qh4AAhsg1QhngzhKhZQhJhZgchrQgchxAchvIG57KQAtiyCihbQCihaC+AvMAoWAKEQB7AeBeBRQBbBNAvBrQAwBrgGBwQgHB2hBBhIrXRHQg+BchkA0QhkAzh0AAg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.setTransform(341.9,593.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_16 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AusagIxxkrMAAAgwsMBA7AAAIgvYPQgFCVhLCBQhKCBiABNMghOAUSQh+BNiUAVQg1AIg1AAQhcAAhbgYg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.setTransform(207.8,172);
| + | |
− | this.shape_17 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_17.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AnRWyQiOhBhCiNIq03GQhEiQAsiZQAtiZCGhVIQSqbQCDhUCZAVQCaAVBnB0IKDLNQBEBLAaBiIEaQlQAsCnhVCWQhVCWimAwIz5FvQg8ARg6AAQhZAAhVgmg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_17.setTransform(712.4,851.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_18 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("EgDTAg8Qi+gKiGiPIy60GQhJhNgmhnQglhmADhtIBB9XQAHjUCQiTQCQiUDIAAIW6AAQBXAABSAgQBTAgBDA8IR/QIQBFA+AsBUQAsBTANBfIBtL+QAUCKgwCDQgvCChmBYI4uVWQiHB2itAAIgdgBg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.setTransform(1716.6,652.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_19 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AJvTcMgpNgEDQi9gTiIiCQiIiDgbi8Ig/nCQgSiDAsh9QAsh9BghbILbq0QBMhHBhgnQBhgnBpAAMAybAAAQClAACJBbQCJBbBACYIBbDYQBFCigoCsQgnCsiFB1I1FSgQhVBLhsAjQhSAahUAAQgbAAgbgDg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.setTransform(1370.7,124.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_20 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_20.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A7jVmQiVh9gHi5Igsw+QgEhgAphZQAnhZBOhCIS2wAQBfhRB+gaQB+gZB7AkIblIPQC7A4BbChQBaChg7CtIntWrQgtCDh1BVQh2BUiVAIMgmAACFIghAAQi0AAiJhyg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_20.setTransform(1877.4,209);
| + | |
− | this.shape_21 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_21.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AGGV5I8lqyQjQhOh/i3Qh+i3AAjeIAAnHQAAjQBwiwQBxiwC9hXILClFQBlguBvgOQBugNBtAVIRLDSQCFAZByBJQBzBIBQBtII8MQQCjDggfETQgfEUjRC2IojHcQiVCBjBAjQhBAMg/AAQh/AAh6gvg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_21.setTransform(225.5,983.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_22 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AI1fgIwVixQiNgXhwhZQhwhZg4iDIs8+pQgvhwAEh6QADh6A3htIGMscQBIiPCHhTQCIhUCgABIV6AJQCYABCDBOQCCBOBJCFIJ4SGQA3BkALBxQALBxgiBtIovbnQg/DHiyBsQiGBTiXAAQgwAAgygJg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.setTransform(687.7,302.8);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_22},{t:this.shape_21},{t:this.shape_20},{t:this.shape_19},{t:this.shape_18},{t:this.shape_17},{t:this.shape_16},{t:this.shape_15},{t:this.shape_14},{t:this.shape_13},{t:this.shape_12},{t:this.shape_11},{t:this.shape_10},{t:this.shape_9},{t:this.shape_8},{t:this.shape_7},{t:this.shape_6},{t:this.shape_5},{t:this.shape_4},{t:this.shape_3},{t:this.shape_2},{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,2102.8,1180.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.BGENDai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(1617.9,1148);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AqLW1Qiig7hLibIpCyqQhEiLAniXQAoiWCAhaIU7ulQCDhbCeASQCeASBrB1INCOSQBoBzAGCcQAFCbhgB5IpWLzQg/BPhcAqIvmHKQhWAohZAAQhHAAhJgag");
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(666.2,1227.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_2 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AxpXZQhpAAhjgjQhjgjhRhDIk3j8QikiFgujNQgvjNBai/IISxiQA3h1BihVQBihUB8gmIUimNQC5g4C4A9QC3A9BzCcIQNV7QBYB4AXCQQAXCJgoCHQgoCHheBnQhjBsiLA0IvbFwQhmAnhvAAg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.setTransform(1147.9,1221.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_3 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("EAA0AgNMghqgI+Qh6gghfhRQhbhOgyhuQgzhtgBh3QgBh9A2hyIOY+bQAyhpBYhMQBYhMBvgiIbSoYQBegdBiAGQBiAFBbAoIToIgQCXBBBaCKQBbCKAAClIAAU/QAACLhCB6QhBB6h0BNI7oSRQhiBBh1ATQgtAHgsAAQhIAAhGgTg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.setTransform(251.3,208);
| + | |
− | this.shape_4 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.graphics.f("#0D6093").s().p("AD5IQQAihSAZhQIrqAAIAAhGIL9AAQAwi8gIi1QgFiMgmiBIr6AAIAAhGILiAAQgQgqgRgjQgNgZgDgCIA7gmIArBUQAsBoAWB5QAeCjgQCvQgVDmhjDog");
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.setTransform(1794.1,702.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_5 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.graphics.f("#0D6093").s().p("AvsJBQBZkjAAkrQAAkehRkVQAkgCAtAAQGVABFiCWQFWCQDZD8IJaAAIAABGIpgAAQjaD4lUCQQlfCUmTAAIhZgCg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.setTransform(1939.4,701.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_6 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_6.setTransform(323,1068.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_7 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_7.graphics.f("#0D6093").s().p("ApxJJIgugCIAPgsQAXhIARhKIrUAAIAAhGILkAAQAfipABinQgBiHgUiIIrvAAIAAhGILjAAQgShcgchdIgOgsIAtgCQAngBArAAQGiAAFoCTQFpCTDhEGIH/AAIAABFIoFAAQjiECloCRQlmCRmeAAIhbgCg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_7.setTransform(879.2,332.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_8 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_8.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A3EU8Qh4AAhsg1QhngzhKhZQhJhZgchrQgchxAchvIG57KQAtiyCihbQCihaC+AvMAoWAKEQB7AeBeBRQBbBNAvBrQAwBrgGBwQgHB2hBBhIrXRHQg+BchkA0QhkAzh0AAg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_8.setTransform(454.7,681);
| + | |
− | this.shape_9 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AnRWyQiOhBhCiNIq03GQhEiQAtiZQAsiZCGhWIQSqaQCDhUCZAVQCaAVBnB0IKDLNQBEBLAaBiIEaQlQAsCmhVCWQhVCXimAvIz5FwQg8ARg7AAQhYAAhVgmg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.setTransform(860.5,871.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_10 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_10.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("EgDTAg8Qi+gKiGiPIy60GQhJhNgmhnQglhmADhtIBB9XQAHjUCQiTQCQiUDIAAIW6AAQBXAABSAgQBTAgBDA8IR/QIQBFA+AsBUQAsBTANBfIBtL+QAUCKgwCDQgvCChmBYI4uVWQiHB2itAAIgdgBg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_10.setTransform(1889.4,729.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_11 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_11.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("A7jVmQiVh9gIi5Igrw+QgEhgAphZQAnhZBOhCIS2wAQBehRB/gaQB+gZB7AkIblIPQC7A4BbChQBaChg7CtIntWrQgtCDh1BVQh2BUiVAIMgmAACFIghAAQi0AAiJhyg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_11.setTransform(2050.2,286.3);
| + | |
− | this.shape_12 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AGGV5I8lqyQjQhOh/i3Qh+i3AAjeIAAnHQAAjQBwiwQBxiwC9hXILClFQBlguBvgOQBugNBtAVIRLDSQCFAZByBJQBzBIBQBtII8MQQCjDggfETQgfEUjRC2IojHcQiVCBjBAjQhBAMg/AAQh/AAh6gvg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.setTransform(308.3,1080.6);
| + | |
− | this.shape_13 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AI1fgIwVixQiNgXhwhZQhwhZg4iDIs8+pQgvhwAEh6QADh6A3htIGMscQBIiPCHhTQCIhUCgABIV6AJQCYABCDBOQCCBOBJCFIJ4SGQA3BkALBxQALBxgiBtIovbnQg/DHiyBsQiGBTiXAAQgwAAgygJg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.setTransform(860.5,380);
| + | |
− | this.shape_14 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("AgdZ4IzdliQingvheiSQheiSAaisIEq/TQAZilB8hvQB8hvCngGIfPhDQDDgGCNCHQCMCIAADDIAAeVQAACHhJByQhJByh6A4IweHjQhLAihSAHIgkABQg/AAg9gRg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.setTransform(2203.4,990.8);
| + | |
− | this.shape_15 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("ANhYuMgtCgFxQi8gYiJiEQiJiEggi7Ijx2LQgjjSBti1QBsi2DJhEIKwjpQBbgeBdAAMAwtAAAQCMAAB8BAQB9BABRBzII1MdQB6CtgTDTQgTDSiXCUIzfTJQhfBch9AqQhaAehdAAQgkAAglgEg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.setTransform(1530.5,170.4);
| + | |
− | this.shape_16 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("EAU5AkrI6XkkQiOgZhzhcQhyhcg+iLMgS3gqyQg/iPAHidQAGiWBEiHQBDiGByhZQB4heCTgZMAkAgGEQDtgoDBCSQDCCSArD7MAJOA1bQAcCigvCbQgsCVhnBxQhmBxiJAzQhhAlhkAAQgwAAgygJg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.setTransform(1601.8,1158.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_16},{t:this.shape_15},{t:this.shape_14},{t:this.shape_13},{t:this.shape_12},{t:this.shape_11},{t:this.shape_10},{t:this.shape_9},{t:this.shape_8},{t:this.shape_7},{t:this.shape_6},{t:this.shape_5},{t:this.shape_4},{t:this.shape_3},{t:this.shape_2},{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,2364.4,1393.7);
| + | |
− | (lib.ArrowInd = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层_1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#61A9C2").s().p("EAAABeDIAAABIAAgBMkQ4hsaMAAAhPsMEQ4BsZMEQ5hsZMAAABPsMkQ4BsZIAAACg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(0,0,0.266,0.41);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = getMCSymbolPrototype(lib.ArrowInd, new cjs.Rectangle(-464.7,-246.5,929.4,493.1), null);
| + | |
− | (lib.Arrowai = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // 图层 1
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(71.9,190.7);
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(148.4,86.5);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_1},{t:this.shape}]}).wait(1));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,209.3,241.5);
| + | |
− | (lib.___Camera___ = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // timeline functions:
| + | |
− | this.frame_0 = function() {
| + | |
− | this.visible = false;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | // actions tween:
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this).call(this.frame_0).wait(2));
| + | |
− | // cameraBoundary
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f().s("rgba(0,0,0,0)").ss(2,1,1,3,true).p("EAq+AfQMhV7AAAMAAAg+fMBV7AAAg");
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(2));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | // stage content:
| + | |
− | (lib.Main2 = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
| + | |
− | this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
| + | |
− | // Camera
| + | |
− | this.___camera___instance = new lib.___Camera___();
| + | |
− | this.___camera___instance.name = "___camera___instance";
| + | |
− | this.___camera___instance.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.___camera___instance.setTransform(960,540);
| + | |
− | this.___camera___instance.depth = 0;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.___camera___instance).to({scaleX:1.79,scaleY:1.79,y:837.5},23,cjs.Ease.quadOut).wait(18).to({scaleX:1.78,scaleY:1.78,x:959,y:836.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.77,scaleY:1.77,x:957.1,y:834.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.75,scaleY:1.75,x:954.1,y:831.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.72,scaleY:1.72,x:949.7,y:826.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.68,scaleY:1.68,x:943.6,y:820.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.62,scaleY:1.62,x:935.6,y:812},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.55,scaleY:1.55,x:925.4,y:801.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.45,scaleY:1.45,x:912.6,y:787.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.35,scaleY:1.35,x:897.2,y:771.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.22,scaleY:1.22,x:879.7,y:753.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:1.09,scaleY:1.09,x:861.3,y:734.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.96,scaleY:0.96,x:843.3,y:715.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.84,scaleY:0.84,x:826.7,y:697.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.74,scaleY:0.74,x:812,y:682.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.65,scaleY:0.65,x:799.4,y:669.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.57,scaleY:0.57,x:788.6,y:658},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.51,scaleY:0.51,x:779.4,y:648.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.45,scaleY:0.45,x:771.6,y:640.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.41,scaleY:0.41,x:765.1,y:633.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:759.7,y:627.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.34,scaleY:0.34,x:755.1,y:623},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.31,scaleY:0.31,x:751.4,y:619},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.29,scaleY:0.29,x:748.3,y:615.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.27,scaleY:0.27,x:745.9,y:613.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.26,scaleY:0.26,x:744,y:611.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.25,scaleY:0.25,x:742.6,y:609.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.24,scaleY:0.24,x:741.7,y:608.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.24,scaleY:0.24,x:741.1,y:608.3},0).wait(1).to({regX:1.3,regY:1.3,scaleX:0.24,scaleY:0.24,x:741,y:608.2},0).wait(24).to({regX:2.9,regY:1.7,scaleX:0.12,scaleY:0.12,x:889.8,y:634.9},21,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({regX:0,regY:0,scaleX:0.12,scaleY:0.12,x:895.7,y:634.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.13,scaleY:0.13,x:904,y:634.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.13,scaleY:0.13,x:914.4,y:635.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.13,scaleY:0.13,x:927.2,y:635.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.14,scaleY:0.14,x:942.6,y:635.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.14,scaleY:0.14,x:960.9,y:636},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.15,scaleY:0.15,x:982.3,y:636.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.15,scaleY:0.15,x:1007.1,y:636.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.16,scaleY:0.16,x:1035.6,y:637.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.17,scaleY:0.17,x:1067.9,y:638.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.18,scaleY:0.18,x:1104.3,y:638.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.19,scaleY:0.19,x:1144.5,y:639.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.2,scaleY:0.2,x:1188.4,y:640.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.21,scaleY:0.21,x:1235.4,y:641.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.23,scaleY:0.23,x:1284.5,y:642.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.24,scaleY:0.24,x:1334.8,y:643.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.25,scaleY:0.25,x:1385,y:644.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.26,scaleY:0.26,x:1434.1,y:645.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.28,scaleY:0.28,x:1480.9,y:646.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.29,scaleY:0.29,x:1525,y:646.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.3,scaleY:0.3,x:1566,y:647.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.31,scaleY:0.31,x:1603.6,y:648.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.32,scaleY:0.32,x:1638,y:649.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.33,scaleY:0.33,x:1669.1,y:649.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.33,scaleY:0.33,x:1697.2,y:650.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.34,scaleY:0.34,x:1722.4,y:650.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.35,scaleY:0.35,x:1745,y:651.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.35,scaleY:0.35,x:1765.2,y:651.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.36,scaleY:0.36,x:1783.2,y:651.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.36,scaleY:0.36,x:1799.1,y:652.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.36,scaleY:0.36,x:1813,y:652.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:1825.3,y:652.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:1835.9,y:652.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:1845,y:653.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:1852.8,y:653.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.37,scaleY:0.37,x:1859.3,y:653.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.38,scaleY:0.38,x:1864.6,y:653.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.38,scaleY:0.38,x:1868.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.38,scaleY:0.38,x:1871.9,y:653.6},0).wait(1).to({x:1874.1,y:653.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.38,scaleY:0.38,x:1875.3},0).wait(1).to({regX:2.4,regY:2,x:1876.8,y:654.3},0).to({regY:2.3,x:1892,y:652.7},15).to({regY:3.1,x:1889.1,y:658},2).to({regY:2.9,x:1899.7,y:650.9},2).to({regY:2.6,x:1898.1,y:653.3},2).to({regY:2.4,x:1914.1,y:657.2},2).wait(1).to({x:1919.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1910.3,y:638.9},0).wait(1).to({y:648.5},0).wait(1).to({x:1911.3,y:644.7},0).wait(1).to({x:1910.3,y:636.9},0).wait(1).to({x:1913.2,y:651.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1914.2,y:643.7},0).wait(1).to({x:1921.8,y:651.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1914.1,y:657.2},0).wait(1).to({x:1919.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1910.3,y:638.9},0).wait(1).to({y:648.5},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.5,x:1918.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.6,x:1901.5,y:624.3},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.5,x:1888,y:630.2},0).wait(1).to({x:1934.5,y:631.1},0).wait(1).to({x:1872.5,y:630.2},0).wait(1).to({x:1915,y:670.7},0).wait(1).to({x:1933.4,y:635.9},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.4,x:1919.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.5,x:1883.2,y:645.6},0).wait(1).to({x:1916,y:665},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.6,x:1907.3,y:626.3},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.4,x:1919.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1910.3,y:638.9},0).wait(1).to({y:648.5},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.5,x:1933.4,y:635.9},0).wait(1).to({regY:2.4,x:1919.9,y:652.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1910.3,y:638.9},0).wait(1).to({y:648.5},0).wait(6).to({regY:2.5,x:2228.1,y:648.6},24,cjs.Ease.quadIn).to({regX:2.6,regY:2.7,scaleX:9.08,scaleY:9.08,x:3461.8,y:648.1},66,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(216));
| + | |
− | // Arrow 复制 3
| + | |
− | this.instance = new lib.ArrowInd();
| + | |
− | this.instance.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance.setTransform(3439,7078.3);
| + | |
− | this.instance.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance).wait(295).to({_off:false},0).to({y:4789.3,alpha:1},22,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(20).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4789.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4789.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(23).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4789.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4789.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(26).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4789.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4789.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(22).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4789.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4789.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(24).to({y:7105.3},25,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(20));
| + | |
− | // Arrow 复制 2
| + | |
− | this.instance_1 = new lib.ArrowInd();
| + | |
− | this.instance_1.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_1.setTransform(3439,6526.3);
| + | |
− | this.instance_1.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_1._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_1).wait(292).to({_off:false},0).to({y:4210.3,alpha:1},22,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(21).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4210.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4210.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(22).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4210.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4210.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(25).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4210.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4210.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(22).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:4210.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:4210.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(33).to({y:6912.3},25,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(15));
| + | |
− | // Arrow
| + | |
− | this.instance_2 = new lib.ArrowInd();
| + | |
− | this.instance_2.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_2.setTransform(3439,5947.3);
| + | |
− | this.instance_2.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_2._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_2).wait(289).to({_off:false},0).to({y:3631.3,alpha:1},22,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(22).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:3631.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:3631.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(21).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:3631.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:3631.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(25).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:3631.2},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:3631.3},5,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(21).to({scaleX:1.2,scaleY:1.2,x:3438.9,y:3631.2},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:3439,y:3631.3},6,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(42).to({y:6719.3},26,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(9));
| + | |
− | // LOGO_End
| + | |
− | this.instance_3 = new lib.LOGO_endai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_3.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_3.setTransform(3224.7,1228,5,5,0,0,0,250.2,260.6);
| + | |
− | this.instance_3.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_3).wait(281).to({scaleX:14.4,scaleY:14.4,x:3439.5,y:141},0).to({y:-7.5,alpha:1},24).wait(186).to({startPosition:0},0).to({alpha:0},29,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(1));
| + | |
− | // Egg
| + | |
− | this.shape = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyABigQgBifByhyQBxhxCggBQCgABByBxQBxByABCfQgBCghxByQhyBxigAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape.setTransform(1818.8,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.shape_1 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyAAigQAAifByhyQBxhxCggBQChABBxBxQByByAACfQAACghyByQhxBxihAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_1.setTransform(1819.8,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_2 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhyAAigQAAifBxhyQBxhxCggBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_2.setTransform(1821.6,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_3 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQChABBxBxQByBygBCfQABCghyByQhxBxihAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_3.setTransform(1861.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_4 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyAAigQAAifByhyQBxhxCggBQCgABByBxQByByAACfQAACghyByQhyBxigAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_4.setTransform(1910.4,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_5 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQChABBxBxQBxByAACfQABCghyByQhxBxihAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_5.setTransform(1942.8,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_6 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_6.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyABigQgBifByhyQBxhxCggBQChABBxBxQByByAACfQAACghyByQhxBxihAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_6.setTransform(2003.1,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_7 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_7.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQChABBxBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhxBxihAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_7.setTransform(2018.1,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_8 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_8.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhyAAigQAAifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByABCfQgBCghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_8.setTransform(2031.3,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_9 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyAAigQAAifByhyQByhxCfgBQChABBxBxQByBygBCfQABCghyByQhxBxihAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_9.setTransform(2043,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_10 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_10.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyAAigQAAifByhyQByhxCfgBQChABBxBxQByByAACfQAACghyByQhxBxihAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_10.setTransform(2053.4,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_11 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_11.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_11.setTransform(2077.3,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_11._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.shape_12 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyAAigQAAifByhyQBxhxCggBQChABBxBxQByBygBCfQABCghyByQhxBxihAAQigAAhxhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_12.setTransform(2094.8,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_13 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AkRESQhyhyABigQgBifByhyQBxhxCggBQCgABByBxQBxByABCfQgBCghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_13.setTransform(2096.9,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_14 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.992)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_14.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_15 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.98)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_15.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_16 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.953)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_16.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_17 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_17.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.906)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_17.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_18 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.839)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_18.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_19 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.741)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_19.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_20 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_20.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.616)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_20.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_21 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_21.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.451)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_21.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_22 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0.247)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_22.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_23 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_23.graphics.f("rgba(81,81,171,0)").s().p("AkRESQhxhygBigQABifBxhyQByhxCfgBQCgABByBxQBxByAACfQAACghxByQhyBxigAAQifAAhyhxg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_23.setTransform(2098.5,639.1);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[]}).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},211).to({state:[{t:this.shape_1,p:{x:1819.8}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_2,p:{x:1821.6}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_3}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_4,p:{x:1910.4}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_5}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_6}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_7}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_8}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_9,p:{x:2043}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_10}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_4,p:{x:2062.5}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_2,p:{x:2070.4}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_11}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_1,p:{x:2083.1}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_9,p:{x:2087.9}}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_12}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_13}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_11}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_11}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_11}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_14}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_15}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_16}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_17}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_18}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_19}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_20}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_21}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_22}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_23}]},1).to({state:[]},1).wait(273));
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape).wait(211).to({_off:false},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(2).to({_off:false,x:1825.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1838.9},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(3).to({_off:false,x:1966.4},0).wait(1).to({x:1986.1},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(10).to({_off:false,x:2091.8},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(2).to({_off:false,x:2098.1},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(286));
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape_11).wait(228).to({_off:false},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(6).to({_off:false,x:2098.5},0).wait(2).to({_off:true},1).wait(283));
| + | |
− | // Gate
| + | |
− | this.shape_24 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_24.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABDNWIvrAAQhIAAg0hUQgzhTAAh2IAAxqQAAh3AzhTQA0hUBIAAIPOAAQBkgYBvAAQFlAAD8D/QD9EAAAFoQAAFpj9D/Qj8EAllAAQhfAAhXgSg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_24.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_24._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.shape_25 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_25.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABGN4IwTAAQhMAAg0hWQg2hYAAh7IAAyWQAAh8A2hWQA0hYBMABIP0AAQBpgaBzAAQFzAAEHEKQEHEKAAF2QAAF3kHEKQkHEKlzAAQhiAAhbgTg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_25.setTransform(1740.7,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_26 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_26.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABLO6IxhAAQhRAAg5hdQg5heAAiEIAAzuQAAiFA5hdQA5hdBRAAIRAAAQBwgbB8AAQGPAAEaEdQEbEdAAGTQAAGTkbEeQkaEdmPAAQhqAAhhgUg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_26.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_27 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_27.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABJOiIxFAAQhPAAg3hbQg3hbgBiBIAAzOQABiBA3hbQA3hbBPAAIQlAAQBugbB4AAQGFAAETEWQETEXABGIQgBGJkTEWQkTEXmFAAQhoAAhegUg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_27.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_28 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_28.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABHOMIwqAAQhNAAg2hZQg3hZAAh9IAAyxQAAh+A3hZQA2hZBNAAIQLAAQBrgaB2AAQF7AAENEQQENEPAAF/QAAGAkNEQQkNEPl7AAQhlAAhdgTg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_28.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_29 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_29.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABDNQIvkAAQhIAAgzhTQgyhTAAh1IAAxhQAAh2AyhTQAzhTBIAAIPHAAQBkgZBtAAQFjAAD7D+QD6D+AAFlQAAFnj6D9Qj7D+ljAAQheAAhWgSg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_29.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_30 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_30.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABAMqIu4AAQhFAAgwhPQgwhPAAhwIAAwvQAAhxAwhQQAwhPBFABIOcAAQBfgYBpAAQFTAADvDzQDwDyAAFVQAAFXjwDyQjvDylTAAQhaAAhSgRg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_30.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_31 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_31.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AA9MEIuKAAQhDAAgthLQguhMgBhrIAAv8QABhsAuhLQAthMBDAAINwAAQBagWBkAAQFDAADkDnQDlDnAAFFQAAFHjlDmQjkDnlDAAQhVAAhPgQg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_31.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_32 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_32.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AA6LeIteAAQg/AAgrhIQgshIAAhmIAAvKQAAhlAshJQArhHA/AAINEAAQBXgWBfABQEzAADZDbQDZDcAAE1QAAE2jZDcQjZDbkzAAQhSAAhKgPg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_32.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_33 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_33.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AA3K4IsyAAQg7AAgphEQgqhFAAhgIAAuXQAAhiAqhEQAphEA7AAIMaAAQBSgUBaABQEjAADODQQDODPAAEmQAAEmjODRQjODPkjABQhOAAhGgPg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_33.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_34 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
| + | |
− | this.shape_34.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_35 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_35.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAxJsIrYAAQg1AAglg9Qglg8AAhWIAAszQAAhXAlg9QAlg9A1AAILCAAQBKgRBQAAQEDAAC3C5QC4C6AAEFQAAEGi4C6Qi3C5kDAAQhFAAg/gNg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_35.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_36 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_36.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAtJGIqrAAQgxAAgig5Qgkg5ABhQIAAsCQgBhRAkg5QAig5AxAAIKYAAQBEgQBMAAQDzAACsCuQCtCugBD1QABD2itCuQisCujzAAQhBAAg8gMg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_36.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_37 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_37.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AArIgIp/AAQgvAAgfg1Qghg1AAhMIAArPQAAhLAhg2QAfg1AvAAIJsAAQBAgQBHAAQDjAAChCjQChCjAADlQAADmihCjQihCjjjAAQg9AAg3gMg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_37.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_38 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_38.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAnH6IpSAAQgrAAgegxQgdgyAAhGIAAqdQAAhGAdgyQAegxArAAIJBAAQA8gPBBAAQDVAACVCYQCVCXAADVQAADWiVCXQiVCYjVAAQg4AAg0gLg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_38.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_39 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_39.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAkHUIolAAQgoAAgcgtQgbgvAAhBIAApqQAAhBAbgvQAcgtAoAAIIVAAQA4gNA8AAQDEAACKCMQCLCMAADFQAADFiLCNQiKCMjEAAQg0AAgwgKg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_39.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_40 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_40.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAiGuIn5AAQglAAgZgqQgagqAAg8IAAo4QAAg8AagqQAZgqAlAAIHqAAQAzgMA3AAQC1AAB+CAQCACBAAC1QAAC2iACBQh+CAi1AAQgvAAgsgJg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_40.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_41 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_41.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAeGIInMAAQghAAgXgmQgXgngBg2IAAoGQABg2AXgnQAXgmAhAAIG/AAQAvgMAyAAQClABBzB0QB1B2AAClQAAClh1B2QhzB1ilAAQgrABgpgJg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_41.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_42 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_42.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AAbFiImfAAQgeAAgVgiQgVgjAAgxIAAnUQAAgxAVgjQAVgjAeAAIGUAAQApgKAuAAQCUAABpBqQBpBqAACVQAACWhpBqQhpBqiUAAQgnAAglgIg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_42.setTransform(1740.6,637.9);
| + | |
− | this.shape_42._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.shape_43 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_43.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("AA+MdIuoAAQhDAAgwhOQgvhOAAhuIAAweQAAhvAvhOQAwhOBDAAIONAAQBegXBnAAQFOAADrDvQDsDuAAFQQAAFRjsDuQjrDvlOAAQhYAAhSgRg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_43.setTransform(1740.7,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_44 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_44.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABaR/I1IAAQhiAAhFhwQhEhxAAifIAA3zQAAigBEhxQBFhxBiAAIUhAAQCHghCVAAQHiAAFUFZQFVFYABHmQgBHnlVFYQlUFZniAAQiAAAh1gZg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_44.setTransform(1740.8,638.1);
| + | |
− | this.shape_45 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_45.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABUQnIzhAAQhaAAhAhoQg/hoAAiTIAA1+QAAiUA/hoQBAhoBaAAIS8AAQB+geCJAAQG8AAE7E+QE6E+AAHAQAAHBk6E+Qk7E+m8AAQh2AAhsgWg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_45.setTransform(1740.7,638);
| + | |
− | this.shape_46 = new cjs.Shape();
| + | |
− | this.shape_46.graphics.f("#5151AB").s().p("ABNPPIx5AAQhTAAg6hgQg6hgAAiGIAA0JQAAiHA6hfQA6hgBTAAIRXAAQBzgcB+AAQGYAAEgEjQEgEkAAGbQAAGckgEkQkgEjmYAAQhtAAhigUg");
| + | |
− | this.shape_46.setTransform(1740.7,638);
| + | |
− | this.instance_4 = new lib.Gate();
| + | |
− | this.instance_4.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_4.setTransform(1740.6,638);
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get({}).to({state:[]}).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},93).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},42).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_25}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},4).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_26}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},7).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_27}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},5).to({state:[{t:this.shape_28}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},17).to({state:[{t:this.shape_29}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_30}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_31}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_32}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_33}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_34}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_35}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_36}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_37}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_38}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_39}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_40}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_41}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_42}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_43}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_44}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_45}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_46}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.shape_24}]},1).to({state:[{t:this.instance_4}]},24).to({state:[]},1).wait(281));
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape_24).wait(93).to({_off:false},0).wait(43).to({scaleX:1.08,scaleY:1.08,x:1740.7,y:638},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(1).to({_off:false,scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:1740.6,y:637.9},0).wait(5).to({scaleX:1.03,scaleY:1.03,y:638},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.98,scaleY:0.98,y:637.9},0).wait(2).to({scaleX:1.18,scaleY:1.18},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(1).to({_off:false,scaleX:1.06,scaleY:1.06},0).wait(8).to({scaleX:1.14,scaleY:1.14,y:638},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(1).to({_off:false,scaleX:1.04,scaleY:1.04},0).wait(5).to({scaleX:1.09,scaleY:1.09,x:1740.7},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(1).to({_off:false,scaleX:1.04,scaleY:1.04,x:1740.6},0).wait(17).to({_off:true},1).wait(13).to({_off:false,scaleX:0.42,scaleY:0.42,x:1740.5,y:637.9},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(11).to({_off:false},0).wait(1).to({_off:true},1).wait(1).to({_off:false,scaleX:1.45,scaleY:1.45,x:1740.8,y:638.1},0).to({_off:true},1).wait(3).to({_off:false,scaleX:1.04,scaleY:1.04,x:1740.6,y:638},0).to({_off:true},24).wait(282));
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.shape_42).wait(197).to({_off:false},0).wait(10).to({_off:true},1).wait(313));
| + | |
− | // Cover
| + | |
− | this.instance_5 = new lib.Cover();
| + | |
− | this.instance_5.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_5.setTransform(1913.9,670.7);
| + | |
− | this.instance_5.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_5).wait(215).to({scaleX:5,scaleY:5,alpha:0.801},0).to({alpha:0},24).to({_off:true},1).wait(281));
| + | |
− | // BG_End
| + | |
− | this.instance_6 = new lib.BGENDai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_6.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_6.setTransform(21372.4,2316.1,8.91,8.91,0,0,0,1051.3,590.3);
| + | |
− | this.instance_6._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_6).wait(239).to({_off:false},0).wait(1).to({regX:1182.2,regY:696.8,scaleX:8.91,scaleY:8.91,x:22513.9,y:3262},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.91,scaleY:8.91,x:22476.1,y:3257.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.9,scaleY:8.9,x:22425.1,y:3251.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.9,scaleY:8.9,x:22360.2,y:3243.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.9,scaleY:8.9,x:22281.1,y:3233.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.89,scaleY:8.89,x:22187.1,y:3222.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.89,scaleY:8.89,x:22077.9,y:3208.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.88,scaleY:8.88,x:21952.9,y:3193.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.88,scaleY:8.88,x:21811.5,y:3176.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.87,scaleY:8.87,x:21653.4,y:3156.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.86,scaleY:8.86,x:21477.9,y:3135.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.85,scaleY:8.85,x:21284.7,y:3111.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.84,scaleY:8.84,x:21073.1,y:3086},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.83,scaleY:8.83,x:20842.9,y:3057.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.82,scaleY:8.82,x:20593.7,y:3027.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.81,scaleY:8.81,x:20324.9,y:2994.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.79,scaleY:8.79,x:20036.6,y:2959.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.78,scaleY:8.78,x:19728.4,y:2921.8},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.76,scaleY:8.76,x:19400.4,y:2881.7},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.75,scaleY:8.75,x:19052.5,y:2839.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.73,scaleY:8.73,x:18685.1,y:2794.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.71,scaleY:8.71,x:18298.5,y:2747.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.69,scaleY:8.69,x:17893.4,y:2697.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.67,scaleY:8.67,x:17470.4,y:2646},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.65,scaleY:8.65,x:17030.6,y:2592.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.63,scaleY:8.63,x:16575.3,y:2536.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.61,scaleY:8.61,x:16106,y:2479.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.59,scaleY:8.59,x:15624.3,y:2420.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.56,scaleY:8.56,x:15132.2,y:2360.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.54,scaleY:8.54,x:14631.9,y:2299.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.52,scaleY:8.52,x:14125.4,y:2237.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.49,scaleY:8.49,x:13615.3,y:2175},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.47,scaleY:8.47,x:13103.9,y:2112.6},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.45,scaleY:8.45,x:12593.6,y:2050.2},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.42,scaleY:8.42,x:12086.9,y:1988.3},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.4,scaleY:8.4,x:11586,y:1927.1},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.38,scaleY:8.38,x:11093.1,y:1867},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.35,scaleY:8.35,x:10610.2,y:1807.9},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.33,scaleY:8.33,x:10139,y:1750.4},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.31,scaleY:8.31,x:9681.2,y:1694.5},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.29,scaleY:8.29,x:9237.9,y:1640.4},0).wait(1).to({regX:1051.3,regY:590.3,scaleX:8.27,scaleY:8.27,x:7728,y:707.5},0).wait(1).to({regX:1182.2,regY:696.8,scaleX:8.25,scaleY:8.25,x:8364.9,y:1533.7,alpha:0.942},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.23,scaleY:8.23,x:7939,y:1481.7,alpha:0.887},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.21,scaleY:8.21,x:7533.6,y:1432.2,alpha:0.834},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.19,scaleY:8.19,x:7148.9,y:1385.3,alpha:0.784},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.18,scaleY:8.18,x:6785.2,y:1340.8,alpha:0.736},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.16,scaleY:8.16,x:6442.4,y:1299,alpha:0.692},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.14,scaleY:8.14,x:6120.5,y:1259.7,alpha:0.65},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.13,scaleY:8.13,x:5819.2,y:1222.9,alpha:0.611},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.12,scaleY:8.12,x:5538.3,y:1188.6,alpha:0.574},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.1,scaleY:8.1,x:5277.3,y:1156.7,alpha:0.54},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.09,scaleY:8.09,x:5035.9,y:1127.2,alpha:0.509},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.08,scaleY:8.08,x:4813.5,y:1100.1,alpha:0.48},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.07,scaleY:8.07,x:4609.6,y:1075.2,alpha:0.453},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.07,scaleY:8.07,x:4423.7,y:1052.5,alpha:0.429},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.06,scaleY:8.06,x:4255.4,y:1031.9,alpha:0.407},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.05,scaleY:8.05,x:4103.9,y:1013.4,alpha:0.387},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.04,scaleY:8.04,x:3968.8,y:997,alpha:0.37},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.04,scaleY:8.04,x:3849.7,y:982.4,alpha:0.354},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.03,scaleY:8.03,x:3745.8,y:969.7,alpha:0.341},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.03,scaleY:8.03,x:3656.8,y:958.8,alpha:0.329},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.03,scaleY:8.03,x:3582,y:949.7,alpha:0.319},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.02,scaleY:8.02,x:3521.1,y:942.3,alpha:0.311},0).wait(1).to({scaleX:8.02,scaleY:8.02,x:3473.6,y:936.5,alpha:0.305},0).wait(1).to({regX:1051.3,regY:590.3,scaleX:8.02,scaleY:8.02,x:2389.2,y:78.2,alpha:0.301},0).wait(181).to({startPosition:0},0).to({alpha:0},29).to({_off:true},1).wait(5));
| + | |
− | // BG
| + | |
− | this.instance_7 = new lib.BGai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_7.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_7.setTransform(4610.6,2252.6,8.1,8.1,0,0,0,1051.4,590.4);
| + | |
− | this.instance_7._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_7).wait(215).to({_off:false},0).wait(24).to({startPosition:0},0).to({regX:1051.3,scaleX:8.08,scaleY:8.08,x:-15521.1,y:-445.8},66,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).to({_off:true},1).wait(215));
| + | |
− | // Notch A 复制
| + | |
− | this.instance_8 = new lib.NotchUp("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_8.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_8.setTransform(910.5,726.9,1,1,75);
| + | |
− | this.instance_8._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_8).wait(114).to({_off:false},0).to({rotation:135,guide:{path:[910.4,726.9,992.7,597.4,1036.5,689.2,1080.2,781,1117.7,668.8,1155.2,556.6,1184.6,644.5,1199.3,688.4,1320.4,698.1,1441.6,707.9,1669.2,683.4]}},51).to({_off:true},2).wait(354));
| + | |
− | // Notch B 复制
| + | |
− | this.instance_9 = new lib.NotchDown("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_9.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_9.setTransform(878.6,528.2,1,1,-90,0,0,-0.1,0.1);
| + | |
− | this.instance_9._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_9).wait(114).to({_off:false},0).to({rotation:-45,guide:{path:[878.6,528.1,872.3,612.4,879.8,640,887.2,667.5,908.3,638.4,929.4,609.3,961.8,626.8,994.2,644.2,1037.9,708.3,1125.4,836.4,1195.1,727.2,1264.9,618,1684.6,597.7]}},22).to({_off:true},31).wait(354));
| + | |
− | // Notch A
| + | |
− | this.instance_10 = new lib.NotchUp("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_10.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_10.setTransform(888,762,1,1,75);
| + | |
− | this.instance_10._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_10).wait(114).to({_off:false},0).to({rotation:135,guide:{path:[887.9,762,946.8,723.7,984.6,785.7,1003.6,816.7,1020.1,788.4,1036.7,760,1050.8,672.4,1079.1,497,1139.3,575.7,1199.5,654.4,1765,685.2]}},36).to({_off:true},17).wait(354));
| + | |
− | // Notch B
| + | |
− | this.instance_11 = new lib.NotchDown("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_11.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_11.setTransform(844.4,549.9,1,1,-90,0,0,-0.1,0.1);
| + | |
− | this.instance_11._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_11).wait(114).to({_off:false},0).to({rotation:-45,guide:{path:[844.5,549.8,882.8,582.1,950.2,682.6,1017.7,783.1,1085.1,718.7,1152.5,654.3,1192.9,596.8,1233.3,539.4,1730.6,662.4]}},46).to({_off:true},7).wait(354));
| + | |
− | // LOGO_Arrow
| + | |
− | this.instance_12 = new lib.Arrowai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_12.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_12.setTransform(768.9,573.3,2.771,2.771,0,0,0,104.7,120.9);
| + | |
− | this.instance_12.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_12).to({alpha:1},23,cjs.Ease.quadOut).wait(9).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:768.8,alpha:0},11).to({_off:true},3).wait(475));
| + | |
− | // LOGO_Start
| + | |
− | this.instance_13 = new lib.Logo_Cellsai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_13.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_13.setTransform(960.7,539.8,3.013,3.013,0,0,0,225.7,177.7);
| + | |
− | this.instance_13.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_13).to({alpha:1},23,cjs.Ease.quadOut).wait(17).to({startPosition:0},0).to({alpha:0},3).to({_off:true},3).wait(475));
| + | |
− | // Notch Two
| + | |
− | this.instance_14 = new lib.NotchDown("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_14.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_14.setTransform(750,659.2,0.02,0.02,0,0,0,2.5,2.5);
| + | |
− | this.instance_14._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_14).wait(68).to({_off:false},0).to({regX:0,regY:0,scaleX:1.25,scaleY:1.25,x:749.9},4).wait(1).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,x:750},0).wait(4).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(16).to({startPosition:0},0).to({rotation:15,x:750.6,y:659.8},3).to({rotation:0,x:749.4,y:658.6},6).to({regX:-0.1,regY:0.1,rotation:-90,x:892.6,y:668},12,cjs.Ease.quadIn).to({rotation:-45,x:1680.2,y:699.6},33,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Notch One
| + | |
− | this.instance_15 = new lib.NotchUp("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_15.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_15.setTransform(751.3,580.1,0.02,0.02,0,0,0,0,2.5);
| + | |
− | this.instance_15._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_15).wait(68).to({_off:false},0).to({regY:0,scaleX:1.25,scaleY:1.25},4).wait(1).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1},0).wait(4).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(16).to({startPosition:0},0).to({rotation:-15,x:750.1},3).to({rotation:0,x:752.5},6).to({rotation:75,x:906.9,y:604},12,cjs.Ease.quadIn).to({rotation:135,x:1749.1,y:600.6},33,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Receptor Two
| + | |
− | this.instance_16 = new lib.RecDown("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_16.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_16.setTransform(706.3,687.1,0.025,0.025,0,0,0,0,2);
| + | |
− | this.instance_16._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_16).wait(67).to({_off:false},0).to({regX:0.1,regY:0.1,scaleX:1,scaleY:1,y:685.2},5).wait(5).to({startPosition:0},0).to({startPosition:0},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:4,scaleY:4,x:-57.5,y:1100.9},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Ligand Two
| + | |
− | this.instance_17 = new lib.LigDown("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_17.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_17.setTransform(646.5,699.4,0.02,0.02,0,0,0,0,2.5);
| + | |
− | this.instance_17._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_17).wait(66).to({_off:false},0).to({regY:0,scaleX:1,scaleY:1},4).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.8,scaleY:0.8},0).wait(6).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:669.9,y:692.2},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:669.3,y:692.8},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:3.2,scaleY:3.2,x:-205.7,y:1131.5},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Receptor One
| + | |
− | this.instance_18 = new lib.RecUp("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_18.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_18.setTransform(718.5,546,0.025,0.025);
| + | |
− | this.instance_18._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_18).wait(67).to({_off:false},0).to({scaleX:1.25,scaleY:1.25,y:545.9},4).wait(1).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1},0).wait(5).to({startPosition:0},0).to({startPosition:0},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:4,scaleY:4,x:-8.9,y:543.9},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Ligand One
| + | |
− | this.instance_19 = new lib.LigUp("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_19.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_19.setTransform(681.3,506.5,0.02,0.02);
| + | |
− | this.instance_19._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_19).wait(66).to({_off:false},0).to({scaleX:1,scaleY:1},4).wait(1).to({scaleX:0.8,scaleY:0.8},0).wait(6).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:696.3,y:522.7},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:695.1,y:521.5},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:3.2,scaleY:3.2,x:-102.5,y:446.1},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Blue 复制
| + | |
− | this.instance_20 = new lib.Blue副本ai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_20.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_20.setTransform(1155.6,638.3,2.88,2.88,0,0,0,160.5,114.7);
| + | |
− | this.instance_20.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_20._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_20).wait(46).to({_off:false},0).to({x:1173.6,alpha:0.801},23,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({startPosition:0},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:11.52,scaleY:11.52,x:1811.6,y:913.2},33).to({_off:true},69).wait(305));
| + | |
− | // Blue
| + | |
− | this.instance_21 = new lib.Blueai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_21.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_21.setTransform(1155.2,638.1,3,3,0,0,0,160.5,114.6);
| + | |
− | this.instance_21._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_21).wait(40).to({_off:false},0).to({x:1173.2},29).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({startPosition:0},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({startPosition:0},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:12,scaleY:12,x:1809.9,y:912.5},33).to({_off:true},69).wait(305));
| + | |
− | // Orange 复制
| + | |
− | this.instance_22 = new lib.Orange副本ai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_22.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_22.setTransform(514.3,796.6,2.592,2.592,0,0,0,77.9,90.2);
| + | |
− | this.instance_22.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_22._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_22).wait(46).to({_off:false},0).to({x:505.5,y:810,alpha:0.801},23,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:528.9,y:802.8},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:528.3,y:803.4},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:10.37,scaleY:10.37,x:-769.5,y:1573.9},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Orange
| + | |
− | this.instance_23 = new lib.Orangeai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_23.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_23.setTransform(514.3,805.3,3,3,0,0,0,77.9,90.2);
| + | |
− | this.instance_23._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_23).wait(40).to({_off:false},0).to({x:505.5,y:818.7},29).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:528.9,y:811.5},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:528.3,y:812.1},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:12,scaleY:12,x:-769.5,y:1608.5},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Yellow 复制
| + | |
− | this.instance_24 = new lib.Yellow副本ai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_24.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_24.setTransform(629.4,321.7,2.4,2.4,0,0,0,119.1,93);
| + | |
− | this.instance_24.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_24._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_24).wait(46).to({_off:false},0).to({x:602.2,y:312.9,alpha:0.801},23,cjs.Ease.quadInOut).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:617.2,y:329.1},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:616,y:327.9},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:9.6,scaleY:9.6,x:-418.8,y:-328.1},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // Yellow
| + | |
− | this.instance_25 = new lib.Yellowai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_25.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_25.setTransform(637.9,283.5,3,3,0,0,0,119.1,93);
| + | |
− | this.instance_25._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_25).wait(40).to({_off:false},0).to({x:610.7,y:274.7},29).wait(8).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:625.7,y:290.9},16,cjs.Ease.quadIn).wait(1).to({x:624.5,y:289.7},0).wait(20).to({startPosition:0},0).to({scaleX:12,scaleY:12,x:-384.7,y:-481.1},33).to({_off:true},1).wait(373));
| + | |
− | // UnderText
| + | |
− | this.instance_26 = new lib.Textai("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_26.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_26.setTransform(990.5,1479.9,2.786,2.786,0,0,0,251.2,25.3);
| + | |
− | this.instance_26.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_26._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_26).wait(10).to({_off:false},0).to({alpha:1},15).wait(10).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:1035,alpha:0},8,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},1).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // E
| + | |
− | this.instance_27 = new lib.E("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_27.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_27.setTransform(273.7,1285.9,2.88,2.88);
| + | |
− | this.instance_27.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_27._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_27).wait(4).to({_off:false},0).to({x:356.7,alpha:1},6).wait(27).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:445.7,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},1).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // N
| + | |
− | this.instance_28 = new lib.N("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_28.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_28.setTransform(519.4,1273.4,2.88,2.88);
| + | |
− | this.instance_28.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_28._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_28).wait(7).to({_off:false},0).to({x:605.4,alpha:1},6).wait(23).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:694.4,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},2).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // A
| + | |
− | this.instance_29 = new lib.A("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_29.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_29.setTransform(784.3,1273.3,2.88,2.88);
| + | |
− | this.instance_29.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_29._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_29).wait(10).to({_off:false},0).to({x:872.3,alpha:1},6).wait(19).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:961.3,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},3).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // B
| + | |
− | this.instance_30 = new lib.B("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_30.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_30.setTransform(1028.9,1273.2,2.88,2.88);
| + | |
− | this.instance_30.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_30._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_30).wait(13).to({_off:false},0).to({x:1117.9,alpha:1},6).wait(15).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:1206.9,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},4).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // L
| + | |
− | this.instance_31 = new lib.L("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_31.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_31.setTransform(1288.9,1273.2,2.88,2.88);
| + | |
− | this.instance_31.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_31._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_31).wait(16).to({_off:false},0).to({x:1377.9,alpha:1},6).wait(11).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:1466.9,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},5).wait(477));
| + | |
− | // E
| + | |
− | this.instance_32 = new lib.E("synched",0);
| + | |
− | this.instance_32.parent = this;
| + | |
− | this.instance_32.setTransform(1507.9,1273.3,2.88,2.88,0,0,0,2.4,-4.4);
| + | |
− | this.instance_32.alpha = 0;
| + | |
− | this.instance_32._off = true;
| + | |
− | this.timeline.addTween(cjs.Tween.get(this.instance_32).wait(19).to({_off:false},0).to({x:1596.9,alpha:1},6).wait(7).to({startPosition:0},0).to({x:1685.9,alpha:0},6,cjs.Ease.none).to({_off:true},6).wait(477));
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(959,539,4226.1,2271.5);
| + | |
− | // library properties:
| + | |
− | lib.properties = {
| + | |
− | id: '34BD6E561CB9694BA6FEB7B6F0C742FB',
| + | |
− | width: 1920,
| + | |
− | height: 1080,
| + | |
− | fps: 24,
| + | |
− | color: "#FFFFFF",
| + | |
− | opacity: 1.00,
| + | |
− | manifest: [],
| + | |
− | preloads: []
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | // bootstrap callback support:
| + | |
− | (lib.Stage = function(canvas) {
| + | |
− | createjs.Stage.call(this, canvas);
| + | |
− | }).prototype = p = new createjs.Stage();
| + | |
− | p.setAutoPlay = function(autoPlay) {
| + | |
− | this.tickEnabled = autoPlay;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | p.play = function() { this.tickEnabled = true; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndPlay(this.getTimelinePosition()) }
| + | |
− | p.stop = function(ms) { if(ms) this.seek(ms); this.tickEnabled = false; }
| + | |
− | p.seek = function(ms) { this.tickEnabled = true; this.getChildAt(0).gotoAndStop(lib.properties.fps * ms / 1000); }
| + | |
− | p.getDuration = function() { return this.getChildAt(0).totalFrames / lib.properties.fps * 1000; }
| + | |
− | p.getTimelinePosition = function() { return this.getChildAt(0).currentFrame / lib.properties.fps * 1000; }
| + | |
− | an.bootcompsLoaded = an.bootcompsLoaded || [];
| + | |
− | if(!an.bootstrapListeners) {
| + | |
− | an.bootstrapListeners=[];
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | an.bootstrapCallback=function(fnCallback) {
| + | |
− | an.bootstrapListeners.push(fnCallback);
| + | |
− | if(an.bootcompsLoaded.length > 0) {
| + | |
− | for(var i=0; i<an.bootcompsLoaded.length; ++i) {
| + | |
− | fnCallback(an.bootcompsLoaded[i]);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | an.compositions = an.compositions || {};
| + | |
− | an.compositions['34BD6E561CB9694BA6FEB7B6F0C742FB'] = {
| + | |
− | getStage: function() { return exportRoot.getStage(); },
| + | |
− | getLibrary: function() { return lib; },
| + | |
− | getSpriteSheet: function() { return ss; },
| + | |
− | getImages: function() { return img; }
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | an.compositionLoaded = function(id) {
| + | |
− | an.bootcompsLoaded.push(id);
| + | |
− | for(var j=0; j<an.bootstrapListeners.length; j++) {
| + | |
− | an.bootstrapListeners[j](id);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | an.getComposition = function(id) {
| + | |
− | return an.compositions[id];
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | // Virtual camera API : | + | |
− | AdobeAn.VirtualCamera = new function() {
| + | |
− | var _camera = new Object();
| + | |
− | function VirtualCamera(timeline) {
| + | |
− | this.timeline = timeline;
| + | |
− | this.camera = timeline.___camera___instance;
| + | |
− | this.centerX = lib.properties.width / 2;
| + | |
− | this.centerY = lib.properties.height / 2;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisX = this.camera.x;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisY = this.camera.y;
| + | |
− | if(timeline.___camera___instance == null || timeline.___camera___instance == undefined )
| + | |
− | {
| + | |
− | timeline.___camera___instance = new cjs.MovieClip();
| + | |
− | timeline.___camera___instance.visible = false;
| + | |
− | timeline.___camera___instance.parent = timeline;
| + | |
− | timeline.___camera___instance.setTransform(this.centerX, this.centerY);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | this.camera = timeline.___camera___instance;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.moveBy = function(x, y, z) {
| + | |
− | z = typeof z !== 'undefined' ? z : 0;
| + | |
− | var position = this.___getCamPosition___();
| + | |
− | var rotAngle = this.getRotation()*Math.PI/180;
| + | |
− | var sinTheta = Math.sin(rotAngle);
| + | |
− | var cosTheta = Math.cos(rotAngle);
| + | |
− | var offX= x*cosTheta + y*sinTheta;
| + | |
− | var offY = y*cosTheta - x*sinTheta;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisX = this.camAxisX - x;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisY = this.camAxisY - y;
| + | |
− | var posX = position.x + offX;
| + | |
− | var posY = position.y + offY;
| + | |
− | this.camera.x = this.centerX - posX;
| + | |
− | this.camera.y = this.centerY - posY;
| + | |
− | this.camera.depth += z;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y, z) {
| + | |
− | z = typeof z !== 'undefined' ? z : 0;
| + | |
− | const MAX_X = 10000;
| + | |
− | const MIN_X = -10000;
| + | |
− | const MAX_Y = 10000;
| + | |
− | const MIN_Y = -10000;
| + | |
− | const MAX_Z = 10000;
| + | |
− | const MIN_Z = -5000;
| + | |
− | if(x > MAX_X)
| + | |
− | x = MAX_X;
| + | |
− | else if(x < MIN_X)
| + | |
− | x = MIN_X;
| + | |
− | if(y > MAX_Y)
| + | |
− | y = MAX_Y;
| + | |
− | else if(y < MIN_Y)
| + | |
− | y = MIN_Y;
| + | |
− | if(z > MAX_Z)
| + | |
− | z = MAX_Z;
| + | |
− | else if(z < MIN_Z)
| + | |
− | z = MIN_Z;
| + | |
− | var rotAngle = this.getRotation()*Math.PI/180;
| + | |
− | var sinTheta = Math.sin(rotAngle);
| + | |
− | var cosTheta = Math.cos(rotAngle);
| + | |
− | var offX= x*cosTheta + y*sinTheta;
| + | |
− | var offY = y*cosTheta - x*sinTheta;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisX = this.centerX - x;
| + | |
− | this.camAxisY = this.centerY - y;
| + | |
− | this.camera.x = this.centerX - offX;
| + | |
− | this.camera.y = this.centerY - offY;
| + | |
− | this.camera.depth = z;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.getPosition = function() {
| + | |
− | var loc = new Object();
| + | |
− | loc['x'] = this.centerX - this.camAxisX;
| + | |
− | loc['y'] = this.centerY - this.camAxisY;
| + | |
− | loc['z'] = this.camera.depth;
| + | |
− | return loc;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.resetPosition = function() {
| + | |
− | this.setPosition(0, 0);
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.zoomBy = function(zoom) {
| + | |
− | this.setZoom( (this.getZoom() * zoom) / 100);
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.setZoom = function(zoom) {
| + | |
− | const MAX_zoom = 10000;
| + | |
− | const MIN_zoom = 1;
| + | |
− | if(zoom > MAX_zoom)
| + | |
− | zoom = MAX_zoom;
| + | |
− | else if(zoom < MIN_zoom)
| + | |
− | zoom = MIN_zoom;
| + | |
− | this.camera.scaleX = 100 / zoom;
| + | |
− | this.camera.scaleY = 100 / zoom;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.getZoom = function() {
| + | |
− | return 100 / this.camera.scaleX;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.resetZoom = function() {
| + | |
− | this.setZoom(100);
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.rotateBy = function(angle) {
| + | |
− | this.setRotation( this.getRotation() + angle );
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.setRotation = function(angle) {
| + | |
− | const MAX_angle = 180;
| + | |
− | const MIN_angle = -179;
| + | |
− | if(angle > MAX_angle)
| + | |
− | angle = MAX_angle;
| + | |
− | else if(angle < MIN_angle)
| + | |
− | angle = MIN_angle;
| + | |
− | this.camera.rotation = -angle;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.getRotation = function() {
| + | |
− | return -this.camera.rotation;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.resetRotation = function() {
| + | |
− | this.setRotation(0);
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.reset = function() {
| + | |
− | this.resetPosition();
| + | |
− | this.resetZoom();
| + | |
− | this.resetRotation();
| + | |
− | this.unpinCamera();
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.setZDepth = function(zDepth) {
| + | |
− | const MAX_zDepth = 10000;
| + | |
− | const MIN_zDepth = -5000;
| + | |
− | if(zDepth > MAX_zDepth)
| + | |
− | zDepth = MAX_zDepth;
| + | |
− | else if(zDepth < MIN_zDepth)
| + | |
− | zDepth = MIN_zDepth;
| + | |
− | this.camera.depth = zDepth;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.getZDepth = function() {
| + | |
− | return this.camera.depth;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.resetZDepth = function() {
| + | |
− | this.camera.depth = 0;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.pinCameraToObject = function(obj, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) {
| + | |
− | offsetX = typeof offsetX !== 'undefined' ? offsetX : 0;
| + | |
− | offsetY = typeof offsetY !== 'undefined' ? offsetY : 0;
| + | |
− | offsetZ = typeof offsetZ !== 'undefined' ? offsetZ : 0;
| + | |
− | if(obj === undefined)
| + | |
− | return;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject = obj;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetX = offsetX;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetY = offsetY;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetZ = offsetZ;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.setPinOffset = function(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) {
| + | |
− | if(this.camera.pinToObject != undefined) {
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetX = offsetX;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetY = offsetY;
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject.pinOffsetZ = offsetZ;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.unpinCamera = function() {
| + | |
− | this.camera.pinToObject = undefined;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | this.getCamera = function(timeline) {
| + | |
− | timeline = typeof timeline !== 'undefined' ? timeline : null;
| + | |
− | if(timeline === null) timeline = exportRoot;
| + | |
− | if(_camera[timeline] == undefined)
| + | |
− | _camera[timeline] = new VirtualCamera(timeline);
| + | |
− | return _camera[timeline];
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | this.getCameraAsMovieClip = function(timeline) {
| + | |
− | timeline = typeof timeline !== 'undefined' ? timeline : null;
| + | |
− | if(timeline === null) timeline = exportRoot;
| + | |
− | return this.getCamera(timeline).camera;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | VirtualCamera.prototype.___getCamPosition___ = function() {
| + | |
− | var loc = new Object();
| + | |
− | loc['x'] = this.centerX - this.camera.x;
| + | |
− | loc['y'] = this.centerY - this.camera.y;
| + | |
− | loc['z'] = this.depth;
| + | |
− | return loc;
| + | |
− | };
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | })(createjs = createjs||{}, AdobeAn = AdobeAn||{});
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | var createjs, AdobeAn;
| + | |
− | var canvas, stage, exportRoot, anim_container, dom_overlay_container, fnStartAnimation;
| + | |
− | | + | |
− | function init() {
| + | |
− | canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
| + | |
− | anim_container = document.getElementById("animation_container");
| + | |
− | dom_overlay_container = document.getElementById("dom_overlay_container");
| + | |
− | var comp=AdobeAn.getComposition("34BD6E561CB9694BA6FEB7B6F0C742FB");
| + | |
− | var lib=comp.getLibrary();
| + | |
− | createjs.MotionGuidePlugin.install();
| + | |
− | handleComplete({},comp);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | function handleComplete(evt,comp) {
| + | |
− | //This function is always called, irrespective of the content. You can use the variable "stage" after it is created in token create_stage.
| + | |
− | var lib=comp.getLibrary();
| + | |
− | var ss=comp.getSpriteSheet();
| + | |
− | exportRoot = new lib.Main2();
| + | |
− | stage = new lib.Stage(canvas);
| + | |
− | //Registers the "tick" event listener.
| + | |
− | fnStartAnimation = function() {
| + | |
− | stage.addChild(exportRoot);
| + | |
− | createjs.Ticker.setFPS(lib.properties.fps);
| + | |
− | createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage)
| + | |
− | stage.addEventListener("tick", handleTick)
| + | |
− | function handleTick(event) {
| + | |
− | var cameraInstance = exportRoot.___camera___instance;
| + | |
− | if(cameraInstance)
| + | |
− | {
| + | |
− | var stageCenter = { 'x' : lib.properties.width/2, 'y' : lib.properties.height/2 };
| + | |
− | if(cameraInstance._off != null && cameraInstance._off == true)
| + | |
− | exportRoot.transformMatrix = new createjs.Matrix2D();
| + | |
− | else
| + | |
− | {
| + | |
− | if(cameraInstance.pinToObject !== undefined)
| + | |
− | {
| + | |
− | cameraInstance.x = cameraInstance.pinToObject.x + cameraInstance.pinToObject.pinOffsetX;
| + | |
− | cameraInstance.y = cameraInstance.pinToObject.y + cameraInstance.pinToObject.pinOffsetY;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | var mat = cameraInstance.getMatrix();
| + | |
− | mat.tx -= stageCenter.x;
| + | |
− | mat.ty -= stageCenter.y;
| + | |
− | var inverseMat = mat.invert();
| + | |
− | inverseMat.prependTransform(stageCenter.x, stageCenter.y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
| + | |
− | inverseMat.appendTransform(-stageCenter.x, -stageCenter.y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
| + | |
− | exportRoot.transformMatrix = inverseMat;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | //Code to support hidpi screens and responsive scaling.
| + | |
− | function makeResponsive(isResp, respDim, isScale, scaleType) {
| + | |
− | var lastW, lastH, lastS=1;
| + | |
− | window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas);
| + | |
− | resizeCanvas();
| + | |
− | function resizeCanvas() {
| + | |
− | var w = lib.properties.width, h = lib.properties.height;
| + | |
− | var iw = window.innerWidth, ih=window.innerHeight;
| + | |
− | var pRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, xRatio=iw/w, yRatio=ih/h, sRatio=1;
| + | |
− | if(isResp) {
| + | |
− | if((respDim=='width'&&lastW==iw) || (respDim=='height'&&lastH==ih)) {
| + | |
− | sRatio = lastS;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | else if(!isScale) {
| + | |
− | if(iw<w || ih<h)
| + | |
− | sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | else if(scaleType==1) {
| + | |
− | sRatio = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | else if(scaleType==2) {
| + | |
− | sRatio = Math.max(xRatio, yRatio);
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | canvas.width = w*pRatio*sRatio;
| + | |
− | canvas.height = h*pRatio*sRatio;
| + | |
− | canvas.style.width = dom_overlay_container.style.width = anim_container.style.width = w*sRatio+'px';
| + | |
− | canvas.style.height = anim_container.style.height = dom_overlay_container.style.height = h*sRatio+'px';
| + | |
− | stage.scaleX = pRatio*sRatio;
| + | |
− | stage.scaleY = pRatio*sRatio;
| + | |
− | lastW = iw; lastH = ih; lastS = sRatio;
| + | |
− | stage.tickOnUpdate = false;
| + | |
− | stage.update();
| + | |
− | stage.tickOnUpdate = true;
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | makeResponsive(true,'both',true,1);
| + | |
− | AdobeAn.compositionLoaded(lib.properties.id);
| + | |
− | fnStartAnimation();
| + | |
− | }
| + | |
− | </script><!-- init 2018-10-16 -->
| + | |
| <!-- write your code here --> | | <!-- write your code here --> |
| </head> | | </head> |