Difference between revisions of "Team:UCAS-China/igemUCAS.js"

(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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  * igemUCAS JavaScript Library v0.18.1
  * igemUCAS JavaScript Library v0.18.22
* Includes xxx
  * Copyright UCAS iGEM team
  * Copyright UCAS iGEM team
( function( global, factory ) { global.iU = factory(global); } ) (window, function( window ) {
var iU = function(){
( function( global, factory ) { var iU = global.iU = factory(global); iU(); } ) (window, function( window ) {
    return {fn: 1};
document = window.document,
getUid = (function(){
var now = -1;
return function(){
now ++;
return (function(n){
return '_'+n+'_';
configs = {
heading_padding: 60,
subheading_padding: 60,
block_padding: 20,
default_padding: 20,
script_max_width: 400,
line_height: (function(){
var test = document.createElement("span");
test.innerHTML = "a";
test.className = "script";
var h = test.offsetHeight;
return h;
function css( elem, styles ){
if( !(elem && styles) )
return ;
for(var prop in styles){
key = "",
change = false;
for(var j = 0; j < prop.length; j ++){
if( prop[j] == '-' )
change = true;
key += change ? prop[j].toUpperCase() : prop[j];
change = false;
if( typeof styles[ prop ] == "function" )
elem.addEventListener(key, styles[prop]);
elem.style[ key ] = styles[ prop ];
function Component( node, left, top ){
this.node = node;
this.node.id = getUid();
this.left = left;
this.top  = top;
Component.prototype = {
constructor: Component,
position: function(left, top){
this.left = left;
this.top  = top;
render: function(offsetX){
if(offsetX === +offsetX){
configs.position(this.node, offsetX+this.left, this.top );
function Flow(){
this.node = configs.toDOM("div",".script");
this.node.style.visibility = "hidden";
Flow.prototype = {
constructor: Flow,
write: function( p ){
cut: function( width, height ){
if( !this.node )
return null;
product  = this.node,
children = [],
careful  = null,
divPoint = undefined,
node    = null;
for(var i = 0; i < product.children.length ; i ++ )
children.push( product.children[i] );
product.innerHTML = "";
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i ++){
product.style.width = width + "px";
if(product.offsetHeight > height){
divPoint = i+1;
careful  = children[i];
if( careful ){
node = this.node.cloneNode(),
copy    = careful.cloneNode(),
words = [],
childNodes = [];
node.innerHTML = "";
copy.id = "copy";
for(var i = 0; i < careful.childNodes.length; i ++ )
childNodes.push( careful.childNodes[i] );
careful.innerHTML = "";
copy.innerHTML = "";
for(var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++){
careful.appendChild( childNodes[i] );
if( product.offsetHeight > height ){
if( childNodes[i].tagName ){
careful.removeChild( childNodes[i] );
copy.appendChild( childNodes[i] );
words = childNodes[i].textContent.split(/\s/);
childNodes[i].textContent = "";
for(var j = 0; j < words.length-1; j ++){
careful.lastChild.textContent = words.slice(0, j+1).join(" ");
if( product.offsetHeight > height ){
careful.lastChild.textContent = words.slice(0, j).join(" ") + "\n";
nt = document.createTextNode( words.slice(j).join(" ") );
for(var j = i+1; j < childNodes.length; j ++)
copy.appendChild( childNodes[j] );
if( copy )
node.appendChild( copy );
for(var i = divPoint; i < children.length ; i ++ )
node.appendChild( children[i] );
this.node = node;
return new Component(product);
return iU;
function Graphics( img, caption ){
this.state = "preparing";
this.img  = img;
this.caption= caption;
_this = this;
if( !this.img.height ){
if(this.img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img"){
this.img.onload = function(){
if( _this.sealSlide )
this.img.onloadedmetadata = function(){
if( _this.sealSlide )
this.img.onerr  = function(){
_this.state = "dispose";
Graphics.prototype = {
constructor: Graphics,
loaded: function(){
this.ratio = this.img.height / this.img.width;
this.state = "ready";
adaptWidth: function( width ){
this.height  = this.img.offsetHeight;
this.width  = this.img.offsetWidth;
this.height += css(this.caption, {"width": this.width+"px"});
toComp: function( left, top ){
res = [new Component(this.img, left, top)];
res.push( new Component(this.caption, left, top+this.img.offsetHeight) );
return res;
function Slide( title, kind ){
this.state = "preparing";
this.headline = configs.toDOM("strong",".title");
this.headline.innerHTML = title;
configs.enroll( this.headline );
this.comps = [];
this.flow    = new Flow();
this.scripts = [];
this.graphics= [];
this.kind = kind;
_this = this;
this.seal = function(){_this._seal();};
Slide.prototype = {
constructor: Slide,
init: function(){
halfHeight= this.headline.offsetHeight/ 2,
halfWidth = this.headline.offsetWidth / 2;
"position": "absolute",
"top": "calc(-1% + "+halfWidth+"px)",
"left":  (-halfWidth+halfHeight) + "px",
"visibility": "hidden"
if( !configs.graphicsArea ){
configs.graphicsArea = configs.toDOM("div","graphicsArea");
configs.enroll( configs.graphicsArea );
left = halfHeight * 2;
"visibility": "hidden",
"position": "absolute",
"background-color": "blue",
"left": left + "px",
"top": "3%",
"width": "calc(98% - "+left+"px)",
configs.span2width = (function( unit_width ){
return function(span){
return span * unit_width;
})( configs.graphicsArea.offsetWidth/12 );
configs.position = function( node, left, top ){
"position": "absolute",
"top":  (top+20) + "px" ,
"left":  (left+50)+ "px"
return configs.graphicsArea.offsetHeight - node.offsetHeight - top;
addText:function( left, top, width ){
comp = this.flow.cut( width - 2*configs.default_padding, configs.graphicsArea.offsetHeight - top );
comp.position( left+configs.default_padding, top);
this.comps.push( comp );
addImage: function( left, top, width ){
g = this.graphics.shift();
if(!g || g.state == "dispose")
return 0;
g.adaptWidth( width );
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.comps, g.toComp( left, top));
return g.height;
_seal: function(){
for(var i = 0; i < this.graphics.length; i ++)
if(this.graphics[i].state == "preparing"){
this.graphics[i].sealSlide = this.seal;
return ;
this.state = "formatting";
var w, h;
switch( this.kind ){
case 1:
w = configs.span2width( 6 );
this.addText(0, this.addImage(w, 0, w), w);
this.addText(w, 0, w);
case 2:
w = configs.span2width( 4 );
h = this.addImage(0, 0, 2*w);
this.addText(  0, h, w);
this.addText(  w, h, w);
this.addText( 2*w, 0, w);
case 3:
w = configs.span2width( 6 );
h = this.addImage(0, 0, 2*w);
this.addText(  0, h, w);
this.addText(  w, h, w);
case 0:
w = configs.span2width( 6 );
this.addText(0, 0, w);
this.addText(w, this.addImage(w, 0, w), w);
this.state = "completed";
render: function( posX ){
css( this.headline, {"visibility": ((posX === +posX) ? "visible" : "hidden" )} );
for(var i = 0; i < this.comps.length; i ++)
toString: function(){
var s = this.state + ":";
for(var i in this.comps)
s += i.toString() + "()";
return s;
function Book( nav ){
interface = configs.toDOM( "div", "iU_book", true );
configs.enroll = function( node ){
node.style.visibility = "hidden";
this.nav   = nav;
this.currentPath  = null;
this.currentSlide  = null;
this.captionHolder = null;
Book.prototype = {
constructor: Book,
newSlide: function( node ){
if( this.currentSlide )
return ;
if( (node.attributes||{})["path"])
this.currentPath =  node.attributes["path"].value;
title = (node.innerHTML||""),
path  = (this.currentPath+"."+title).toLowerCase(),
kind  = node.attributes["normal"]? 1 :
node.attributes["large" ]? 2 :
node.attributes["full"  ]? 3 : 0;
slide = new Slide( title, kind );
this.nav.addPath(path, slide);
this.currentSlide = slide;
image:  function( node ){
if( node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "ins" ){
this.captionHolder = configs.toDOM("div", ".caption");
this.captionHolder.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;
this.currentSlide.graphics.push( new Graphics(node, this.captionHolder) );
this.captionHolder = null;
script: function( node ){
toString: function(){
var s = "";
for(var i in this.slides)
s += "["+i+"] "+this.slides[i].toString()+"\n";
return s;
function Navigation( logo, sponsors ){
this.surface = configs.toDOM("div","iU_nav", true);
this.headings = [];
this.init(logo, sponsors);
this.logo      = logo;
this.sponsors  = sponsors;
this.slideNow  = null;
this.subheading= null;
this.blocks    = null;
this.slides    = {};
this.offset = 0;
this.scroll = function( ev ){
ev = ev || window.event;
if( ev.preventDefault )
_this.offset -= ev.wheelDelta || ev.detail || 0;
_this.offset  = Math.max(_this.offset, 0);
this.currentPath = undefined;
Navigation.prototype = {
constructor: Navigation,
init: function( logo, sponsors ){
this.header = configs.toDOM("div", "header");
logo.id = "logo";
this.header.appendChild( logo );
this.ptrH = configs.toDOM("div","ptrH");
"visibility": "hidden",
"position": "absolute"
this.header.appendChild( this.ptrH );
this.ptrS = configs.toDOM("div", "prtS");
"visibility": "hidden",
"position": "absolute"
this.header .appendChild( this.ptrS  );
this.surface.appendChild( this.header);
footer = configs.toDOM("div","footer");
strSponsors = configs.toDOM("span","strSponsors");
strSponsors.innerHTML = "Sponsors";
for(var i = 0; i < sponsors.length; i ++){
sponsors[i].className = "sponsor";
this.switchs = configs.toDOM("div","switchs");
switchSubheading: function( newSub ){
if( this.subheading != newSub){
if( this.subheading )
this.subheading.className = "HiddenCatalog";
this.subheading = newSub;
newSub.className = "VisibleCatalog";
addPath:function( path, slide ){
this.slides[ path ] = slide;
sep = path.split(/\s*\.\s*/);
if( !(sep[0] && sep[1] && sep[2]) )
return false;
fst = sep[0].toUpperCase(),
sec = sep[1].toUpperCase(),
thr = sep[2].toUpperCase(),
_this = this,
h = this.headings,
tgtH = null,
tgtS = null;
for(var i = 0; i < h.length; i ++)
if( h[i].innerHTML == fst )
tgtH = h[i];
if( !tgtH ){
tgtH = configs.toDOM("span", ".H1");
tgtH.innerHTML = fst;
tgtH._catalog  = configs.toDOM("div", ".HiddenCatalog")
return function(){
})(tgtH._catalog) );
var accum = [ this.logo.offsetLeft + this.logo.offsetWidth + configs.heading_padding ];
for(var i = 0; i < this.headings.length; i ++){
"left": accum[i] + "px"
accum[i+1] = accum[i] + this.headings[i].clientWidth + configs.heading_padding;
var s = tgtH._catalog.children;
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i ++)
if( s[i].innerHTML == sec )
tgtS = s[i];
if( !tgtS ){
tgtS = configs.toDOM("span", ".H2");
tgtS.innerHTML = sec;
tgtS._blocks = configs.toDOM("div", ".HiddenBlocks");
return function(){
_this.blocks.className = "HiddenBlocks";
_this.blocks = blocks;
blocks.className = "VisibleBlocks";
})(tgtS._blocks) );
s = tgtH._catalog.children;
var accum = [ this.logo.offsetLeft + this.logo.offsetWidth + configs.heading_padding ];
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i ++){
"left": accum[i] + "px"
accum[i+1] = accum[i] + s[i].clientWidth + configs.subheading_padding;
block = configs.toDOM("div",".H3");
block.name = thr;
return function(){
_this.jumpTo( path );
})(path) );
var b = tgtS._blocks.children, accum = [ 0 ];
for(var i = 0; i < b.length; i ++ )
accum[i+1] = accum[i] + b[i].clientWidth + configs.block_padding;
var left  = Math.round( (window.innerWidth - accum.pop())/2);
for(var i = 0; i < b.length; i ++ )
"left": (left + accum[i]) + "px"
jumpTo: function( path ){
slideNext = this.slides[ path ];
if( !slideNext || slideNext == this.slideNow)
return ;
path = path.toUpperCase();
sep = path.split(/\s*\.\s*/),
fst = sep[0],
sec = sep[1],
thr = sep[2];
var c, t, s;
for(var i = 0; i < this.headings.length; i ++)
if(this.headings[i].innerHTML == fst ){
t = this.headings[i]._catalog;
c = t.children;
for(var j = 0; j < c.length; j ++){
if( c[j].innerHTML == sec ){
s = c[j];
this.blocks.className = "HiddenBlocks";
this.blocks = s._blocks;
this.blocks.className = "VisibleBlocks";
bc = this.blocks.children;
for(var i = 0; i < bc.length; i ++){
if( bc[i].name == thr )
this.slideNow = slideNext;
return true;
function igemUCAS(){
console.log("igemUCAS.js v0.18.22");
iU_root = document.getElementById("igemUCAS");
if( !iU_root )
return console.log("Error: root igemUCAS div not found. Terminating.");
iU_root.style.visibility = "hidden";
iU_root.style["z-index"] = "-100";
configs.toDOM = function( type, id, toRoot ){
elem = document.createElement( type||"div" );
if( typeof id == "string" && id.length){
s = id.split(/\s+/);
for(var i = 0 ;i < s.length; i ++){
if( s[i].charAt(0) == ".")
elem.className = s[i].substr(1);
elem.id = s[i];
iU_root.parentNode.appendChild( elem );
return elem;
icons = iU_root.children[0].children;
cover = icons[0],
logo = icons[1],
content = [],
sponsors = [];
for(var i = 2; i < icons.length; i ++)
sponsors.push( icons[i] );
for(var i = 1; i < iU_root.children.length; i ++)
content.push( iU_root.children[i] );
nav = new Navigation( logo, sponsors ),
book = new Book( nav );
for(var i = 0; i < content.length; i ++){
node = content[i];
switch( (node.tagName||"").toLowerCase() ){
case "dfn":
book.newSlide( node ); break;
case "p": case "b": case "span":
book.script(node); break;
case "img": case "video": case "ins":
book.image(node);  break;
setTimeout(function(){console.log( book.toString() )},2000);
return igemUCAS;

Latest revision as of 20:04, 16 October 2018


* igemUCAS JavaScript Library v0.18.22
* Copyright UCAS iGEM team

( function( global, factory ) { var iU = global.iU = factory(global); iU(); } ) (window, function( window ) { var document = window.document,

getUid = (function(){ var now = -1; return function(){ now ++; return (function(n){ return '_'+n+'_'; })(now); }; })(),

configs = { heading_padding: 60, subheading_padding: 60, block_padding: 20, default_padding: 20, script_max_width: 400, line_height: (function(){ var test = document.createElement("span"); test.innerHTML = "a"; test.className = "script"; document.body.appendChild(test); var h = test.offsetHeight; document.body.removeChild(test); return h; })() };

function css( elem, styles ){ if( !(elem && styles) ) return ;

for(var prop in styles){ var key = "", change = false;

for(var j = 0; j < prop.length; j ++){ if( prop[j] == '-' ) change = true; else{ key += change ? prop[j].toUpperCase() : prop[j]; change = false; } }

if( typeof styles[ prop ] == "function" ) elem.addEventListener(key, styles[prop]); else elem.style[ key ] = styles[ prop ]; } }

function Component( node, left, top ){ this.node = node; this.node.id = getUid(); this.left = left; this.top = top; } Component.prototype = { constructor: Component, position: function(left, top){ this.left = left; this.top = top; }, render: function(offsetX){ if(offsetX === +offsetX){ configs.position(this.node, offsetX+this.left, this.top ); css(this.node,{"visibility":"visible"}); } else css(this.node,{"visibility":"hidden"}); } }

function Flow(){ this.node = configs.toDOM("div",".script"); this.node.style.visibility = "hidden"; configs.enroll(this.node); } Flow.prototype = { constructor: Flow, write: function( p ){ this.node.appendChild(p); }, cut: function( width, height ){ if( !this.node ) return null;

var product = this.node, children = [], careful = null, divPoint = undefined, node = null;

for(var i = 0; i < product.children.length ; i ++ ) children.push( product.children[i] );

product.innerHTML = ""; for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i ++){ product.appendChild(children[i]); product.style.width = width + "px"; if(product.offsetHeight > height){ divPoint = i+1; careful = children[i]; break; } } if( careful ){ var node = this.node.cloneNode(), copy = careful.cloneNode(), words = [], childNodes = []; node.innerHTML = "";

copy.id = "copy";

for(var i = 0; i < careful.childNodes.length; i ++ ) childNodes.push( careful.childNodes[i] );

careful.innerHTML = ""; copy.innerHTML = ""; for(var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++){ careful.appendChild( childNodes[i] ); if( product.offsetHeight > height ){ if( childNodes[i].tagName ){ careful.removeChild( childNodes[i] ); copy.appendChild( childNodes[i] ); } else{ var words = childNodes[i].textContent.split(/\s/); childNodes[i].textContent = "";

for(var j = 0; j < words.length-1; j ++){ careful.lastChild.textContent = words.slice(0, j+1).join(" "); if( product.offsetHeight > height ){ careful.lastChild.textContent = words.slice(0, j).join(" ") + "\n"; var nt = document.createTextNode( words.slice(j).join(" ") ); copy.appendChild(nt); break; } } } for(var j = i+1; j < childNodes.length; j ++) copy.appendChild( childNodes[j] );

break; } } if( copy ) node.appendChild( copy );

for(var i = divPoint; i < children.length ; i ++ ) node.appendChild( children[i] ); } this.node = node;

if(this.node) configs.enroll(this.node); return new Component(product); } };

function Graphics( img, caption ){ this.state = "preparing"; this.img = img; this.caption= caption;

var _this = this; if( !this.img.height ){ if(this.img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img"){ this.img.onload = function(){ _this.loaded(); if( _this.sealSlide ) _this.sealSlide(); }; } else{ this.img.onloadedmetadata = function(){ _this.loaded(); if( _this.sealSlide ) _this.sealSlide(); }; }

this.img.onerr = function(){ _this.state = "dispose"; }; } else this.loaded();

} Graphics.prototype = { constructor: Graphics, loaded: function(){ configs.enroll(this.img); if(this.caption) configs.enroll(this.caption); this.ratio = this.img.height / this.img.width; this.state = "ready"; }, adaptWidth: function( width ){ css(this.img,{"width":width+"px"}); this.height = this.img.offsetHeight; this.width = this.img.offsetWidth; if(this.caption) this.height += css(this.caption, {"width": this.width+"px"}); }, toComp: function( left, top ){ var res = [new Component(this.img, left, top)]; if(this.caption) res.push( new Component(this.caption, left, top+this.img.offsetHeight) ); return res; } };

function Slide( title, kind ){ this.state = "preparing"; this.headline = configs.toDOM("strong",".title"); this.headline.innerHTML = title; configs.enroll( this.headline ); this.comps = [];

this.init(); this.flow = new Flow(); this.scripts = []; this.graphics= []; this.kind = kind;

var _this = this; this.seal = function(){_this._seal();}; } Slide.prototype = { constructor: Slide, init: function(){ var halfHeight= this.headline.offsetHeight/ 2, halfWidth = this.headline.offsetWidth / 2;

css(this.headline,{ "position": "absolute", "top": "calc(-1% + "+halfWidth+"px)", "left": (-halfWidth+halfHeight) + "px", "visibility": "hidden" });

if( !configs.graphicsArea ){ configs.graphicsArea = configs.toDOM("div","graphicsArea");

configs.enroll( configs.graphicsArea ); var left = halfHeight * 2; css(configs.graphicsArea,{ "visibility": "hidden", "position": "absolute", "background-color": "blue", "left": left + "px", "top": "3%", "width": "calc(98% - "+left+"px)", "height":"94%" });

configs.span2width = (function( unit_width ){ return function(span){ return span * unit_width; }; })( configs.graphicsArea.offsetWidth/12 );

configs.position = function( node, left, top ){ css(node,{ "position": "absolute", "top": (top+20) + "px" , "left": (left+50)+ "px" }); return configs.graphicsArea.offsetHeight - node.offsetHeight - top; }; } }, addText:function( left, top, width ){ var comp = this.flow.cut( width - 2*configs.default_padding, configs.graphicsArea.offsetHeight - top ); if(comp){ comp.position( left+configs.default_padding, top); this.comps.push( comp ); } }, addImage: function( left, top, width ){ var g = this.graphics.shift(); if(!g || g.state == "dispose") return 0; g.adaptWidth( width ); Array.prototype.push.apply(this.comps, g.toComp( left, top)); return g.height; }, _seal: function(){ for(var i = 0; i < this.graphics.length; i ++) if(this.graphics[i].state == "preparing"){ this.graphics[i].sealSlide = this.seal; return ; } this.state = "formatting";

var w, h;

switch( this.kind ){ case 1: w = configs.span2width( 6 ); this.addText(0, this.addImage(w, 0, w), w); this.addText(w, 0, w); case 2: w = configs.span2width( 4 ); h = this.addImage(0, 0, 2*w); this.addText( 0, h, w); this.addText( w, h, w); this.addText( 2*w, 0, w); case 3: w = configs.span2width( 6 ); h = this.addImage(0, 0, 2*w); this.addText( 0, h, w); this.addText( w, h, w); case 0: default: w = configs.span2width( 6 ); this.addText(0, 0, w); this.addText(w, this.addImage(w, 0, w), w);

} this.state = "completed"; }, render: function( posX ){ css( this.headline, {"visibility": ((posX === +posX) ? "visible" : "hidden" )} );

for(var i = 0; i < this.comps.length; i ++) this.comps[i].render(posX); }, toString: function(){ var s = this.state + ":"; for(var i in this.comps) s += i.toString() + "()"; return s; } };

function Book( nav ){ var interface = configs.toDOM( "div", "iU_book", true );

configs.enroll = function( node ){ node.style.visibility = "hidden"; interface.appendChild(node); };

this.nav = nav; this.currentPath = null; this.currentSlide = null; this.captionHolder = null; } Book.prototype = { constructor: Book, newSlide: function( node ){ if( this.currentSlide ) this.currentSlide.seal();

if(!node) return ;

if( (node.attributes||{})["path"]) this.currentPath = node.attributes["path"].value;

var title = (node.innerHTML||""), path = (this.currentPath+"."+title).toLowerCase(), kind = node.attributes["normal"]? 1 : node.attributes["large" ]? 2 : node.attributes["full" ]? 3 : 0;

var slide = new Slide( title, kind ); this.nav.addPath(path, slide); this.currentSlide = slide; }, image: function( node ){ if( node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "ins" ){ this.captionHolder = configs.toDOM("div", ".caption"); this.captionHolder.innerHTML = node.innerHTML; } else{ this.currentSlide.graphics.push( new Graphics(node, this.captionHolder) ); this.captionHolder = null; } }, script: function( node ){ this.currentSlide.flow.write(node); }, toString: function(){ var s = ""; for(var i in this.slides) s += "["+i+"] "+this.slides[i].toString()+"\n"; return s; } };

function Navigation( logo, sponsors ){ this.surface = configs.toDOM("div","iU_nav", true);

this.headings = []; this.init(logo, sponsors); this.logo = logo; this.sponsors = sponsors;

this.slideNow = null; this.subheading= null; this.blocks = null;

this.slides = {};

this.offset = 0; this.scroll = function( ev ){ ev = ev || window.event; if( ev.preventDefault ) ev.preventDefault();

_this.offset -= ev.wheelDelta || ev.detail || 0; _this.offset = Math.max(_this.offset, 0); } this.currentPath = undefined; } Navigation.prototype = { constructor: Navigation, init: function( logo, sponsors ){ this.header = configs.toDOM("div", "header"); logo.id = "logo"; this.header.appendChild( logo );

this.ptrH = configs.toDOM("div","ptrH"); css(this.ptrH,{ "visibility": "hidden", "position": "absolute" }); this.header.appendChild( this.ptrH );

this.ptrS = configs.toDOM("div", "prtS"); css(this.ptrS,{ "visibility": "hidden", "position": "absolute" }); this.header .appendChild( this.ptrS ); this.surface.appendChild( this.header);

var footer = configs.toDOM("div","footer"); this.surface.appendChild(footer);

var strSponsors = configs.toDOM("span","strSponsors"); strSponsors.innerHTML = "Sponsors"; footer.appendChild(strSponsors);

for(var i = 0; i < sponsors.length; i ++){ sponsors[i].className = "sponsor"; footer.appendChild(sponsors[i]); }

this.switchs = configs.toDOM("div","switchs"); this.surface.appendChild(this.switchs); }, switchSubheading: function( newSub ){ if( this.subheading != newSub){ if( this.subheading ) this.subheading.className = "HiddenCatalog";

this.subheading = newSub; newSub.className = "VisibleCatalog"; } }, addPath:function( path, slide ){ this.slides[ path ] = slide;

var sep = path.split(/\s*\.\s*/); if( !(sep[0] && sep[1] && sep[2]) ) return false;

var fst = sep[0].toUpperCase(), sec = sep[1].toUpperCase(), thr = sep[2].toUpperCase(), _this = this, h = this.headings, tgtH = null, tgtS = null;

for(var i = 0; i < h.length; i ++) if( h[i].innerHTML == fst ) tgtH = h[i];

if( !tgtH ){ tgtH = configs.toDOM("span", ".H1"); tgtH.innerHTML = fst;

tgtH._catalog = configs.toDOM("div", ".HiddenCatalog") this.header.appendChild(tgtH._catalog);

tgtH.addEventListener("mouseover",(function(cata){ return function(){ _this.switchSubheading(cata); }; })(tgtH._catalog) );

this.header.appendChild(tgtH); this.headings.push(tgtH);

var accum = [ this.logo.offsetLeft + this.logo.offsetWidth + configs.heading_padding ]; for(var i = 0; i < this.headings.length; i ++){ css(this.headings[i],{ "left": accum[i] + "px" }); accum[i+1] = accum[i] + this.headings[i].clientWidth + configs.heading_padding; } }

var s = tgtH._catalog.children; for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i ++) if( s[i].innerHTML == sec ) tgtS = s[i];

if( !tgtS ){ tgtS = configs.toDOM("span", ".H2"); tgtS.innerHTML = sec;

tgtS._blocks = configs.toDOM("div", ".HiddenBlocks"); this.switchs.appendChild(tgtS._blocks);

tgtS.addEventListener("mouseover",(function(blocks){ return function(){ if(_this.blocks) _this.blocks.className = "HiddenBlocks";

_this.blocks = blocks; blocks.className = "VisibleBlocks"; }; })(tgtS._blocks) );

tgtH._catalog.appendChild(tgtS); s = tgtH._catalog.children;

var accum = [ this.logo.offsetLeft + this.logo.offsetWidth + configs.heading_padding ]; for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i ++){ css(s[i],{ "left": accum[i] + "px" }); accum[i+1] = accum[i] + s[i].clientWidth + configs.subheading_padding; } }

var block = configs.toDOM("div",".H3"); block.name = thr; block.addEventListener("mouseover",(function(path){ return function(){ _this.jumpTo( path ); } })(path) ); tgtS._blocks.appendChild(block);

var b = tgtS._blocks.children, accum = [ 0 ]; for(var i = 0; i < b.length; i ++ ) accum[i+1] = accum[i] + b[i].clientWidth + configs.block_padding;

var left = Math.round( (window.innerWidth - accum.pop())/2); for(var i = 0; i < b.length; i ++ ) css(b[i],{ "left": (left + accum[i]) + "px" }) }, jumpTo: function( path ){ var slideNext = this.slides[ path ];

if( !slideNext || slideNext == this.slideNow) return ;

path = path.toUpperCase(); var sep = path.split(/\s*\.\s*/), fst = sep[0], sec = sep[1], thr = sep[2];

var c, t, s;

for(var i = 0; i < this.headings.length; i ++) if(this.headings[i].innerHTML == fst ){ t = this.headings[i]._catalog; c = t.children; for(var j = 0; j < c.length; j ++){ if( c[j].innerHTML == sec ){ s = c[j]; break; } } break; }


if(this.blocks) this.blocks.className = "HiddenBlocks";

this.blocks = s._blocks; this.blocks.className = "VisibleBlocks";

var bc = this.blocks.children;

for(var i = 0; i < bc.length; i ++){ if( bc[i].name == thr ) css(bc[i],{"background-color":"#92ffff"}); else css(bc[i],{"background-color":"#898F94"}); }

if(this.slideNow) this.slideNow.render(null);

this.slideNow = slideNext; this.slideNow.render(0); return true; } };

function igemUCAS(){ console.log("igemUCAS.js v0.18.22"); var iU_root = document.getElementById("igemUCAS");

if( !iU_root ) return console.log("Error: root igemUCAS div not found. Terminating.");

iU_root.style.visibility = "hidden"; iU_root.style["z-index"] = "-100";

configs.toDOM = function( type, id, toRoot ){ var elem = document.createElement( type||"div" ); if( typeof id == "string" && id.length){ var s = id.split(/\s+/); for(var i = 0 ;i < s.length; i ++){ if( s[i].charAt(0) == ".") elem.className = s[i].substr(1); else elem.id = s[i]; } } if(toRoot) iU_root.parentNode.appendChild( elem ); return elem; };

var icons = iU_root.children[0].children; cover = icons[0], logo = icons[1], content = [], sponsors = []; for(var i = 2; i < icons.length; i ++) sponsors.push( icons[i] );

for(var i = 1; i < iU_root.children.length; i ++) content.push( iU_root.children[i] );

var nav = new Navigation( logo, sponsors ), book = new Book( nav );


for(var i = 0; i < content.length; i ++){ var node = content[i];

switch( (node.tagName||"").toLowerCase() ){ case "dfn": book.newSlide( node ); break; case "p": case "b": case "span": book.script(node); break; case "img": case "video": case "ins": book.image(node); break; } } book.newSlide();

nav.jumpTo("project.description.description"); setTimeout(function(){console.log( book.toString() )},2000); } return igemUCAS; });