Difference between revisions of "Template:SBS SH 112144/main.css"

(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Projection by TEMPLATED
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templated.co @templatedco
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Released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (templated.co/license)
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padding: 0.5em 0 0 0.5em;
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/* 6. countTo
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/* 7. form_item
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.\38 u\24\28xlarge\29 + *,
.\37 u\24\28xlarge\29 + *,
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.\35 u\24\28xlarge\29 + *,
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[data-col-xs="4"].grid-css .grid-item.large {
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[data-col-xs="10"].grid-css .grid-item.large {
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.\39 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\38 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\37 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\36 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\35 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\34 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\33 u\24\28large\29 + *,
.\32 u\24\28large\29 + *,
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.\31 0u\24\28medium\29 + *,
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.\39 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\38 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\37 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\36 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\35 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\34 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\33 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
.\32 u\24\28medium\29 + *,
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clear: left;
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padding: 0 0 0 1.25em;
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margin: 0 0 -1px -1.25em;
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margin: -2.5em 0 -1px -2.5em;
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margin: 0 0 -1px -1.875em;
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padding: 1.875em 0 0 1.875em;
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clear: none;
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width: 91.6666666667%;
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clear: none;
margin-left: 0;
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[data-gap="10"].grid-css .grid__inner {
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[data-gap="15"].grid-css .grid__inner {
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[data-gap="20"].grid-css .grid__inner {
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[data-gap="30"].grid-css .grid__inner {
.\31 1u\24\28small\29 + *,
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.\31 0u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\39 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\38 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\37 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\36 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\35 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\34 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\33 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\32 u\24\28small\29 + *,
.\31 u\24\28small\29 + * {
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[data-gap="35"].grid-css .grid__inner {
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margin-left: 75%;
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[data-gap="40"].grid-css .grid__inner {
margin-left: 66.66667%;
    margin: -20px;
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[data-gap="40"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {
margin-left: 58.33333%;
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[data-gap="45"].grid-css .grid__inner {
margin-left: 50%;
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[data-gap="45"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {
margin-left: 41.66667%;
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[data-gap="50"].grid-css .grid__inner {
margin-left: 33.33333%;
    margin: -25px;
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[data-gap="50"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {
margin-left: 25%;
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/* 8. grid-css
margin-left: 16.66667%;
.\-1u\28small\29 {
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margin-left: 8.33333%;
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margin: 0 0 -1px -1.25em;
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.row.uniform > * {
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padding: 1.25em 0 0 1.25em;
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margin: -1.25em 0 -1px -1.25em;
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.row.\32 00\25 > * {
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padding: 0 0 0 2.5em;
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.row.\32 00\25 {
.filter a {
margin: 0 0 -1px -2.5em;
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.row.uniform.\32 00\25 > * {
/* 9. portfolio
padding: 2.5em 0 0 2.5em;
.row.uniform.\32 00\25 {
/* 10. portfolio
margin: -2.5em 0 -1px -2.5em;
.row.\31 50\25 > * {
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padding: 0 0 0 1.875em;
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.row.\31 50\25 {
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margin: 0 0 -1px -1.875em;
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.row.uniform.\31 50\25 > * {
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padding: 0.625em 0 0 0.625em;
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margin: 0 0 -1px -0.3125em;
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padding: 0.3125em 0 0 0.3125em;
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.\31 2u\28xsmall\29, .\31 2u\24\28xsmall\29 {
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width: 100%;
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width: 75%;
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margin-left: 0;
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.\38 u\28xsmall\29, .\38 u\24\28xsmall\29 {
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clear: none;
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/* 11. post
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.\39 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\38 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\37 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\36 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\35 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\34 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
.\33 u\24\28xsmall\29 + *,
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/* 12. pricing_01
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/* Basic */
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/* 15. service_02
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/* 18. swiper
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/* 20. team
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/* 24. header-01
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/* 26. Layout
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/* 29. Margin Padding
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/* Nav
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/* 32. Button
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/* Banner */
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/* Footer */
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Latest revision as of 06:04, 17 October 2018

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/* 3. form-item


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/* 5. contact


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/* 6. countTo


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/* 7. form_item


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[data-gap="10"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="10"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="15"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="15"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="20"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="20"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="25"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="25"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="30"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="30"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="35"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="35"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="40"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="40"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="45"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="45"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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[data-gap="50"].grid-css .grid__inner {

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[data-gap="50"].grid-css .grid__inner .grid-item .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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/* 8. grid-css


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.grid-css .grid-item, .grid-css .grid-sizer {

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.grid-css .grid-item .grid-item__inner .grid-item__content-wrapper {

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.filter {

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.filter li.current {

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.filter li.current a {

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.filter a {

   color: #748182;


/* 9. portfolio


/* 10. portfolio


.portfolio {

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.portfolio:after {

   content: ;
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.portfolio:hover {

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.portfolio__bg img {

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.portfolio__icon {

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.grid-item__content-wrapper .portfolio {

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.grid-item__content-wrapper .portfolio:after {

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.grid-item__content-wrapper .portfolio:hover h2, .grid-item__content-wrapper .portfolio:hover p {

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.grid-item__content-wrapper .portfolio:hover img {

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.grid-item__content-wrapper .overlay {

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.portfolio__image {

   overflow: hidden;


.portfolio__image img {

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.portfolio__inner {

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.portfolio__inner h2 {

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.portfolio__inner .line {

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.portfolio__inner p {

   transform: translateY(20px);
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/* 11. post


.post:hover img {

   transform: scale(1.05);


.post__media {

   overflow: hidden;


.post__media img {

   transition: all .5s ease-in-out;


.post__title {

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.post__title a:hover {

   color: #049f40;


.post__text {

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.post__meta {

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.post__meta > span {

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   display: inline-block;


.post__meta > span + span:before {

   content: '-';
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   margin: 0 5px;


/* 12. pricing_01


.pricing-01__element {

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.pricing-01__feature .pricing-01__period {

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.pricing-01__shape {

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/* 13. progress


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.progress__number:after {

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.awe-skin-dark .progress__wrap {

   background-color: #666;


/* 14. quote


.quote {

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.quote .title__title {

   color: #fff;


.quote .second {

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.quote__work {

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/* 15. service_02


.service {

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   margin-bottom: 30px;
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.service:hover .service__title {

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.service__title, .service__icon {

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.service__icon {

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.service__title {

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.service__text {

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   line-height: 25px;


/* 16. core_smoky


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@media (max-width: 767px) {

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.smoky canvas {

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/* 17. socialicon


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/* 18. swiper


/* 19. tabs


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/* 20. team


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.btn--orange {

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/* 21. title


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/* 22. video


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/* 23. footer


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/* 24. header-01


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/* 25. hero


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/* 26. Layout


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/* 27. Grid Boostrap


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/* 28. Font size


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/* 29. Margin Padding


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/* 30. Swiper


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/* 31. Popup


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/* 32. Button


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