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         <h2 class="title">We are concerned about the world's largest potential group of chronic kidney disease</h2>
         <div id="contents"></div>
        <div class="mainText">
        <div id="article">
            <p>According to statistics of the World Health Organization, about 1.2 million people died of kidney disease
            <div class="mainText">
                <video src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/d/d9/T--DLUT_China_B--BackgroundIntroduction.mp4" width="650" controls></video>
                worldwide, which is 32% higher than that in 2005. Among them, diabetes and hypertensive patients are the
                <h2 class="title">Background</h2>
                potential victims of chronic kidney disease. Of the new ESRD patients in the United States in the past
                <div class="mainText">
                    <p>DN is the largest single cause of ESRD in many developed countries and will continue to be the
                years, 58%
                        leading cause of death in diabetes mellitus. DN occurs in 20% to 40% of all patients with type 2
                are from diabetes and hypertension patients. If we do not intervene in patients with early-stage
                        diabetes mellitus, accounting for approximately 50% of cases in the developed countries.<sup>[1]</sup> The
                hypertension or
                        costs of care for people with DKD are extraordinarily high. In the Medicare population alone,
                diabetes, it will cause a dramatic deterioration of renal function with a mortality rate up to 90%.
                        DKD-related expenditures among this mostly older group were nearly $25 billion in 2011.<sup>[2]</sup> In
                        China, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is also increasing at an alarming rate due to the rapid
                if the
                        increase of diabetes prevalence and low awareness rate. As the initial symptoms of chronic
                patient's kidney status can be monitored at any time, with early detection and timely medical treatment,
                        nephropathy are very secretive, hypertension, urinary protein, edema and other obvious symptoms have
                        entered the stage of clinical diabetic nephropathy or dominant diabetic nephropathy (overtDN).
                to 70%
                        Furthermore, patients often fail to go to the hospital for examination, so patients with diabetic
                of the disease may be reversed. Therefore, it is of great social significance to monitor the renal
                        nephropathy often miss the optimal intervention period. Failure to intervene early can lead to a
                status of
                        dramatic deterioration in kidney function and a 90 per cent mortality rate. However, if the renal
                patients with early-stage hypertension and diabetes.</p>
                        status of patients can be monitored at any time, the reversion rate can be as high as 70% if
            <p>At this stage, the excretion rate of urinary microalbumin (mALB) is mainly used to diagnose diabetic
                        intervention is carried out before stage iii of diabetic nephropathy (incipientDN).</p>
                nephropathy and
                    <p>At present, urinary microalbumin (mALB) excretion rate is mainly used to diagnose diabetic
                hypertensive nephropathy. Although the detection method is relatively perfect, it has the following
                        nephropathy. Although the detection method is relatively perfect, it has the following
                <li>The accuracy and specificity of mALB in diagnosing DN are not high, and urinary tract infection and
                        <li>The accuracy and specificity of mALB in diagnosing DN are not high, and factors such as urinary
                            tract infection can increase the excretion rate of urinary albumin, leading to misdiagnosis and
                    factors can increase the excretion rate of urinary albumin, resulting in high misdiagnosis and
                            missed diagnosis.
                        <li>When mALB is abnormal, DN has progressed to stage iii, and at this time, the patient's GBM
                            thickening and mesangial matrix increase are more obvious, and there are already glomerular
                <li>When the mALB is abnormal, DN has progressed to Phase III. It is not sufficient to use this
                            nodules and diffuse lesions as well as small artery hyaline changes, and the glomeruli have
                    indicator to
                            become dilapidated.
                    the occurrence and development of DN.
                     <p>Han-Henrik Parving said, "Microalbuminuria may not be as sensitive and specific a predictor of diabetic
                <li>Renal impairment in hypertension occurs first in the renal tubules, and then in the glomerulus.
                        nephropathy as previously suggested. Other markers of risk for diabetic nephropathy are needed for
                        optimal clinical management."<sup>[3]</sup> Studies have shown that the urine of diabetic nephropathy patients
                     microalbumin mainly reflects glomerular filtration impairment and is not sensitive to renal tubular
                        with beta2 microglobulin was abnormal 5 years earlier than that of urinary microalbumin.<sup>[4]</sup></p>
                    <p>Our social practice survey found that people are much more receptive to urine tests than blood tests.
                        So our project was launched to provide diabetes patients with a home, visual, portable test box for
                        early and early kidney disease using beta2 microglobulin as a marker.</p>
    <div id="fixed2"></div>
                <h2 class="title">Principle brief introduction</h2>
                <div class="mainText">
                    <p>In this project, we combined the highly specific nanobody with the highly sensitive liquid
                        crystal detection to develop a detection method that meets the above conditions, and we hope to
                        achieve the semi-quantitative visual analysis of ß<sub>2</sub>m in urine of 150-400ng/ml. The normal
                        concentration of ß<sub>2</sub>m in human urine is about 150ng/ml, and other obvious symptoms appear when
                        the concentration of buxi2m in urine is about 450ng/ml. Firstly, nanobody was selected to
                        specifically bind the ß<sub>2</sub>m in urine, and long chain modification was carried out for improving
                        detection sensitivity. We performed the sentinel modification of the nanobacteria using a method
                        catalyzed by enterobacterium, and then linked other molecules with active and specialized
                        aldehyde groups. Compared with traditional antibodies, nanobody has smaller molecular weight, is
                        not easily denatured, and still has complete antigen-binding property. Moreover, the nanobody
                        can be expressed by escherichia coli as the host, and the preparation cost is greatly
                    <table class="img">
                            <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/a/a1/T--DLUT_China_B--Design5.png"></td>
                                <p class="footnote">Fig.1 A schematic of catalysis in E. coli</p>
                    <p>More subtly, we took advantage of crystals' fluidity and anisotropy. First, the substrate of the
                        liquid crystal pool was modified with an antigen, and then a certain concentration of nanobody
                        and the mixture of the solution to be tested were added. After a period of reaction, some
                        antibodies preferentially bound with the scaffold ß<sub>2</sub>M in the solution, and the other with the
                        substrate ß<sub>2</sub>M. After the glass slides were rinsed, the microenvironment of the liquid crystal
                        base changed due to the combination of ß<sub>2</sub>m and Nb, resulting in obvious color or light and shade
                        differences of the liquid crystal, thus realizing the visualization of detection. Finally, we
                        expressed the brightness of the liquid crystal with the gray value of the image, and established
                        the relationship between the fixed antigen concentration of the liquid crystal substrate and the
                        gray value of the image.</p>
                    <table class="img">
        <h2 class="title">We use β<sub>2</sub>M for high sensitivity monitoring of the kidneys</h2>
        <div class="mainText">
                            <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/0/0f/T--DLUT_China_B--Draft1.png"></td>
            <p>In order to solve the problems in the above detection methods, we conducted a multi-study investigation
                            <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/5/57/T--DLUT_China_B--Draft2.png"></td>
                find a new
                type of indicator β<sub>2</sub>M which has higher sensitivity to early kidney damage. β<sub>2</sub>M is
                            <td colspan="2">
                                <p class="footnote">Fig.2 The object to be tested changes the orientations of the liquid
                                    crystal alignment</p>
                 molecule globulin produced by lymphocytes, platelets, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. It can be freely
                from the glomerulus and is absorbed by the proximal tubular in 99.9% . Under normal condition, the
                β<sub>2</sub>M in urine(U-β<sub>2</sub>M) is very small which is no more than 0.25mg/L. U-β<sub>2</sub>M
                is increased in early urine of diabetic patients with stage I hypertension and diabetes. With the
                 <h2 class="title">Results and outlook</h2>
                 <div class="mainText">
                 of the
                    <p>Based on the above principles and design, we firstly verified that there was a significant
                 renal damage, β<sub>2</sub>M accumulates in patients and continue increase. Therefore, the detection of
                        correlation between the liquid crystal brightness and the concentration of fixed mountain 2M,
                U-β<sub>2</sub>M in patients with a risk of kidney disease, such as diabetes and hypertension, can
                        and through the optimization of the parameters of the detection system, the liquid crystal
                        brightness changed significantly when the antigen concentration was 150ng/mL-400ng/mL. In
                        addition, the antibody with long chain modification is selected for detection, and the
                monitoring of the condition of the kidneys, as well as the discovery of early nephropathy to prevent
                        brightness changes of the liquid crystal are more obvious, which can achieve the purpose of
                        effective and reliable detection.</p>
                damage to the kidneys.</p>
                    <p>At the same time, we designed a test box of 5cm &times; 5cm &times; 10cm to demonstrate our product. The
                        short-term goal of this project is to make the patients in the home use of our test kits, only
                        need to add a drop of urine and auxiliary drops wait for a period of time after taking a
                        picture, can intuitive understanding to your beta 2 m concentration in the urine and kidney
                        function, when he will photos uploaded to the mobile terminal, can generate individualized
                        treatment guidelines.</p>
                    <p>Of course, we have a better idea. We can use this test to determine a variety of proteins. After
                        all, there are many diseases that require more accurate diagnosis using one or a series of
                        proteins in urine or blood. For example, AD7c-ntp in urine can be used as an indicator of
                        alzheimer's disease. The index of coronary heart disease is 15 kinds of urine polypeptide
                        combination. To do this we simply need to design a new type of 96-well plate that imparts
                        different antigens to the substrate to enable the determination of multiple proteins and even
                 <div class="mainText">
                    <p class="footnote">[1] Xue R, Gui D, Zheng L, Zhai R, Wang F, Wang N. Mechanistic Insight and
                        Management of Diabetic Nephropathy: Recent Progress and Future Perspective. Journal of Diabetes
                        Research. 2017; 2017:1839809.</p>
                    <p class="footnote">[2] Tuttle KR, Bakris GL, Bilous RW, et al. Diabetic Kidney Disease: A Report From
                        an ADA Consensus Conference. Diabetes Care. 2014; 37(10):2864-2883.</p>
                    <p class="footnote">[3] Han-Henrik Parving, Nish Chaturvedi, GianCarlo Viberti, Carl Erik Mogensen. Does
                        Microalbuminuria Predict Diabetic Nephropathy? , Diabetes Care Feb, 2002, 25 (2) 406-40</p>
                    <p class="footnote">[4] Tóth L, Szénási P, Varsányi NM, Szilvási I, Kammerer L. Clinical significance of
                        beta-2-microglobulin in diabetes mellitus, Orv Hetil. 1989; 130(5):223-5.</p>
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            <p>No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, P.R.C., 116024</p>
            <h3><i class="fas fa-at"></i> E-mail</h3>
            <p>igem_dlut_china_B#163.com (Please replace # with @)</p>
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        <h2 class="title">What kind of a work we want to complete?</h2>
        <div class="mainText">
            <p>Patients with diabetes for about 5 years or those with Hypertension for 5 to 10 years are at high risk of
                kidney disease and are at risk of renal impairment at any time. Since diabetics and hypertensives are
                treated at home in early stages , routine blood and urine tests are rarely performed and the
                indicator is unknown. This has led many patients to miss the opportunity for early intervention and
                work enables these patients to easily monitor their own renal function status at home through the
                test. In addition, we can use mobile devices to conduct a brief analysis of the patient's renal function
                medical advice.</p>
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        <h2 class="title">For U-β<sub>2</sub>M we developed a suitable detection method</h2>
         <div class="mainText">
            <p>In this project, we combined strongly specific nanobodies with high-sensitivity liquid crystal detection
                develop a
                visual detection method, thereby enabling accurate quantification or semiquantification of
                β<sub>2</sub>M. Firstly, we use nanobody to specifically bind to β<sub>2</sub>M. Compared with
                antibodies, nanobody is a smaller molecular,less susceptible to denaturation, but still has intact
                properties. In addition, nanobodies can be expressed by <i>E. coli</i> , which make the cost of
                greatly reduced. What's more, we use the birefringence of liquid crystal molecules. The liquid crystal
                that we are familiar with is liquid crystal display, but this is to change the arrangement of the liquid
                molecules through the electric current, thus show different light signals. Here, we modify the liquid
                crystal cell
                substrate with antibodies. After combining antigens, the micro-environment of the liquid crystal cell
                changes, resulting in a significant difference in color or brightness , the visualization of detection
            <p>This project will propose a low-cost, portable and visible method for monitoring early renal injury and
                medical advice for patients with hypertension and diabetes.
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Latest revision as of 15:03, 17 October 2018




DN is the largest single cause of ESRD in many developed countries and will continue to be the leading cause of death in diabetes mellitus. DN occurs in 20% to 40% of all patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, accounting for approximately 50% of cases in the developed countries.[1] The costs of care for people with DKD are extraordinarily high. In the Medicare population alone, DKD-related expenditures among this mostly older group were nearly $25 billion in 2011.[2] In China, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is also increasing at an alarming rate due to the rapid increase of diabetes prevalence and low awareness rate. As the initial symptoms of chronic nephropathy are very secretive, hypertension, urinary protein, edema and other obvious symptoms have entered the stage of clinical diabetic nephropathy or dominant diabetic nephropathy (overtDN). Furthermore, patients often fail to go to the hospital for examination, so patients with diabetic nephropathy often miss the optimal intervention period. Failure to intervene early can lead to a dramatic deterioration in kidney function and a 90 per cent mortality rate. However, if the renal status of patients can be monitored at any time, the reversion rate can be as high as 70% if intervention is carried out before stage iii of diabetic nephropathy (incipientDN).

At present, urinary microalbumin (mALB) excretion rate is mainly used to diagnose diabetic nephropathy. Although the detection method is relatively perfect, it has the following disadvantages:

  1. The accuracy and specificity of mALB in diagnosing DN are not high, and factors such as urinary tract infection can increase the excretion rate of urinary albumin, leading to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.
  2. When mALB is abnormal, DN has progressed to stage iii, and at this time, the patient's GBM thickening and mesangial matrix increase are more obvious, and there are already glomerular nodules and diffuse lesions as well as small artery hyaline changes, and the glomeruli have become dilapidated.

Han-Henrik Parving said, "Microalbuminuria may not be as sensitive and specific a predictor of diabetic nephropathy as previously suggested. Other markers of risk for diabetic nephropathy are needed for optimal clinical management."[3] Studies have shown that the urine of diabetic nephropathy patients with beta2 microglobulin was abnormal 5 years earlier than that of urinary microalbumin.[4]

Our social practice survey found that people are much more receptive to urine tests than blood tests. So our project was launched to provide diabetes patients with a home, visual, portable test box for early and early kidney disease using beta2 microglobulin as a marker.

Principle brief introduction

In this project, we combined the highly specific nanobody with the highly sensitive liquid crystal detection to develop a detection method that meets the above conditions, and we hope to achieve the semi-quantitative visual analysis of ß2m in urine of 150-400ng/ml. The normal concentration of ß2m in human urine is about 150ng/ml, and other obvious symptoms appear when the concentration of buxi2m in urine is about 450ng/ml. Firstly, nanobody was selected to specifically bind the ß2m in urine, and long chain modification was carried out for improving detection sensitivity. We performed the sentinel modification of the nanobacteria using a method catalyzed by enterobacterium, and then linked other molecules with active and specialized aldehyde groups. Compared with traditional antibodies, nanobody has smaller molecular weight, is not easily denatured, and still has complete antigen-binding property. Moreover, the nanobody can be expressed by escherichia coli as the host, and the preparation cost is greatly reduced.

Fig.1 A schematic of catalysis in E. coli

More subtly, we took advantage of crystals' fluidity and anisotropy. First, the substrate of the liquid crystal pool was modified with an antigen, and then a certain concentration of nanobody and the mixture of the solution to be tested were added. After a period of reaction, some antibodies preferentially bound with the scaffold ß2M in the solution, and the other with the substrate ß2M. After the glass slides were rinsed, the microenvironment of the liquid crystal base changed due to the combination of ß2m and Nb, resulting in obvious color or light and shade differences of the liquid crystal, thus realizing the visualization of detection. Finally, we expressed the brightness of the liquid crystal with the gray value of the image, and established the relationship between the fixed antigen concentration of the liquid crystal substrate and the gray value of the image.

Fig.2 The object to be tested changes the orientations of the liquid crystal alignment

Results and outlook

Based on the above principles and design, we firstly verified that there was a significant correlation between the liquid crystal brightness and the concentration of fixed mountain 2M, and through the optimization of the parameters of the detection system, the liquid crystal brightness changed significantly when the antigen concentration was 150ng/mL-400ng/mL. In addition, the antibody with long chain modification is selected for detection, and the brightness changes of the liquid crystal are more obvious, which can achieve the purpose of effective and reliable detection.

At the same time, we designed a test box of 5cm × 5cm × 10cm to demonstrate our product. The short-term goal of this project is to make the patients in the home use of our test kits, only need to add a drop of urine and auxiliary drops wait for a period of time after taking a picture, can intuitive understanding to your beta 2 m concentration in the urine and kidney function, when he will photos uploaded to the mobile terminal, can generate individualized treatment guidelines.

Of course, we have a better idea. We can use this test to determine a variety of proteins. After all, there are many diseases that require more accurate diagnosis using one or a series of proteins in urine or blood. For example, AD7c-ntp in urine can be used as an indicator of alzheimer's disease. The index of coronary heart disease is 15 kinds of urine polypeptide combination. To do this we simply need to design a new type of 96-well plate that imparts different antigens to the substrate to enable the determination of multiple proteins and even proteomics.

[1] Xue R, Gui D, Zheng L, Zhai R, Wang F, Wang N. Mechanistic Insight and Management of Diabetic Nephropathy: Recent Progress and Future Perspective. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2017; 2017:1839809.

[2] Tuttle KR, Bakris GL, Bilous RW, et al. Diabetic Kidney Disease: A Report From an ADA Consensus Conference. Diabetes Care. 2014; 37(10):2864-2883.

[3] Han-Henrik Parving, Nish Chaturvedi, GianCarlo Viberti, Carl Erik Mogensen. Does Microalbuminuria Predict Diabetic Nephropathy? , Diabetes Care Feb, 2002, 25 (2) 406-40

[4] Tóth L, Szénási P, Varsányi NM, Szilvási I, Kammerer L. Clinical significance of beta-2-microglobulin in diabetes mellitus, Orv Hetil. 1989; 130(5):223-5.