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       <div style="font-family: 'Montserrat' , serif;font-size: 10vw;text-align:center;margin-top:50px;"><center>Human Practices</center></div>
       <div style="font-family: 'Montserrat' , serif;font-size: 9vw;text-align:center;margin-top:50px;"><center>HUMAN PRACTICES</center></div>
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<p><h1 class="w100"><b> Wastewater Treatment Plant</b></h1> <b></b>
<center><h1 style="font-size: 3vw; font-family:Montserrat;"class="w100" ><b>THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT</b></h1></center>
<center><video width="75%" height="" controls>
  <source src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/c7/T--Lethbridge_HS--videoo.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/c7/T--Lethbridge_HS--videoo.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:right; margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:5px;
    width:  400px; height: ;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/d/d5/T--Lethbridge_HS--plantcrop.jpeg">
Our team had the opportunity of receiving a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lethbridge. This plant was built in the early 1900s and it is a biological nutrient facility, which makes it belong to the top five percent of all the treatment plants in the world. The plant removes phosphorus, nitrogen, ammonia, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (pollution), as well as works to reduces fecal and total coliform. The wastewater treatment plant is licensed under the Alberta Government which ensures that certain rules and obligations must be met. Our team had a tour of the plant led by Duane Guzzi, the Process Coordinator of the wastewater treatment plant. During the tour we learned valuable information that would help us for the success of our project. As our project deals with the extraction of metals from tailings ponds, going to a wastewater treatment plant was beneficial as we learned the procedures and methods they take to remove chemicals from water and make it safe for rivers. </p>
<p style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">
Our team had the opportunity of receiving a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lethbridge. This plant was built in the early 1900s and it is a biological nutrient facility, which makes it belong to the top five percent of all the treatment plants in the world. The plant removes phosphorus,nitrogen, ammonia, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (pollution), as well as works to reduces fecal and total coliform. The wastewater treatment plant is licensed under the Alberta Government which ensures that certain rules and obligations must be met. As previously mentioned, we had the opportunity to have a tour of the plant led by Duane Guzzi, the Process Coordinator of the wastewater treatment plant. During the tour we learned valuable information that would help us for the success of our project. As our project deals with the extraction of metals from tailings ponds, going to a wastewater treatment plant was beneficial as we learned the procedures and methods they take to remove chemicals from water and make it safe for rivers. </p>
<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">The Wastewater Treatment Plant is licensed under the Alberta Government, which ensures that certain rules and obligations must be met. During the tour, we learned about the procedures and methods that are taken to remove chemicals from water and make it safe for release. Surprisingly, we discovered a few similarities between our system and the plant’s operations. The plant processes bacteria in order for it to form into flocks and create a netting; then, it sinks to the bottom of the tank and is subsequently able to be removed easily.</p>
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:left; margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:5px;
    text-align: center;
    width:  400px; height: ;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/4/40/T--Lethbridge_HS--wastewaterplant.jpeg">
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:left; margin-right:15px;margin-bottom:10px;
<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'"> Our project is very similar to this process, as we use phages that have inducible precipitation, to allow for easy removal after metal ion capture. This tour also provided us with valuable knowledge on how we can integrate our system into the plant. Mr. Guzzi told us that our project could be integrated into the secondary clarifiers, to remove the metals that are contained within the wastewater. If our project was integrated into the secondary clarifiers, the metals that are contained in the wastewater could be removed before moving on to ultraviolet disinfection, where the microorganisms that are left in the water are disrupted and unable to reproduce and cause harm. This final product that is produced would then be able to be discharged into the environment.
<p  style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">
<p  style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">Lastly, the plant focuses on the environment in the procedures they carry out, as wastes such as methane that is produced from the plant will be transported to co-generation motors where it will then provide heat and electricity for the plant. This ensures that the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s energy costs are low.  This inspired us to turn our attention to the potential impacts our project could have on the environment -- how our project could be used to improve the efficiency of metal removal from wastewater, and how this could impact the dependent ecosystem as a result.
<h1  style="font-size: 3vw; font-family:Montserrat;"class="w100" ><b>INTERVIEWS</b></h1>
<h2  style="font-size: 25px; font-family:Montserrat;"class="w100" ><b>Dorothy Lok</b></h1>
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:right; margin-left:15px;margin-bottom:5px;
     width:  300px; height: ;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/d/d5/T--Lethbridge_HS--plantcrop.jpeg">
     width:  400px; height: ;"src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/3/35/T--Lethbridge_HS--dd.jpeg">
<p style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">The wastewater treatment plant treats water that come from schools, homes and businesses. This water then passes through screens to remove large materials such as plastic bags and toys, before travelling to the grit tanks where sand and dirt is removed. The rest of the wastewater known as primary influent, travels to the primary clarifiers where the water flow is slowed down and the heavier materials that are contained in the water settle to the bottom. The rest of the liquid and sludge is then pumped into the five bioreactors where it travels through a number of zones. The bacteria contained in the zones break down the organic contaminants that are found  in the wastewater by using it as a food source. The first zone the liquid, sludge mixture travels through is the anaerobic zone; then it travels to two anoxic zones, and lastly an aeration zone. As this mixture passes through the different zones the fine particulate matter as well as nutrients that dissolve contaminants in wastewater are removed. For instance, phosphorus is removed from the wastewater when bacteria is placed in the anaerobic zone where it will release phosphorus due to its kreb cycle. As the wastewater passes to the anaerobic zone in the next bioreactor the bacteria does the opposite and instead takes in the phosphorus. This process is repeated until it takes up the maximum amount of phosphorus it can, when at last the bacteria is removed from the wastewater taking the phosphorus with it. After passing through the bioreactors the rest of the wastewater passes on to the secondary clarifiers where the water flow is slowed down once again so the bacteria and sludge contained in the solution settle down at the bottom of the tank. The plant processes the bacteria so it forms into flocks and forms a netting so it will sink to the bottom of the tank that it is in, so it can be removed easily. Our project is very similar to this process, as the phages that are used flocculate so they can be removed from the tailings ponds and the metals that they contain. Mr. Guzzi also gave our team advice on where our project could be integrated in the wastewater treatment plant. He stated that our project could be integrated into the secondary clarifiers, to remove the metals that are contained. If our project was integrated into the secondary clarifiers, the metals that are contained in wastewater could be removed before moving on to ultraviolet disinfection, where the microorganisms that are left in the water are disrupted and unable to reproduce and cause harm. The final product produced meets the policies of the Alberta Environmental Protection and therefore it is discharged into the river. As well as this, because our project deals with biocontainment we learned how the wastewater treatment plant deals with this issue. Mr.Guzzi helped identify the problem of our project, which was the introduction and retention of the phage in the system that will be created. Additionally, another problem he identified was how we would be able to introduce enough phage for the amount of bacteria we will contain, as well as how to keep the phage contained long enough to allow our process to occur. The wastewater treatment plant uses 15-100 000 kg of bacteria, and therefore for our project to be feasible in current plants we will need to introduce enough phage for the amount of bacteria contained. This gave us insight into the potential problems our project could have in real-world situations. </p>
<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">We interviewed Dorothy Lok, who is a Municipal Approvals Engineer at Alberta Environment and Parks to explore the possibility of implementing our system into the Lethbridge Wastewater Treatment plant. Upon interviewing her, we learned that though our system is innovative, it would be unnecessary to implement it into the Lethbridge Wastewater Treatment plant as there is not a high concentration of metal ions in the wastewater. She also mentioned that the wastewater treatment plant already uses the metal-laden sludge produced as fertilizers for various crops. However, Dorothy Lok did propose that we should look into applying our system in other wastewater treatment plants of specific cities such as Flint, Michigan or industrial wastewater treatments plants, as these facilities contain a higher concentration of metal ions. In addition, she also suggested that the issue of mining and oil tailings ponds is a problem we could potentially tackle as tailings ponds contain a high concentration of metal ions that are detrimental to the environment. This would be more efficient for our system as the concentration of metal ions would be higher and therefore there would be more metal ions to remove. In terms of our system, Ms Lok told us, “You would really have to have a purpose for doing it [implementing our system in the wastewater treatment process]… whereas with tailings ponds, they need to be dealt with.” As a result of her advice, we pivoted our project goal to focus on the removal of metal ions from mining and oil tailings ponds rather than wastewater treatments plants. The successful implementation of our project could benefit communities locally and globally!
</p> <br>
<h2  style="font-size: 25px; font-family:Montserrat;"class="w100" ><b>Senior Tailings Engineer for Alberta Energy Regulator</b></h1>
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:right; margin-left:15px;margin-bottom:5px;
    width:  400px; height: ;"src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/c7/T--Lethbridge_HS--AlbertaEnergyRegulatorLogo.png">
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:right; margin-left:15px;margin-bottom:10px;
<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">As mentioned, the environmental concern that tailings ponds cause is a crucial issue that many places around the world face, specifically Alberta. While our provincial economy relies heavily on the oil and gas industry, and we are very fortunate to have such natural resources at our disposal, these tailings must be monitored and dealt with cautiously. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) ensures the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of oil, oil sands, natural gas, and coal resources over their entire life cycle. They aim to ensure the reclamation of tailings ponds and speaking with them helped us gain insight on many different aspects of our project. We organized an interview with a Senior Tailings Engineer from Alberta Energy Regulator, and told him about our project and goals. A large concern for our project was using synthetic biology in an environment that is exposed to natural conditions; however, when discussing the issue of biocontainment with the AER representative, he advised us that biocontainment was not an issue whatsoever. This is due to the fact that tailings ponds do not support many living organisms aside from bacteria because they are so toxic (tailings ponds are relatively isolated environments). We also discussed and gained knowledge of the magnitude of tailings ponds, and were informed that they will continue to grow and must be taken care of. This interview helped us to confirm that our system would be very useful due to the fact that there is currently no concrete solution. The representative voiced his concern about the magnitude of tailings ponds, and the impact that our system could have on such a large volume. We aim to resolve this concern using mathematical modelling until further experiments can be conducted. Our interview with the AER representative allowed us to verify that our project would be highly innovative and beneficial to both our economy and environment.
</p> <br>
<h2  style="font-size: 25px; font-family:Montserrat;"class="w100" ><b>Professor Rood</b></h1>
<img class="img-fluid"style="float:right; margin-left:15px;margin-bottom:5px;
     width:  300px; height: ;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/4/40/T--Lethbridge_HS--wastewaterplant.jpeg">
     width:  400px; height: ;"src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/7/7b/T--Lethbridge_HS--ProfessorRood.jpeg">
<p style="font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">In order to address our questions of biosecurity and feasibility, we had an interview with a biology professor at the University of Lethbridge, Dr Stewart Rood. We were told that our project required improvement in the applied design; tailings ponds are massive, and it would be very difficult to extract enough metals from them to make a profit. “My biggest problem with the system is scale,” informed Dr. Rood. As a result, in the final few weeks before the giant Jamboree, we researched other potential real-world applications of our system, in order to discover what it could be most effectively used for. We realized that although our system would not be extremely helpful in remediating tailings ponds samples, it would be beneficial to extract metals for profit from them -- but particularly in mining tailings. Moreover, we re-acknowledged the use of our system in wastewater treatment plants; although Lethbridge’s wastewater treatment plant would not require our system based on our tour, physical wastewater treatment plants used to clean the wastewater from industries discard large amounts of metals. Our system would definitely be purposeful there, in addition to places with metal contaminated water, such as Flint, Michigan. This demonstrates the improved knowledge we gained on the application of our project as a result of the advice given from Professor Rood.</p> <br>
<p  style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">The bacteria that is not needed and the sludge that is left over is transported to the digestion system that contains anaerobic bacteria that will break down the solids to a point that is manageable for the plant. Additionally, the methane that is produced as a result of the break down  will be transported to the cogeneration motors where it will then provide heat and electricity for the plant. This is ensuring that the wastewater treatment plant’s electricity costs are low. The inorganic substrate that is left over will be transported to the lagoons where it will be dewatered. The water that was taken out will be brought back to plant for treatment, and the rest of the material will be used as fertilizer for land. This inspired our project to pay more attention to the environmental impact our project could create. Therefore, by extracting metals from tailings ponds we are helping the environment by removing materials that pollute systems. </p>
<p  style="font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Open Sans'">During the tour we learned valuable information that would help us for the success of our project. As our project deals with extracting metals from tailings ponds, going to a wastewater treatment plant was beneficial as we learned the procedures they take to make the water safe for rivers and it gave us insight into how our project would function.For instance, we learned where our project could be integrated into the wastewater treatment plant and what steps would need to be taken to ensure that our project can be applied to real world applications. Duane Guzzi, the Process Coordinator of the wastewater treatment plant, showed us that our project could be integrated into the primary clarifiers or when the wastewater first enters the plant, to remove the heavy metals that are contained inside. We conducted a tour as well as an interview with Duane Guzzi, the Process Coordinator of the wastewater treatment plant, and he helped in showing where our project would benefit the wastewater treatment plant the most. As well as this, because our project deals with biocontainment we learned how the wastewater treatment plant deals with this issue. Mr.Guzzi helped identify the problem of our project, which was the introduction and retention of the phage in the system that will be created. Additionally, another problem he identifies was how we would be able to introduce enough phage for the amount of bacteria we will contain, as well as how to keep the phage contained long enough to allow our process to occur. The plant processes the bacteria so it forms into flocks and forms a netting so it will sink to the bottom of the tank that it is in. </p>

Latest revision as of 03:15, 18 October 2018


Our team had the opportunity of receiving a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lethbridge. This plant was built in the early 1900s and it is a biological nutrient facility, which makes it belong to the top five percent of all the treatment plants in the world. The plant removes phosphorus, nitrogen, ammonia, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (pollution), as well as works to reduces fecal and total coliform. The wastewater treatment plant is licensed under the Alberta Government which ensures that certain rules and obligations must be met. Our team had a tour of the plant led by Duane Guzzi, the Process Coordinator of the wastewater treatment plant. During the tour we learned valuable information that would help us for the success of our project. As our project deals with the extraction of metals from tailings ponds, going to a wastewater treatment plant was beneficial as we learned the procedures and methods they take to remove chemicals from water and make it safe for rivers.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant is licensed under the Alberta Government, which ensures that certain rules and obligations must be met. During the tour, we learned about the procedures and methods that are taken to remove chemicals from water and make it safe for release. Surprisingly, we discovered a few similarities between our system and the plant’s operations. The plant processes bacteria in order for it to form into flocks and create a netting; then, it sinks to the bottom of the tank and is subsequently able to be removed easily.

Our project is very similar to this process, as we use phages that have inducible precipitation, to allow for easy removal after metal ion capture. This tour also provided us with valuable knowledge on how we can integrate our system into the plant. Mr. Guzzi told us that our project could be integrated into the secondary clarifiers, to remove the metals that are contained within the wastewater. If our project was integrated into the secondary clarifiers, the metals that are contained in the wastewater could be removed before moving on to ultraviolet disinfection, where the microorganisms that are left in the water are disrupted and unable to reproduce and cause harm. This final product that is produced would then be able to be discharged into the environment.

Lastly, the plant focuses on the environment in the procedures they carry out, as wastes such as methane that is produced from the plant will be transported to co-generation motors where it will then provide heat and electricity for the plant. This ensures that the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s energy costs are low. This inspired us to turn our attention to the potential impacts our project could have on the environment -- how our project could be used to improve the efficiency of metal removal from wastewater, and how this could impact the dependent ecosystem as a result.


Dorothy Lok

We interviewed Dorothy Lok, who is a Municipal Approvals Engineer at Alberta Environment and Parks to explore the possibility of implementing our system into the Lethbridge Wastewater Treatment plant. Upon interviewing her, we learned that though our system is innovative, it would be unnecessary to implement it into the Lethbridge Wastewater Treatment plant as there is not a high concentration of metal ions in the wastewater. She also mentioned that the wastewater treatment plant already uses the metal-laden sludge produced as fertilizers for various crops. However, Dorothy Lok did propose that we should look into applying our system in other wastewater treatment plants of specific cities such as Flint, Michigan or industrial wastewater treatments plants, as these facilities contain a higher concentration of metal ions. In addition, she also suggested that the issue of mining and oil tailings ponds is a problem we could potentially tackle as tailings ponds contain a high concentration of metal ions that are detrimental to the environment. This would be more efficient for our system as the concentration of metal ions would be higher and therefore there would be more metal ions to remove. In terms of our system, Ms Lok told us, “You would really have to have a purpose for doing it [implementing our system in the wastewater treatment process]… whereas with tailings ponds, they need to be dealt with.” As a result of her advice, we pivoted our project goal to focus on the removal of metal ions from mining and oil tailings ponds rather than wastewater treatments plants. The successful implementation of our project could benefit communities locally and globally!

Senior Tailings Engineer for Alberta Energy Regulator

As mentioned, the environmental concern that tailings ponds cause is a crucial issue that many places around the world face, specifically Alberta. While our provincial economy relies heavily on the oil and gas industry, and we are very fortunate to have such natural resources at our disposal, these tailings must be monitored and dealt with cautiously. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) ensures the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of oil, oil sands, natural gas, and coal resources over their entire life cycle. They aim to ensure the reclamation of tailings ponds and speaking with them helped us gain insight on many different aspects of our project. We organized an interview with a Senior Tailings Engineer from Alberta Energy Regulator, and told him about our project and goals. A large concern for our project was using synthetic biology in an environment that is exposed to natural conditions; however, when discussing the issue of biocontainment with the AER representative, he advised us that biocontainment was not an issue whatsoever. This is due to the fact that tailings ponds do not support many living organisms aside from bacteria because they are so toxic (tailings ponds are relatively isolated environments). We also discussed and gained knowledge of the magnitude of tailings ponds, and were informed that they will continue to grow and must be taken care of. This interview helped us to confirm that our system would be very useful due to the fact that there is currently no concrete solution. The representative voiced his concern about the magnitude of tailings ponds, and the impact that our system could have on such a large volume. We aim to resolve this concern using mathematical modelling until further experiments can be conducted. Our interview with the AER representative allowed us to verify that our project would be highly innovative and beneficial to both our economy and environment.

Professor Rood

In order to address our questions of biosecurity and feasibility, we had an interview with a biology professor at the University of Lethbridge, Dr Stewart Rood. We were told that our project required improvement in the applied design; tailings ponds are massive, and it would be very difficult to extract enough metals from them to make a profit. “My biggest problem with the system is scale,” informed Dr. Rood. As a result, in the final few weeks before the giant Jamboree, we researched other potential real-world applications of our system, in order to discover what it could be most effectively used for. We realized that although our system would not be extremely helpful in remediating tailings ponds samples, it would be beneficial to extract metals for profit from them -- but particularly in mining tailings. Moreover, we re-acknowledged the use of our system in wastewater treatment plants; although Lethbridge’s wastewater treatment plant would not require our system based on our tour, physical wastewater treatment plants used to clean the wastewater from industries discard large amounts of metals. Our system would definitely be purposeful there, in addition to places with metal contaminated water, such as Flint, Michigan. This demonstrates the improved knowledge we gained on the application of our project as a result of the advice given from Professor Rood.