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<p> Document the dates you worked on your project. This should be a detailed account of the work done each day for your project.</p>
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<h2>Day 1 -07/06/18</h2>
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<p>Started the day with introductory talks explaining iGem and the wiki, we then went onto look at previous competition entries. Jem Stach and Phil Wright spoke about their experience in the field, research interests and what makes a good competition entry.<p>
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<h2>Day 2 - 08/06/18</h2>
<p>The day began with a talk from Jon Marles-Wright about the importance of human practices and the impacts of our projects in the real world. This was followed by Dana Ofiteru who taught us about mathematical modeling of biological systems. In the afternoon, plant biologist Max Kapralov discussed using synthetic biology to improve the efficiency of photosynthesis. Finally, Rachel Armstrong (professor of experimental architecture) discussed the potential of microorganism in waste management systems and energy production in the built environment. Rachel also outlined political and economic issues surrounding synthetic biology.</p>
<h2>Day 3 - 11/06/18</h2>
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<p>We started the day with a talk from Angel Goni Moreno who discussed the principles of synthetic biology and provided guidance on the implementation of logic in Biology. The Masters students who are working on the Interlab study explained their role in the project and we brainstormed ideas. Following this, the Synthetic Biology Masters students discussed their individual projects involving modelling lab work. Each of the team gave a presentation on a previous competition entry that has won an award.</p>
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<h2>Day 4- 12/06/18</h2>
<p>We started the day with a talk from Alice banks and Colette Whitfield. Followed by brainstorming with Tom, refining the original ideas with some extra. Then the marine biologist/Engineered talked to us about boat fouling. Finally we had a talk from Vas Andriotis who focused on plant biology (corn yield). Finishing with brainstorming. </p>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/3/34/T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_4.jpeg">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/3/35/T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_5.jpeg">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/7/73/T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_6.jpeg">
<h2>Day 5- 13/06/18</h2>
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<p> The day began with a talk from Martyn Dade-Robertson who discussed the use of biotechnology in architecture and his research into pressure sensing <i>E.coli</i>. In the afternoon Harold Freemann led a discussion around the use of mathematical modelling and its uses in synthetic biology. Finally Alice Banks and Colette Whitfield covered current topics in synthetic biology and the equipment available to us in the laboratory. </p>
<h2>Day 6- 14/06/18</h2>
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<p> This was our first day in which we were given freedom to explore our ideas and gain a necessary background surrounding the topics in order to refine into 6 ideas that will be pitched to research supervisors and the guest speakers who have given presentations since the project began. </p>
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<h2>Day 7- 15/06/18</h2>
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<p> We continued to explore our ideas for the majority of the day, narrowing our proposals down from ten ideas to six. We worked more as individuals, researching specific aspects of the proposals.</p>
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<h2>Day 8- 18/06/18</h2>
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<p> Today was more orientated around the ethical implications Synthetic Biology has. We started with a discussion with Dr. Ilke Turkendag, a lecturer in Law Innovation & Society. We discussed our six proposals and outlines possible ethical/legal issues which could arise. This was followed by an interesting talk from Simon Woods and Ken Taylor, they spoke about potential stakeholders and how we could go about talking/communicating with them. They also took each of our ideas and looked at the potential impacts our projects could have on the wider public. We then finished the day preparing for our six pitches on Tuesday.  </p>
<h2>Day 9- 19/06/18</h2>
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<p> We pitched the six ideas that had been selected to the advisers and masters students. After receiving feedback and suggestions from the advisory team we narrowed it down to two ideas to be taken forward. Further we constructed a template for both idea presentations and allocated team members to each idea. Umar is now our least favorite team member :) </p>
<h2>Day 10/11- 21/06/18</h2>
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<p> Following on from the 2 ideas that we chose to take forward, we spent these next 2 days researching further into these proposals. During our research, we took a holistic approach when evaluating our ideas and attempted to account for topics such as human practices, ethical implications and possible art and design ideas. We incorporated this into our 2 ideas which we then pitched to the supervisory team and Master's students. Everyone was drained of energy by the end of the day so voting was postponed until the next day.</p>
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                <p>Newcastle iGEM 2018</p>
<h2>Day 12- 22/06/18</h2>
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<p> This day was used to carefully consider both ideas that were pitched the previous day before voting on one to take forward. We started by summarizing each idea in 140 characters which highlighted some discrepancies in individual team members understanding of the ideas. After these discrepancies were rectified, the team spent some time considering each idea before voting on one to take up as our project. In the end, it was decided that the project involving engineering microbes to colonize plant roots and attract nitrogen-fixing bacteria was the best to take forward. We spent some time thinking about the modeling/human practices/lab work that may be involved in this project.<p>
<h2>Day 13- 25/06/18</h2>
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<p> On our first official day of project-specific work, various tasks were allocated to team members for them to research. Some background reading was conducted on the topic, the team name was confirmed and some ideas for the team logo were suggested. Also, some ideas for a hydroponics system were discussed. <p>
<h2>Week commencing: 25/06/18 </h2>
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<p> On the Monday, members of the team were provided an overview of the plant growth facilities at Newcastle University by Vas Andriotis who has shown great interest in our project since its pitch and has given many resources to enhance and develop our ideas. The remainder of the group began on the research for the several experiments that will be ran in parallel over the Summer.</p>
            <span class="header-menu-text">Menu</span>
<p> Tuesday was dedicated to further fleshing out our research by identifying species which would be suitable for our iGEM project. Some members moved in an artistic direction and produced a handful of potential logos before the entire team voted on our two favorites *put logos here*. Once these were decided, merchandising began development </p>
            <span class="header-menu-icon"></span>
<p> Development on our hydroponics system moved into full swing on the Wednesday, with our 2 engineers beginning work on the general structure of the system which has been influenced by conversations with plant biologists within the university; working once again with Vas in order to understand his needs from the system. </p>
<p> Thursday presented our team with the incredible opportunity to speak with Steven Burgess who is currently performing plant research at the University of Illinois in order to discuss our project and identify potential for sharing our work among the wider scientific community. </p>
<p> Members of the Biology and Engineering teams went to meet with Dr Montero-Calasanz; a Microbiologist whom specialises in plant-microbe interactions. This gave a valuable opportunity to identify potential protocols which would relate to our chassis organism. The week was rounded off by talks from Alice Banks and Collette Whitfield concerning sponsorship and outreach </p>  
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<h3>What should this page have?</h3>
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<li>Chronological notes of what your team is doing.</li>
<li> Brief descriptions of daily important events.</li>
<li>Pictures of your progress. </li>
<li>Mention who participated in what task.</li>
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<p>You can see what others teams have done to organize their notes:</p>
                <h3>Alternative Roots</h3>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:ATOMS-Turkiye/Notebook">2014 ATOMS-Turkiye</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Tec-Monterrey/ITESM14_project.html#tab_notebook">2014 Tec Monterrey</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Kyoto/Notebook/Magnetosome_Formation#title">2014 Kyoto</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Cornell/notebook">2014 Cornell</a></li>
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                <h3 class="subhead">NOTEBOOK</h3>
                <h1 class="display-2">Follow the Newcastle iGEM team on their journey</h1>
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 1 -07/06/18</h3>
                    <p>Started the day with introductory talks explaining iGem and the wiki, we then went onto look at previous
                    competition entries. Jem Stach and Phil Wright spoke about their experience in the field, research interests
                    and what makes a good competition entry.
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/thumb/b/bf/T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_1.jpeg/450px-T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_1.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 2 - 08/06/18</h3>
                    <p>The day began with a talk from Jon Marles-Wright about the importance of human practices and the impacts of
                    our projects in the real world. This was followed by Dana Ofiteru who taught us about mathematical modeling of
                    biological systems. In the afternoon, plant biologist Max Kapralov discussed using synthetic biology to improve
                    the efficiency of photosynthesis. Finally, Rachel Armstrong (professor of experimental architecture) discussed
                    the potential of microorganism in waste management systems and energy production in the built environment. Rachel
                    also outlined political and economic issues surrounding synthetic biology.
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/f/fd/T--Newcastle--June8thPic.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 3 - 11/06/18</h3>
                    <p>We started the day with a talk from Angel Goni Moreno who discussed the principles of synthetic biology and provided
                    guidance on the implementation of logic in Biology. The Masters students who are working on the Interlab study explained
                    their role in the project and we brainstormed ideas. Following this, the Synthetic Biology Masters students discussed
                    their individual projects involving modelling lab work. Each of the team gave a presentation on a previous competition
                    entry that has won an award.
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 4- 12/06/18</h3>
                    <p>We started the day with a talk from Alice banks and Colette Whitfield. Followed by brainstorming with Tom, refining
                    the original ideas with some extra. Then the marine biologist/Engineered talked to us about boat fouling. Finally we had a
                    talk from Vas Andriotis who focused on plant biology (corn yield). Finishing with brainstorming.
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/3/35/T--Newcastle--Whiteboard_5.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 5- 13/06/18</h3>
                    <p>The day began with a talk from Martyn Dade-Robertson who discussed the use of biotechnology in architecture and his research
                    into pressure sensing E.coli. In the afternoon Harold Freemann led a discussion around the use of mathematical modelling and its
                      uses in synthetic biology. Finally Alice Banks and Colette Whitfield covered current topics in synthetic biology and the
                      equipment available to us in the laboratory.
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 6- 14/06/18</h3>
                    <p>This was our first day in which we were given freedom to explore our ideas and gain a necessary background surrounding
                    the topics in order to refine into 6 ideas that will be pitched to research supervisors and the guest speakers who have
                    given presentations since the project began.
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 7- 15/06/18</h3>
                    <p>We continued to explore our ideas for the majority of the day, narrowing our proposals down from ten ideas to six.
                    We worked more as individuals, researching specific aspects of the proposals.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/7/7a/T--Newcastle--June17thPic.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 8- 18/06/18</h3>
                    <p>Today was more orientated around the ethical implications Synthetic Biology has. We started with a discussion with Dr.
                    Ilke Turkendag, a lecturer in Law Innovation & Society. We discussed our six proposals and outlines possible ethical/legal
                    issues which could arise. This was followed by an interesting talk from Simon Woods and Ken Taylor, they spoke about potential
                    stakeholders and how we could go about talking/communicating with them. They also took each of our ideas and looked at the
                    potential impacts our projects could have on the wider public. We then finished the day preparing for our six pitches on Tuesday.
The OpenTrons OT-2 robot, which the Newcastle iGEM team won, was also delivered today.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/a/aa/T--Newcastle--June18thPic.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 9- 19/06/18</h3>
                    <p>We pitched the six ideas that had been selected to the advisers and masters students. After receiving feedback and suggestions
                    from the advisory team we narrowed it down to two ideas to be taken forward. Further we constructed a template for both idea
                    presentations and allocated team members to each idea. Umar is now our least favorite team member :)
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/f/f2/T--Newcastle--June19thPic.jpeg">
            <div class="col-block service-item" data-aos="fade-up">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 10/11- 21/06/18</h3>
                    <p>Following on from the 2 ideas that we chose to take forward, we spent these next 2 days researching further into these proposals.
                    During our research, we took a holistic approach when evaluating our ideas and attempted to account for topics such as human practices,
                    ethical implications and possible art and design ideas. We incorporated this into our 2 ideas which we then pitched to the supervisory
                    team and Master's students. We also managed to successfully setup the OT-2 robot. The smiles speak for themselves...
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/7/7c/T--Newcastle--June20thPic.jpeg">
            <div class="col-block service-item" data-aos="fade-up">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 12- 22/06/18</h3>
                    <p>This day was used to carefully consider both ideas that were pitched the previous day before voting on one to take forward.
                    We started by summarizing each idea in 140 characters which highlighted some discrepancies in individual team members understanding
                    of the ideas. After these discrepancies were rectified, the team spent some time considering each idea before voting on one to take
                    up as our project. In the end, it was decided that the project involving engineering microbes to colonize plant roots and attract
                    nitrogen-fixing bacteria was the best to take forward. We spent some time thinking about the modeling/human practices/lab work that
                    may be involved in this project.
            <div class="col-block service-item" data-aos="fade-up">
                <div class="service-icon"><i class="icon-lego-block"></i></div>
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                    <h3 class="h2">Day 13- 25/06/18</h3>
                    <p>On our first official day of project-specific work, various tasks were allocated to team members for them to research.
                    Some background reading was conducted on the topic, the team name was confirmed and some ideas for the team logo were suggested.
                    Also, some ideas for a hydroponics system were discussed. With a rare bit of sunshine, we decided to work outdoors.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/cb/T--Newcastle--June25thPic.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Week commencing: 25/06/18</h3>
                    <p>On the Monday, members of the team were provided an overview of the plant growth facilities at Newcastle University by
                    Vas Andriotis who has shown great interest in our project since its pitch and has given many resources to enhance
                    and develop our ideas. The remainder of the group began on the research for the several experiments that will be ran in
                    parallel over the Summer. <br>
Tuesday was dedicated to further fleshing out our research by identifying species which would be suitable for our iGEM project.
Some members moved in an artistic direction and produced a handful of potential logos before the entire team voted on our two
favorites *put logos here*. Once these were decided, merchandising began development. <br>
Development on our hydroponics system moved into full swing on the Wednesday, with our 2 engineers beginning work on the general
structure of the system which has been influenced by conversations with plant biologists within the university; working once again
with Vas in order to understand his needs from the system. <br>
Thursday presented our team with the incredible opportunity to speak with Steven Burgess who is currently performing plant research
at the University of Illinois in order to discuss our project and identify potential for sharing our work among the wider
scientific community. <br>
Members of the Biology and Engineering teams went to meet with Dr Montero-Calasanz; a Microbiologist whom specialises in plant-microbe
interactions. This gave a valuable opportunity to identify potential protocols which would relate to our chassis organism. The week was
rounded off by talks from Alice Banks and Collette Whitfield concerning sponsorship and outreach.
                                                                                                <div class="col-block service-item" data-aos="fade-up">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Logos from week 1</h3>
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/thumb/7/7e/T--Newcastle--Logos2.png/267px-T--Newcastle--Logos2.png">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Week commencing: 02/07/18</h3>
                    <p>The team focused on preparation for the wetware projects by ordering the <i>Pseudomonas chassis</i>, in addition to various free-living
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. A variety of flavinoid chemoattractants were also ordered in order to reduce the wait time before lab work begins.
The human practices and outreach team continued getting their work by in touch with potential sponsors. Some of the team members with prior
experience in programming began working with the OT-2 to design a heat-shock protocol for <i>E. coli</i> using the python-based language within the
OpenTrons API.
The whole team received inductions for the Cat2 lab so that we can begin the wetware side of the project and follow all the safety protocols
ans rules and regulations set out by the University for safe lab use.
After receiving the lab inductions, we prepared the lab equipment for testing <i>Arabidopsis</i> germination so that we can begin testing the following week.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/8/8b/T--Newcastle--July12thPic.jpeg">
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                    <h3 class="h2">Week commencing: 09/07/18</h3>
                    <p>The ball started to roll this week, we managed to get access to the labs and plant our first set of seeds in agar as well as
                    preparing competent <i> E. coli</i> cells. We began the process of styling our wiki using bootstraps and designing the poster
                    for the European Meetup. Towards the end of the week we attended a modeling workshop, ran by Synthetic Biology Masters students,
                    this gave us an insight into modelling and tips we can apply to our modeling work. The team was also lucky enough to recieve goodiebags
                    of Eppendorf.
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In 2018, Team Newcastle aim to engineer microbes for sustainable agriculture. The team shall build upon Newcastle University’s long and illustrious history in agriculture and food security research by engineering root colonising microbes. The microbes will attract bacteria that modify the soil's composition including nitrogen content, in a fashion that is suitable for uptake by plants via the roots.
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Revision as of 09:26, 13 July 2018

Alternative Roots/Notebook


Alternative Roots



Follow the Newcastle iGEM team on their journey

Day 1 -07/06/18

Started the day with introductory talks explaining iGem and the wiki, we then went onto look at previous competition entries. Jem Stach and Phil Wright spoke about their experience in the field, research interests and what makes a good competition entry.

Day 2 - 08/06/18

The day began with a talk from Jon Marles-Wright about the importance of human practices and the impacts of our projects in the real world. This was followed by Dana Ofiteru who taught us about mathematical modeling of biological systems. In the afternoon, plant biologist Max Kapralov discussed using synthetic biology to improve the efficiency of photosynthesis. Finally, Rachel Armstrong (professor of experimental architecture) discussed the potential of microorganism in waste management systems and energy production in the built environment. Rachel also outlined political and economic issues surrounding synthetic biology.

Day 3 - 11/06/18

We started the day with a talk from Angel Goni Moreno who discussed the principles of synthetic biology and provided guidance on the implementation of logic in Biology. The Masters students who are working on the Interlab study explained their role in the project and we brainstormed ideas. Following this, the Synthetic Biology Masters students discussed their individual projects involving modelling lab work. Each of the team gave a presentation on a previous competition entry that has won an award.

Day 4- 12/06/18

We started the day with a talk from Alice banks and Colette Whitfield. Followed by brainstorming with Tom, refining the original ideas with some extra. Then the marine biologist/Engineered talked to us about boat fouling. Finally we had a talk from Vas Andriotis who focused on plant biology (corn yield). Finishing with brainstorming.

Day 5- 13/06/18

The day began with a talk from Martyn Dade-Robertson who discussed the use of biotechnology in architecture and his research into pressure sensing E.coli. In the afternoon Harold Freemann led a discussion around the use of mathematical modelling and its uses in synthetic biology. Finally Alice Banks and Colette Whitfield covered current topics in synthetic biology and the equipment available to us in the laboratory.

Day 6- 14/06/18

This was our first day in which we were given freedom to explore our ideas and gain a necessary background surrounding the topics in order to refine into 6 ideas that will be pitched to research supervisors and the guest speakers who have given presentations since the project began.

Day 7- 15/06/18

We continued to explore our ideas for the majority of the day, narrowing our proposals down from ten ideas to six. We worked more as individuals, researching specific aspects of the proposals.

Day 8- 18/06/18

Today was more orientated around the ethical implications Synthetic Biology has. We started with a discussion with Dr. Ilke Turkendag, a lecturer in Law Innovation & Society. We discussed our six proposals and outlines possible ethical/legal issues which could arise. This was followed by an interesting talk from Simon Woods and Ken Taylor, they spoke about potential stakeholders and how we could go about talking/communicating with them. They also took each of our ideas and looked at the potential impacts our projects could have on the wider public. We then finished the day preparing for our six pitches on Tuesday. The OpenTrons OT-2 robot, which the Newcastle iGEM team won, was also delivered today.

Day 9- 19/06/18

We pitched the six ideas that had been selected to the advisers and masters students. After receiving feedback and suggestions from the advisory team we narrowed it down to two ideas to be taken forward. Further we constructed a template for both idea presentations and allocated team members to each idea. Umar is now our least favorite team member :)

Day 10/11- 21/06/18

Following on from the 2 ideas that we chose to take forward, we spent these next 2 days researching further into these proposals. During our research, we took a holistic approach when evaluating our ideas and attempted to account for topics such as human practices, ethical implications and possible art and design ideas. We incorporated this into our 2 ideas which we then pitched to the supervisory team and Master's students. We also managed to successfully setup the OT-2 robot. The smiles speak for themselves...

Day 12- 22/06/18

This day was used to carefully consider both ideas that were pitched the previous day before voting on one to take forward. We started by summarizing each idea in 140 characters which highlighted some discrepancies in individual team members understanding of the ideas. After these discrepancies were rectified, the team spent some time considering each idea before voting on one to take up as our project. In the end, it was decided that the project involving engineering microbes to colonize plant roots and attract nitrogen-fixing bacteria was the best to take forward. We spent some time thinking about the modeling/human practices/lab work that may be involved in this project.

Day 13- 25/06/18

On our first official day of project-specific work, various tasks were allocated to team members for them to research. Some background reading was conducted on the topic, the team name was confirmed and some ideas for the team logo were suggested. Also, some ideas for a hydroponics system were discussed. With a rare bit of sunshine, we decided to work outdoors.

Week commencing: 25/06/18

On the Monday, members of the team were provided an overview of the plant growth facilities at Newcastle University by Vas Andriotis who has shown great interest in our project since its pitch and has given many resources to enhance and develop our ideas. The remainder of the group began on the research for the several experiments that will be ran in parallel over the Summer.
Tuesday was dedicated to further fleshing out our research by identifying species which would be suitable for our iGEM project. Some members moved in an artistic direction and produced a handful of potential logos before the entire team voted on our two favorites *put logos here*. Once these were decided, merchandising began development.
Development on our hydroponics system moved into full swing on the Wednesday, with our 2 engineers beginning work on the general structure of the system which has been influenced by conversations with plant biologists within the university; working once again with Vas in order to understand his needs from the system.
Thursday presented our team with the incredible opportunity to speak with Steven Burgess who is currently performing plant research at the University of Illinois in order to discuss our project and identify potential for sharing our work among the wider scientific community.
Members of the Biology and Engineering teams went to meet with Dr Montero-Calasanz; a Microbiologist whom specialises in plant-microbe interactions. This gave a valuable opportunity to identify potential protocols which would relate to our chassis organism. The week was rounded off by talks from Alice Banks and Collette Whitfield concerning sponsorship and outreach.

Logos from week 1

Week commencing: 02/07/18

The team focused on preparation for the wetware projects by ordering the Pseudomonas chassis, in addition to various free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria. A variety of flavinoid chemoattractants were also ordered in order to reduce the wait time before lab work begins. The human practices and outreach team continued getting their work by in touch with potential sponsors. Some of the team members with prior experience in programming began working with the OT-2 to design a heat-shock protocol for E. coli using the python-based language within the OpenTrons API. The whole team received inductions for the Cat2 lab so that we can begin the wetware side of the project and follow all the safety protocols ans rules and regulations set out by the University for safe lab use. After receiving the lab inductions, we prepared the lab equipment for testing Arabidopsis germination so that we can begin testing the following week.

Week commencing: 09/07/18

The ball started to roll this week, we managed to get access to the labs and plant our first set of seeds in agar as well as preparing competent E. coli cells. We began the process of styling our wiki using bootstraps and designing the poster for the European Meetup. Towards the end of the week we attended a modeling workshop, ran by Synthetic Biology Masters students, this gave us an insight into modelling and tips we can apply to our modeling work. The team was also lucky enough to recieve goodiebags of Eppendorf.