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        <h3>External Support</h3>
        <p class="attention">We've received a lot of help and guidance from numerous people and organizations throughout the process of creating this project.  The Tec-Chihuahua team would like to extend special thanks to the following individuals and funding supporters:</p><br><br>
        <div class="table-responsive">
            <table class="table">
                        <td>Gil Palacios</td>
                        <td>Apple grower, thanks a lot for giving us the initial heads up on the problem, you rock! <br>Without you, this project would not have been possible ♥!! </td>
                        <td>Dr. Lorena Montes</td>
                        <td>Dr. Montes helped us with SDS-PAGE protocol tips and standardization.</td>
                        <td>Dr. Blanca Sánchez
                        <td>Dr. Sánchez provided us with the Colorimetry Protocol standardization.</td>
                        <td>Dr. Victoria Nevárez</td>
                        <td>Dr. Nevárez kindly donated reagents for the lab to the team</td>
                        <td>Dr. Carlos Hicks</td>
                        <td>Dr. Hicks helped us with the inverse atomization protocol.</td>
                        <td>Dr. Layla <br> Leónides Fernández</td>
                        <td> They established the contact with the winegrowers</td>
                        <td>Dr. Quintin Rascón</td>
                        <td>Dr. Quintin provided us with laboratory advice and initial products for lab work</td>
                        <td>Dr. Fabiola Chacón</td>
                        <td>Dr. Chacón helped us by transporting our <i>E. amylovora</i> strain to Mexico City for the collaboration with Tec CEM.</td>
                        <td>Dr. Cristina Sánchez</td>
                        <td>Dr. Sánchez shared with us the Motility Protocol.</td>
                        <td>Our families</td>
                        <td>For always supporting us with our crazy ideas. Thanks!!</td>
                        <td>Javier Castillo Arnemann</td>
                        <td>gRNA design for CRISPR</td>
                        <td>Cecilia González
                        <td> Cecy helped us by establishing contact with La Norteñita for our Human Practices Validation </td>
                        <td>Consuelo Meléndez</td>
                        <td>Mexican winegrower expert Consuelo Meléndez was interviewed by the IONIS Paris Team as part of our collaboration with them.</td>
                        <td>Miguel Ángel González</td>
                        <td>Mr. González established the contact with the apple producers and experts and guided us in our visits</td>
                        <td>Oscar Corral <br>Nestor Baeza <br> René Martinez</td>
                        <td>La Norteñita gave us invaluable advice regarding our entrepreneurship project for the Human Practices Validation</td>
                        <td>The Government Department of SAGARPA contributed with the Human Practices Validation</td>
                        <td>Daniel Ochoa<br> Pedro Ochoa<br> Joel Alvarez<br> Elias Castañeda</td>
                        <td>They developed the initial wiki page design</td>
                        <td>Adrián Díaz</td>
                        <td>Adrián gave us advice concerning lab work, thank you!</td>
                        <td>Kendra Corral Najera</td>
                        <td>Writing and translation advice</td>
                        <td>Alejandro Soto</td>
                        <td>Alejandro gave us Google Trends advice</td>
                        <td>Erika Ramírez</td>
                        <td>Erika instructed us to do the financial analysis</td>
                        <td>Ana Sifuentes</td>
                        <td> Special thanks to Ana for their invaluable cooperation and assistance throughout these months </td>
                        <td>Alfonzo Hernández Irigoyen and Hamilton School</td>
                        <td>The schools and the director opened their doors for us to present the experiment to the kids, we enjoyed the  experience, and we hold it close to our hearts, thank you for the opportunity!</td>
                        <td>We are thankful with the TecChMun committee for letting us set up the panel for the discussion of synthetic biology´s global impact</td>
                        <td>ITESM Security Personnel</td>
                        <td>They were a great support this summer as they kept us safe and the labs open for us, thanks!</td>
                        <td>Ana Rosalía</td>
                        <td>Laboratory Coordinator, thanks for letting us work in late hours, and giving us candies!</td>
                        <td>Ivonne Hernández</td>
                        <td>For all the broken glassware, Sorry!</td>
                        <td>Victor Barraza</td>
                        <td>Lab equipment maintenance, even though we gave you great trouble, you were always so kind to us, we appreciate it and are really thankful!</td>
                        <td>Doña Sofía</td>
                        <td>Lab floor janitory, thanks for beliving in us!</td>
                        <td>Omar Morales Morales<br>Adrian García Ramírez<br>Jesús Guzmán Mendoza<br>Loria Hijar Soto<br>
                        <td>The Biotechnology Lab staff members from UACH gave us the training and let us use their facilities and equipment for the colorimetric assay.</td>
                        <td>CIAD and Carlos Acosta</td>
                        <td>The CIAD and Carlos provided us with the strain of <i>E. amylovora</i></td>
                        <td>iGEM Mty <br> Luis Mario Leal</td>
                        <td>The team and Mario provided us with the biobrick for epsE</td>
                        <td>Carlos Humberto, Uniparts</td>
                        <td>For the logistics of the IDT shipping</td>
                        <td>Ricardo Valles <br> Denisse Gardea </td>
                        <td>Help with fundraising</td>
                        <td><p>Icons made by <a href="http://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="http://www.flaticon.com" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a> is licensed by <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a></p></td>
                        <td>Beto and Carmen Ramírez</td>
                        <td>Initial sponsorship</td>
                        <td>ReforesTec <br> SEBIOTEC </td>
                        <td>These Student Groups helped us with fundraising </td>
                        <td>Yareli  Rodriguez</td>
                        <td>She helped us with the edition of some photos</td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e2/T--Tec-Chihuahua--Vanilla.jpg"width="204" height="130"></td>
                        <td>Official logo design</td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/16/T--Tec-Chihuahua--Teclogo2.png" width="320" height="70"></td>
                        <td>Thanks to our University for the trust and support in this competition. We ♥ you Tec!</td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/07/T--Tec-Chihuahua--Logosnap.png" class="img-responsive"></td>
                        <td>SnapGene software was available for Tec-Chihuahua to model our project. Thanks to the SnapGene Team!</td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/igem.org/4/41/IDT.jpg" class="img-responsive" width="320" height="130"></td>
                        <td> Our sponsor IDT synthesized the epsE and aiiA genes for us, thank you! </td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a8/T--Tec-Chihuahua--LogoAgilent.png" width="320" height="90"></td>
                        <td> Agilent provided us with the SureVector® cloning kit</td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/af/T--Tec-Chihuahua--LogoTermo.png" width="300" height="90"></td>
                        <td> ThermoFisher contributed with the PureLink® kit, LB culture media and the SYBR™  Safe </td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/72/T--Tec-Chihuahua--LogoNewE.png" width="320" height="100"></td>
                        <td> NEB kindly provided us with the BioBrick assembly kit,  a 2 log DNA Ladder and the PCR mix </td>
                        <td><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c2/T--Tec-Chihuahua--logomathworks.jpeg"320" height="90"></td>
                        <td> MathLab software was availabe for us thanks to MathWorks</td>
        <h3>Our Work</h3>
        <p class="attention">Every team member has done great things to aid in the development of each project, we strive to properly credit each
            with what they did the most, but simple words are never enough to represent the immense help they have done for
            every area.</p>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Wet Lab</p>
                    <li>Angel David González</li>
                    <li>José Pablo Rascón Pérez</li>
                    <li>Armando Palacios</li>
                    <li>Alejandro Robles Ruiz</li>
                    <li>Gabriel Ochoa Urtusuastigue</li>
                    <li>José Luis Medina Quintana</li>
                    <li>José Luis Quintana Carrillo</li>
                    <li>María Elena Carrillo Herrera</li>
                    <li>Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos</li>
                    <li>Andrea Acevedo Guaderrama</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Human Practices</p>
                    <li>Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos</li>
                    <li>Gabriel Ochoa Urtusuastigue</li>
                    <li>María Elena Carrillo Herrera</li>
                    <li>Carlos Pazos Sandoval</li>
                    <li>Adalberto Lopez Lopez</li>
                    <li>Alejandra Ogaz Ramos</li>
                    <li>Marcela Villatoro Quevedo</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Wiki</p>
                    <li>Ángel David González</li>
                    <li>José Pablo Rascón Pérez</li>
                    <li>América Ramírez Colmenero</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Parts</p>
                    <li>Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos</li>
                    <li>Alejandro Robles Ruiz</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Modeling</p>
                    <li>Saúl Ares</li>
                    <li>Ana Luisa Marin</li>
                    <li>Andrea Acevedo Guaderrama</li>
                    <li>José Luis Quintana Carrillo</li>
                    <li>Vivian Rivera Aguirre</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Drylab</p>
                    <li>Gladys Guadalupe López Avalos</li>
                    <li>Armando Palacios Chaparro</li>
                    <li>José Luis Medina Quintana</li>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Entrepreneurship</p>
                    <li>Claudia Ortega</li>
                    <li>Luis Almanza</li>
                    <li>Raúl Lizarraras</li>
                    <li>José Luis Quintana Carrillo</li>
                    <li>María Elena Carrillo Herrera</li>
            <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-4">
                <p class="strong">Design</p>
                    <li>Karla Elizondo</li>
                    <li>José Pablo Rascón Pérez</li>
<div class="margin"></div>

Revision as of 18:36, 14 July 2018



External Support

We've received a lot of help and guidance from numerous people and organizations throughout the process of creating this project. The Tec-Chihuahua team would like to extend special thanks to the following individuals and funding supporters:

Name Collaboration
Gil Palacios Apple grower, thanks a lot for giving us the initial heads up on the problem, you rock!
Without you, this project would not have been possible ♥!!
Dr. Lorena Montes Dr. Montes helped us with SDS-PAGE protocol tips and standardization.
Dr. Blanca Sánchez Dr. Sánchez provided us with the Colorimetry Protocol standardization.
Dr. Victoria Nevárez Dr. Nevárez kindly donated reagents for the lab to the team
Dr. Carlos Hicks Dr. Hicks helped us with the inverse atomization protocol.
Dr. Layla
Leónides Fernández
They established the contact with the winegrowers
Dr. Quintin Rascón Dr. Quintin provided us with laboratory advice and initial products for lab work
Dr. Fabiola Chacón Dr. Chacón helped us by transporting our E. amylovora strain to Mexico City for the collaboration with Tec CEM.
Dr. Cristina Sánchez Dr. Sánchez shared with us the Motility Protocol.
Our families For always supporting us with our crazy ideas. Thanks!!
Javier Castillo Arnemann gRNA design for CRISPR
Cecilia González Cecy helped us by establishing contact with La Norteñita for our Human Practices Validation
Consuelo Meléndez Mexican winegrower expert Consuelo Meléndez was interviewed by the IONIS Paris Team as part of our collaboration with them.
Miguel Ángel González Mr. González established the contact with the apple producers and experts and guided us in our visits
Oscar Corral
Nestor Baeza
René Martinez
La Norteñita gave us invaluable advice regarding our entrepreneurship project for the Human Practices Validation
SAGARPA The Government Department of SAGARPA contributed with the Human Practices Validation
Daniel Ochoa
Pedro Ochoa
Joel Alvarez
Elias Castañeda
They developed the initial wiki page design
Adrián Díaz Adrián gave us advice concerning lab work, thank you!
Kendra Corral Najera Writing and translation advice
Alejandro Soto Alejandro gave us Google Trends advice
Erika Ramírez Erika instructed us to do the financial analysis
Ana Sifuentes Special thanks to Ana for their invaluable cooperation and assistance throughout these months
Alfonzo Hernández Irigoyen and Hamilton School The schools and the director opened their doors for us to present the experiment to the kids, we enjoyed the experience, and we hold it close to our hearts, thank you for the opportunity!
TecChMun We are thankful with the TecChMun committee for letting us set up the panel for the discussion of synthetic biology´s global impact
ITESM Security Personnel They were a great support this summer as they kept us safe and the labs open for us, thanks!
Ana Rosalía Laboratory Coordinator, thanks for letting us work in late hours, and giving us candies!
Ivonne Hernández For all the broken glassware, Sorry!
Victor Barraza Lab equipment maintenance, even though we gave you great trouble, you were always so kind to us, we appreciate it and are really thankful!
Doña Sofía Lab floor janitory, thanks for beliving in us!
Omar Morales Morales
Adrian García Ramírez
Jesús Guzmán Mendoza
Loria Hijar Soto
The Biotechnology Lab staff members from UACH gave us the training and let us use their facilities and equipment for the colorimetric assay.
CIAD and Carlos Acosta The CIAD and Carlos provided us with the strain of E. amylovora
iGEM Mty
Luis Mario Leal
The team and Mario provided us with the biobrick for epsE
Carlos Humberto, Uniparts For the logistics of the IDT shipping
Ricardo Valles
Denisse Gardea
Help with fundraising

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Beto and Carmen Ramírez Initial sponsorship
These Student Groups helped us with fundraising
Yareli Rodriguez She helped us with the edition of some photos
Official logo design
Thanks to our University for the trust and support in this competition. We ♥ you Tec!
SnapGene software was available for Tec-Chihuahua to model our project. Thanks to the SnapGene Team!
Our sponsor IDT synthesized the epsE and aiiA genes for us, thank you!
Agilent provided us with the SureVector® cloning kit
ThermoFisher contributed with the PureLink® kit, LB culture media and the SYBR™ Safe
NEB kindly provided us with the BioBrick assembly kit, a 2 log DNA Ladder and the PCR mix
MathLab software was availabe for us thanks to MathWorks

Our Work

Every team member has done great things to aid in the development of each project, we strive to properly credit each with what they did the most, but simple words are never enough to represent the immense help they have done for every area.

Wet Lab

  • Angel David González
  • José Pablo Rascón Pérez
  • Armando Palacios
  • Alejandro Robles Ruiz
  • Gabriel Ochoa Urtusuastigue
  • José Luis Medina Quintana
  • José Luis Quintana Carrillo
  • María Elena Carrillo Herrera
  • Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos
  • Andrea Acevedo Guaderrama

Human Practices

  • Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos
  • Gabriel Ochoa Urtusuastigue
  • María Elena Carrillo Herrera
  • Carlos Pazos Sandoval
  • Adalberto Lopez Lopez
  • Alejandra Ogaz Ramos
  • Marcela Villatoro Quevedo


  • Ángel David González
  • José Pablo Rascón Pérez
  • América Ramírez Colmenero


  • Joel Orlando Hernández Ramos
  • Alejandro Robles Ruiz


  • Saúl Ares
  • Ana Luisa Marin
  • Andrea Acevedo Guaderrama
  • José Luis Quintana Carrillo
  • Vivian Rivera Aguirre


  • Gladys Guadalupe López Avalos
  • Armando Palacios Chaparro
  • José Luis Medina Quintana


  • Claudia Ortega
  • Luis Almanza
  • Raúl Lizarraras
  • José Luis Quintana Carrillo
  • María Elena Carrillo Herrera


  • Karla Elizondo
  • José Pablo Rascón Pérez