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                                 Lorem ipsum
                                 Lorem ipsum
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta, odio id ultrices varius, neque diam blandit felis, et ornare purus libero eget dolor. Cras sit amet dui quis sem blandit fringilla vitae sed lacus. Donec aliquet sapien sed felis tincidunt, eu euismod augue fermentum. Nam eu magna et enim tincidunt consectetur vel ac purus. Pellentesque mattis a arcu at rutrum. Nullam rhoncus, lectus eget tincidunt ullamcorper, urna metus finibus felis, ut ornare ex diam vitae tortor. Vestibulum vel lacus in libero elementum pellentesque eget a neque. Ut ut metus luctus, venenatis ex blandit, gravida metus. Aliquam ultricies quis massa et ullamcorper.
                          I am Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics. I am professor at the School of Computer Science (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática – ETSINF) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), where I have been teaching Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, and Graph Theory in the degrees of Computer Science and Data Science.
                                Lorem ipsum
                            I have also taught the subjects of Discrete Dynamical, Chaos and Fractals and Mathematical Modeling in Industry in the Master program of Mathematical Research, INVESTMAT, jointly offered by UPV and Universitat de València, and the subjects of Soft Skills in the Master in Computer Engineering and Online Reputation And Digital Footprint in the Master of Content and Legal Aspects of the Information Society (CALSI).
                                Nullam eleifend sem orci, nec lobortis magna sollicitudin euismod. Suspendisse faucibus gravida tincidunt. Praesent quis dapibus elit, sed finibus tellus. Nullam egestas sed ligula vitae maximus. Nullam fringilla volutpat purus. In in finibus orci. Proin vitae eros vitae nunc ullamcorper interdum. Proin vel nulla libero. Mauris placerat dui purus, et accumsan urna condimentum vel.
                                     <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/800x400" alt="">
                                     <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/800x400" alt="">
                                Lorem ipsum
                                Mauris vulputate, diam ut pharetra sollicitudin, erat erat maximus dui, sed porttitor velit sem eget nunc. Fusce ultrices nunc sem, et eleifend neque lacinia sed. Maecenas semper, mauris tempus feugiat vestibulum, turpis urna pulvinar magna, ut interdum ex nulla sed eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sapien erat, sodales non dui ut, pharetra fringilla elit. Nullam odio mi, egestas vitae sem et, sagittis consectetur libero. Pellentesque vel elit quis ipsum mattis ultrices nec sed velit. Etiam et diam non urna mollis egestas. Donec id nunc non enim suscipit ultricies et vel tellus. Curabitur quis nibh elementum, porta dui quis, accumsan lorem. Nullam laoreet tellus sed risus scelerisque commodo nec et lacus. Maecenas pulvinar nisl nunc.
                            I am member of the Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada of the UPV. I am also interested in Biomedical Data Analysis, Graph Theory, Network Science, and in the applications of Mathematics to Computational, Systems and Synthetic Biology, and Communication Networks. I am the author of more than 50 research articles published in international research journals. In addition, I have stayed at the following universities for short periods: in Bowling Green (OH) and Kent (OH) (USA), Lecce (Italy), Prague (Czech Rep.) And Tübingen (Germany).
                            Before being Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics, I held the position of Director of Academic Performance and Curricular Students Assessment Area of the Vice-rectorate of Students and Culture of the UPV. Previously I held these positions university: Deputy Dean of the ETSINF (formerly Faculty of Informatics) (2004-2009), and Secretary of the Commission of the Strategic Plan of the UPV for the period 2007-2014 (2005-2007).

Revision as of 15:06, 1 August 2018

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Lorem ipsum I am Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics. I am professor at the School of Computer Science (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática – ETSINF) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), where I have been teaching Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, and Graph Theory in the degrees of Computer Science and Data Science. I have also taught the subjects of Discrete Dynamical, Chaos and Fractals and Mathematical Modeling in Industry in the Master program of Mathematical Research, INVESTMAT, jointly offered by UPV and Universitat de València, and the subjects of Soft Skills in the Master in Computer Engineering and Online Reputation And Digital Footprint in the Master of Content and Legal Aspects of the Information Society (CALSI).

I am member of the Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada of the UPV. I am also interested in Biomedical Data Analysis, Graph Theory, Network Science, and in the applications of Mathematics to Computational, Systems and Synthetic Biology, and Communication Networks. I am the author of more than 50 research articles published in international research journals. In addition, I have stayed at the following universities for short periods: in Bowling Green (OH) and Kent (OH) (USA), Lecce (Italy), Prague (Czech Rep.) And Tübingen (Germany). Before being Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics, I held the position of Director of Academic Performance and Curricular Students Assessment Area of the Vice-rectorate of Students and Culture of the UPV. Previously I held these positions university: Deputy Dean of the ETSINF (formerly Faculty of Informatics) (2004-2009), and Secretary of the Commission of the Strategic Plan of the UPV for the period 2007-2014 (2005-2007).

  • Elemento de prueba

  • Elemento de prueba

  • Elemento de prueba

Firstname Lastname Age
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94