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<h1>"Should We Edit the Human Genome?" Forum Collaboration with Duke University</h1>
<h1>"Should We Edit the Genome?" Forum Collaboration with Duke University</h1>

Revision as of 04:45, 14 October 2018

"Should We Edit the Genome?" Forum Collaboration with Duke University

The Building With Biology tools and information have been utilized by many for its unique approach to teaching and spreading information about Synthetic Biology.

We reached out to Duke University iGem and together, we organized a forum using tools from Building With Biology. At the forum, we discussed a rather relevant and hotly-debated subject: Should We Edit the Genome? When, Why, and How Much?.

Although our project does not specifically utilize CRISPR technologies, we understood the significance of this new technology and its applications. We are delighted that, through this forum, we were able to gain a more complete understanding of CRISPR technology and the ethical and societal implications of its use.

The program for this forum was as follows:

- 10 minutes: Introduction and welcome from Duke University professor about CRISPR technologies.

- 10 minutes: Background Information

- “What is CRISPR”? 90 second video by Carl Zimmerman.

- 50 minutes: Read through and discuss applications of CRISPR technologies, and ultimately decide whether or not to implement the application, and restrictions on the application.