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The importance of the environment for the subsistence of life on earth is unquestionable. The magnitude of its value is represented by the human right to a healthy environment, a prerogative that protects the environment as a fundamental legal right and expresses the relevance of this to have a dignified life. This human right constitutes a guarantee for the realization and validity of the rest, since human being are in an indissoluble relationship with its environment and nature1. For this reason, achieving sustainable development would ensure the quality of present and future life. In this sense, the dignity, autonomy, and sanctity of the person depend on the health of the planet, its resources, and species.

Food Security is a central topic in the global agenda. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that by the year 2050, world population will exceed 9,000 million, of which 150 million will dwell in Mexico. This should increase agricultural production by 60% in the country by that year 2.

Beekeeping is a fundamental activity to achieve Food Security in Mexico and the world, which is why authorities, researchers, farmers, beekeepers, and members are aware of the importance of bees. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says 100 crop species provide 90% of the food worldwide, and bees pollinate 71% of these3. It is for this reason, given by the engineer Manuel Ramirez Salcido, that bees have been presented as a parameter of environmental health, talking about ecology.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) says that if bees disappear there would be a food crisis; 84% of cash crops depend on their pollination 4. In the same way, SAGARPA states that multiple varieties of fruit trees depend on cross-pollination that uses animals as vectors, such as bees; that is to say that there is an enormous amount of zoophilic plants.

According to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the links between the population, environment, and natural resources are mediated by multiple factors. The immediate environmental impact of urban settlements derives from a change in land purpose5, reducing the size of crops that can be pollinated by bees, generating an effect similar to that of habitat loss and with this, nutritional complications in bees, conferring susceptibility to diseases. This is one of the points suggested by the engineer Alejandro Bianchi during our meeting on June 15, 2018.

However, there are actions that seek to provide a healthy life for bees and their existence. There is a concern for the negative impact on anthophiles by irresponsible human activities; it is vital to prevent and attack the causes of bee reduction or loss at their roots. As we learned thanks to MEXMUN 2018, the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity should be used. These objectives are:

  1. Conservation of biodiversity.
  2. Sustainable use of the components of biological diversity.
  3. Appropriate transference of technologies.

Currently, the importance of carrying out a risk analysis is integrated in our legal plan, as per the Enviromental Risk Assesment Guide. In addition to the aspects mentioned in the assessment of the quality control within the legal plan, the following steps are involved, such as the guidelines for animal health risk analysis according to the Regulation of the Federal Animal Health Law, which are the following:

  1. Identification of the possible risks.
  2. Assessment of the chances that these risks arise.
  3. Evaluation of the consequences.
  4. Estimation of the possible global risk.
  5. The resolution of whether the risks are acceptable or not, as a whole, as well as the strategies for the management of possible risks.

Dr. Ernesto Tanus Sánchez mentioned the importance of avoiding the burning of hives, due to the limited accessibility to the wood with which they are made. Cedar, specifically red cedar (Cedrela odorata), is considered the best type of wood to make a hive. However, this species is subject to special protection according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, which means factors that negatively affect its viability may threaten it. Obtaining permission to perform the practice of incinerating hives becomes an arduous and even deficient process. Due to the virulence of Paenibacillus larvae, American Foulbrood sweeps entire hives before there is an answer by the authorities.

In other Latin American countries, the action plan presents variations. Ph.D. David De Jong explained us how in Brazil, it is not permissible for someone to incinerate a beehive if it is not a beekeeper, sometimes the firefighters do it in an emergency. Bryan Saavedra, mentioned how in Chile, they have the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) who is in charge of incinerating hives in case the disease is present.

  1. National Human Rights Commission (Mexico). (2014). The Human Right to a Healthy Environment for Development and Wellbeing. Mexico: National Human Rights Commission (Mexico).
  2. Crop Protection, Science and Technology. (2018). Beekeeping; as a fundamental activity to reach food security in Mexico. October 10th, de Crop Protection, Science and Technology Web site: http://proccyt.org.mx/noticias/303-la-apicultura-actividad-fundamental-para-alcanzar-la-seguridad-alimentaria-en-mexico-2
  3. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2016). The power of pollinators: why more bees means better food. October 10th, de Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Sitio web: http://www.fao.org/zhc/detail-events/en/c/428504/
  4. Delegación SAGARPA Yucatán. (2017). Apicultura, actividad de gran importancia económica y social en Yucatán [Beekeeping, activity of great economic and social importance in Yucatan]. October 10th, de SAGARPA Web site: https://www.gob.mx/sagarpa%7Cyucatan/articulos/apicultura-actividad-de-gran-importancia-económica-y-social-en-yucatan
  5. SEMARNAT. (2010). Compendio de Estadísticas Ambientales 2010. October 10th, de SEMARNAT Sitio web: http://aplicaciones.semarnat.gob.mx/estadisticas/compendio2010/