Difference between revisions of "Team:Tec-Chihuahua/lab book"

Line 49: Line 49:
<ul><li>Human practices: 5th - Monthly beekeepers’ association reunion in Cuauhtémoc</li>
<ul><li>Human practices: 5th - Monthly beekeepers’ association reunion in Cuauhtémoc</li>
<li>Collaboration: 16tth - Team Valencia UPV video call</li>
<li>Collaboration: 16th - Team Valencia UPV video call</li>
<li>Collaboration: 20tth - Team Tec Monterrey GDL video call</li>
<li>Collaboration: 20th - Team Tec Monterrey GDL video call</li>
<li>Entrepreneurship: 21th - Innovation Week</li>
<li>Entrepreneurship: 21th - Innovation Week</li>
<li>Human practices: 26th - Meeting with Ing. Manuel Ramírez Salcido, a beekeeper from Delicias city</li>
<li>Human practices: 26th - Meeting with Ing. Manuel Ramírez Salcido, a beekeeper from Delicias city</li>
Line 86: Line 86:
<li>Collaboration: 9th - Team NCKU Tainan</li>
<li>Public engagement: 1st - Science Clubs Mexico 2018</li>
<li>14th - Latin American Meetup </li>
<li>Legal assessment: 15th - 4th meeting with Arely Varela, starts the formal search of the point of convergence and along with it the legal plan, since it does not work if we go law by law, we must synthesize and add the sources that validate the argument.</li>
<li>Human practices: 16th - Valencian beekeeper interview</li>
<li>Human practices: 25th - Video call with Ph.D. David De Jong</li>
<li>Human practices: 17th - Video call with MVZ Juan Diego Pérez de la Rosa</li>
<li>Human practices: 19th - Video call with FAI presidential staff member Lorenzo Della Morte</li>
<li>Human practices: 27th - IV State Apicultural Forum</li>
<li>Collaboration: 27th - Team Dusseldorf</li>
Line 99: Line 95:
<li>Collaboration: 9th - Team NCKU Tainan</li>
<li>Mathematical model : 12th - 1st meeting with Raime Bustos. He checked our mathematical model and offered help where we were stuck.</li>
<li>14th - Latin American Meetup </li>
<li>Mathematical model: 18th - 2nd meeting with Raime Bustos. Revision of progress and feedback.</li>
<li>Human practices: 16th - Valencian beekeeper interview</li>
<li>Human practices: 18th - Video call with Dr. María Mercedes Roca</li>
<li>Human practices: 17th - Video call with MVZ Juan Diego Pérez de la Rosa</li>
<li>Public engagement: 18th - UVM High School presentation</li>
<li>Human practices: 19th - Video call with FAI presidential staff member Lorenzo Della Morte</li>
<li>Human practices: 22th - Video call with Bryan Saavedra, Chilean beekeeper</li>
<li>Human practices: 27th - IV State Apicultural Forum</li>
<li>Collaboration: 27th - Team Dusseldorf</li>
Line 111: Line 105:
<li>Collaboration: 9th - Team NCKU Tainan</li>
<li>Human practices: 2nd - Video call with Dr. Ernesto Guzmán Novoa</li>
<li>14th - Latin American Meetup </li>
<li>Mathematical model: 5th - 3a junta Raime. Final feedback on the mathematical model.</li>
<li>Human practices: 16th - Valencian beekeeper interview</li>
<li>Human practices: 17th - Video call with MVZ Juan Diego Pérez de la Rosa</li>
<li>Human practices: 19th - Video call with FAI presidential staff member Lorenzo Della Morte</li>
<li>Human practices: 27th - IV State Apicultural Forum</li>
<li>Collaboration: 27th - Team Dusseldorf</li>

Revision as of 06:39, 17 October 2018




  • Public engagement: 2nd - High School Introductory Topics


  • Mathematical model: 7th - Dropped the work on previous models, began research for the current model
  • Legal assessment: 16th - The idea arises in the brainstorming to make proposals for regulations for bees.
  • Human practices: 28th - Meeting with Guillermo Rodríguez, president of the Cuauhtémoc city beekeepers’ association


  • Human practices: 5th - Monthly beekeepers’ association reunion in Cuauhtémoc
  • Collaboration: 16th - Team Valencia UPV video call
  • Collaboration: 20th - Team Tec Monterrey GDL video call
  • Entrepreneurship: 21th - Innovation Week
  • Human practices: 26th - Meeting with Ing. Manuel Ramírez Salcido, a beekeeper from Delicias city
  • Legal assessment: 28th - 1st meeting with Arely Varela


  • Legal assessment: 6th - Meeting with one of our advisors, Joel Hernádez, proposal of something that comes out of the theoretical.
  • Human practices: 7th – Video call with MVZ Ernesto Tanús Sánchez
  • Legal assessment: 6th - 2nd meeting with Arely Varela, where it is mentioned that we have to address the issue of food, justifying that there will be no justification in honey, assessing zoosanitary risks. We start to read all those regulations that are relationated with our project.
  • Human practices: 15th - Center for Research in Food and Development A.C. (CIAD) visit
  • Human practices: 15th - Meeting with Ing. Alejandro Bianchi in Queretaro city
  • Entrepreneurship: 15th - Training Day
  • Collaboration: 19th - Team NYU Abu Dhabi
  • Legal assessment: 20th - 3rd meeting with Arely Varela, we considered to elaborate an Official Mexican Standard (NOM) regarding how to work with larvae in the laboratory.
  • Human practices: 27th - Meeting with MVZ Ernesto Tanús Sánchez, MVZ Adolfo Arroyo, and Ing. José Luis González Miranda.
  • Collaboration: 29th - Team UChile Biotec


  • Collaboration: 9th - Team NCKU Tainan
  • 14th - Latin American Meetup
  • Human practices: 16th - Valencian beekeeper interview
  • Human practices: 17th - Video call with MVZ Juan Diego Pérez de la Rosa
  • Human practices: 19th - Video call with FAI presidential staff member Lorenzo Della Morte
  • Human practices: 27th - IV State Apicultural Forum
  • Collaboration: 27th - Team Dusseldorf


  • Public engagement: 1st - Science Clubs Mexico 2018
  • Legal assessment: 15th - 4th meeting with Arely Varela, starts the formal search of the point of convergence and along with it the legal plan, since it does not work if we go law by law, we must synthesize and add the sources that validate the argument.
  • Human practices: 25th - Video call with Ph.D. David De Jong


  • Mathematical model : 12th - 1st meeting with Raime Bustos. He checked our mathematical model and offered help where we were stuck.
  • Mathematical model: 18th - 2nd meeting with Raime Bustos. Revision of progress and feedback.
  • Human practices: 18th - Video call with Dr. María Mercedes Roca
  • Public engagement: 18th - UVM High School presentation
  • Human practices: 22th - Video call with Bryan Saavedra, Chilean beekeeper


  • Human practices: 2nd - Video call with Dr. Ernesto Guzmán Novoa
  • Mathematical model: 5th - 3a junta Raime. Final feedback on the mathematical model.
