Difference between revisions of "Team:Austin LASA/Human Practices"

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  h(g.Section, {title: 'Lindsey Dawson'},
    'Associate Director, HIV Policy',
    'Kaiser Family Foundation',
    h('p', null, 'Ms. t will accompany our kit')
      h('li', null, 'She details on how understanding the importance of detection is important, but how it is equally important to consider the steps that should be taken to get treatment afterward (eg. antiretroviral treatment)'),
      h('li', null, 'Sent the following information (even though the CDC material is focused on US primarily)',
        h('ul', null,
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/23447'}, 'CDC recommendations on Lab testing for HIV')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/testing/hiv-tests-laboratory-use.pdf'}, 'Lab tests')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/testing/rapid-hiv-tests-non-clinical.pdf'}, 'Rapid tests')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/testing/hiv-tests-advantages-disadvantages_1.pdf  '}, 'Advantages/Disadvantages to different HIV tests')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/50872'}, 'Recommended testing algorithm')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/testing/laboratorytests.html'}, 'More info here (incl. all the above links)')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'http://www.oraquick.com/What-is-OraQuick/OraQuick-In-Home-HIV-Test'}, 'OraSure’s home test')),
          h('li', null, h('a', {href: 'http://aidsinfo.unaids.org/'}, 'To see hardest hit countries, including where share of people unaware of their HIV status is highest (i.e. undiagnosed)'))

Revision as of 03:44, 18 October 2018