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Revision as of 20:19, 6 September 2018

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   function drawChart1() {
     var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
     data.addColumn('number', 'Pcounts');
     data.addColumn('number', 'Abs');
         [ 2.35E+08, 0.977],
         [ 1.18E+08, 0.568],
         [ 5.88E+07, 0.305],
         [ 2.94E+07, 0.195],
         [ 1.47E+07, 0.139],
         [ 7.35E+06, 0.113],
         [ 3.68E+06, 0.098],
         [ 1.84E+06, 0.092],
         [ 9.19E+05, 0.086],
         [ 4.60E+05, 0.087],
         [ 2.30E+05, 0.086],
     var linearOptions = {
       title: 'Particle Standard Curve (Linear Scale)',
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showR2: true,

       width: 350,
       height: 300,

pointSize: 12,

       dataOpacity: 0.3,
       colors: ['black'],
       backgroundColor: '#edeadc',
       hAxis: {
         title: 'Particle Count / 100 uL',

format: 'scientific'

       vAxis: {
         title: 'Abs 600',
         ticks: [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2]
     var logOptions = {
       title: 'Particle Standard Curve (Log Scale)',
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       width: 350,
       height: 300,

pointSize: 12,

       dataOpacity: 0.3,
       colors: ['black'],
       backgroundColor: '#edeadc',
        hAxis: {
         title: 'Particle Count / 100 uL',

format: 'scientific',

         ticks: [1E5, 1E6, 1E7, 1E8]
       vAxis: {
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         ticks: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
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function drawChart2() {

     var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
     data.addColumn('number', 'Pcounts');
     data.addColumn('number', 'Abs');
         [10.00, 6.461E+06],
         [5.00, 3.551E+06],
         [ 2.5, 1.900E+06],
         [ 1.25, 9.253E+05],
         [ 0.625, 4.844E+05],
         [ 0.313, 2.420E+05],
         [ 0.156, 1.162E+05],
         [ 0.078, 5.755E+04],
         [ 0.039, 3.016E+04],
         [ 0.0195,1.527E+04],
         [ 0.0098,7.731E+03],

     var linearOptions2 = {
       title: 'Particle Standard Curve (Linear Scale)',
       legend: 'none',
       width: 350,
       height: 300,

pointSize: 12,

       dataOpacity: 0.3,
       colors: ['black'],
       backgroundColor: '#edeadc',
       hAxis: {
         title: 'Fluorescein Concentration (uM)',

ticks: [0,2,4,6,8,10]

       vAxis: {
         title: 'Fluorescence',

ticks: [1E5, 2E6, 3E7, 4E8, 5E8, 6E8, 7E8, 8E8]

     var logOptions2 = {
       title: 'Particle Standard Curve (Log Scale)',
       legend: 'none',
       width: 350,
       height: 300,

pointSize: 12,

       dataOpacity: 0.3,
       colors: ['black'],
       backgroundColor: '#edeadc',
       hAxis: {
       title: 'Fluorescein Concentration (uM)',

ticks: [0.00, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10]

       vAxis: {
         title: 'Fluorescence',
         scaleType: 'log',

format: 'scientific', ticks: [1E5, 2E6, 3E7, 4E8, 5E8, 6E8, 7E8, 8E8]

     var linearChart2 = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('linear_div2'));
      linearChart2.draw(data, linearOptions2);
     var logChart2 = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('log_div2'));
     logChart2.draw(data, logOptions2);


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Universal and Standardized units are important in all disciplines of science, and especially in engineering. One important issue biology, and specifically genetic engineering faces today is a lack of standardized units. In synthetic biology we often employ marker proteins to assist in both real time assessment and in depth result interpretation. For these results to be consistent both between experiments, and between labs it is of paramount importance to create a standardized unit for said markers. Such a unit would also allow for the comparison of results from different labs and machines.
</br> The InterLab Study utilizes the wide access that iGEM has to biology teams all over the world. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the InterLab aims to improve the measurement tools available to both the iGEM community and the synthetic biology community as a whole. By measuring the fluorescence on a wide range of machines, in a wide range of labs, and regulating the results to a single control group, we hope to gather enough data to create this standard unit. As GFP is one of the most used markers today, this has been the focus of the InterLab studies over the past 5 years.
</br> Our team too believes in the need for a standardization of units with in the world of biology. We want to help make progress towards quantitative measurements between labs, and not be constrained to relative compassions. As such, were excited to take part in such a project and hope are data will support the progress of synthetic biology and genetic engineering.

<button onclick="myFunction()" class="hujigem_showdata_button">Raw data 1</button>

N. of Particles 2.35E8 1.18E8 5.88E7 2.94E7 1.47E7 7.35E6 3.68E6 1.84E6 9.19E5 4.60E5 2.30E5
Abs mean 0.977 0.568 0.305 0.195 0.139 0.113 0.098 0.092 0.087 0.086 0.086



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<button onclick="myFunction2()" class="hujigem_showdata_button">Raw data 2</button>

Fluorescein (uM) 10.00 5.00 2.5 1.25 0.625 0.313 0.156 0.078 0.039 0.0195 0.0098
Abs mean 6.461E6 3.551E6 1.900E6 9.253E5 4.844E5 2.420E5 1.162E5 5.755E4 3.016E4 1.527E4 7.731E3


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