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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/9/9b/T--iTesla-Soundbio--Project_Description1.png" alt="DID YOU KNOW? Every year, hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs are caught each year and drained of up to to 30% of their blood. Why? To collect LAL, a chemical that is crucial in the detection of endotoxins in everything from drugs to medical equipment", width=65%>
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<div class="sidenav">
<a href="#graphicsum">Graphic Summary</a>
<a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:iTesla-SoundBio">Main Page</a>
<a href="#constructdesign">Construct Design</a>
<a href=#top>Top</a>
<a href="#Biobrick">Biobrick: <br>Factor C gene in E. coli pSB1C3</a>
<a href=#Description><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/3/3c/T--iTesla-SoundBio--ProjectDescription.png" alt="Description" style="width:100%"></a>
<a href="#Integration">Integration: <br>Factor C in B.Subtilis Chromosomal DNA</a>
<a href=#What Are Horseshoe Crabs><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/2/24/T--iTesla-SoundBio--WhatAreThey.png" alt="Education" style="width:100%"></a>
<a href="#Expression">Expression: <br>Factor C protein verification</a>
<a href=#Why Are Horseshoe Crabs Bled><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/2/2d/T--iTesla-SoundBio--WhyBled.png" alt="Design" style="width:100%"></a>
<a href=#What Is LAL and Factor C><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/9/9e/T--iTesla-SoundBio--LAL.png" alt="Design" style="width:100%"></a>
<div class="horizontalline">
    $("#title").text("Human Practices")
<div class="main">
<div id="top"></div>
<div id="Research">
<div id="Education">
<div id="constructdesign">
<p class="text">
Construct design: <br>
The goal for our project is to insert Factor C gene into the chromosomal DNA of B. Subtilis, and have it express this Factor C protein. At the same time, to fulfill iGEM competition requirements, we also need to insert Factor C gene into E.coli plasmid pSB1C3 and submit it as a biobrick for iGEM competition.
We decided to insert Factor C gene into E.coli plasmid pSB1C3 first; then, integrate Factor C gene into the chromosomal DNA of B. Subtilis using pAX01 integration factor (a B. Subtilis specific plasmid).
<div id="Design">
<div class="horizontalline">
<div id="Biobrick">
<center><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/c6/T--itesla-soundbio--twofragments.png", width=80%></center>
<p class="text">
Biobrick: <br>
Factor C in E.coli pSB1C3
We couldn't order Factor C from factory because it is too large (about 3000 base pairs https://benchling.com/itesla-soundbio/f/gPUeHZXf-drafts/seq-Jq87odxl-psb1c3factor-c/edit), so we order it as two fragments, FC1 and FC2.
First, insert FC1 into pSB1C3. Then, insert FC2 into the plasmid, too. This pSB1C3 with full Factor C will be submitted for biobrick.
<div class="horizontalline">
<div id="Integration">
<p class="text">
Integration: <br>
Factor C in B. Subtilis Chromosomal DNA.
We then digest full Factor C from Biobrick, and insert it into pAX01, a B. Subtilis integration factor. Then, we transform B. Subtilis with pAX01. After plasmid pAX01 enters B. Subtilis, there is a chance that it will integrate into chromosomal DNA.
<div class="horizontalline">
<div id="expression">
<p class="text">
Factor C protein extract: <br>
B. Subtilis are used to express Factor C because they are gram positive and will not damage the Factor C protein. In contrast, E. coli is gram negative and will cleave FC protein. After B. Subtilis express and produce Factor C, we can then extract Factor C protein for further experiment.   

Revision as of 01:05, 7 October 2018


