m |
m |
Line 458: | Line 458: | ||
if( overflow ){ | if( overflow ){ | ||
var | var | ||
− | webpage = document.getElementsByTagName(" | + | webpage = document.getElementsByTagName("igem_2018_team_content")[0]; |
Component.prototype.css.call(webpage,{ | Component.prototype.css.call(webpage,{ | ||
"overflow-x": "hidden", | "overflow-x": "hidden", |
Revision as of 12:43, 9 October 2018
* igemUCAS JavaScript Library v0.18.16 * Copyright UCAS iGEM team */
( function( global, factory ) { var iU = global.iU = factory(global); iU(); } ) (window, function( window ) { var document = window.document, inspect = (function(){ var strErr = "", nextseq = 1, error = function( location, desc ){ strErr = strErr.concat(nextseq, " ", location, ": ", desc, '\n'); nextseq ++; }, garrison = function( name ){ var f = { string: function( s ){ if( (!s) || typeof s != 'string' ) error(name, "parameter should be of ."); return f; }, number: function( s ){ if( (!s) || typeof s != 'number' ) error(name, "parameter should be of number type."); return f; }, keyUnused: function(obj, key){ if( obj[key] ) error(name, "key "+key+" has been used."); return f; }, assert: function( val, desc ){ if( !val ) error(name, desc ); return f; } }; return f; };
garrison.displayErrors = function(){ if(strErr.length == 0 ) alert("No errors, Congrats!") else alert( strErr ); }; return garrison; })(),
consts = {
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SEGW: 24,
INF: 2000000
utils = { merge: function( t, c){ for(var i in c){ if( t[i] ){ if( typeof t[i] == 'object' && typeof c[i] == 'object') t[i] = utils.merge(t[i],c[i]); else t[i] = c[i]; } else t[i] = c[i]; } return t; }, getUid: (function(){ var now = -1; return function(){ now ++; return (function(n){ return '_'+n+'_'; })(now); }; })(), realWidth: function( span ){ return span * window.innerWidth / consts.SEGW; } };
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inspect("fn.initRoot").assert(iU_root, ""); return iU_root; }, initWebGL: function( iU_root ){ var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.id = "bgCanvas"; canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; iU_root.parentNode.appendChild(canvas);
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iU_root.parentNode.appendChild(iU_base); return iU_base; },
root_not_found: function(){
}, gl_not_supported: function(){
}, defaultConfig: { overflow: true, webgl: true } }
function igemUCAS(){ schema = utils.merge( schema, window.schema||{} );
var iU_root = fn.initRoot( (window.configs||fn.defaultConfig).overflow ); if( !iU_root ) return fn.root_not_found();
var iU_base = fn.initBase( iU_root ); Component.prototype.iU_base = iU_base;
var sidebar = new SideBar( iU_root.children[0] ); iU_root.parentNode.appendChild( sidebar.boot );
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return igemUCAS; });