<p>In order to make it possible to locally treat the cancer, as well as to detect the tumor location, the yeast needs to bind specifically to the colon cancer cells. This is made possible through the use of Histone like protein A (HlpA) from the bacteria <i>Streptococcus gallolyticus</i>, which is commonly associated with colon cancer (Boleji et al. 2009; Ho et al., 2018). HlpA binds to the surface of the bacteria itself and also to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG), more specifically Syndecan 1 and possibly also Syndecan 2, on the surface of the colon cancer cell (Ho et al., 2018). In this way <i>S. gallolyticus</i> has been found to adhere to colon cancer cells and then infiltrate colon cancer tumors (Boleji et al. 2009). </p>
<p>In order to make it possible to locally treat the cancer, as well as to detect the tumor location, the yeast needs to bind specifically to the colon cancer cells. This is made possible through the use of Histone like protein A (HlpA) from the bacteria <i>Streptococcus gallolyticus</i>, which is commonly associated with colon cancer (Boleji et al. 2009; Ho et al., 2018). HlpA binds to the surface of the bacteria itself and also to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG), more specifically Syndecan 1 and possibly also Syndecan 2, on the surface of the colon cancer cell (Ho et al., 2018). In this way <i>S. gallolyticus</i> has been found to adhere to colon cancer cells and then infiltrate colon cancer tumors (Boleji et al. 2009). </p>
Revision as of 21:04, 12 October 2018
Interlab - iGEM Chalmers-Gothenburg 2018
Project Overview
Our product is a pill containing a genetically engineered organism that can be used to detect and treat colon cancer. The organism should be able to localize cancer cells in the colon, locally kill the cells and report the presence of cancer. For this purpose, we have chosen to work with the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii and divided our project into three parts. The first part of the project concerns cancer cell localization, which is achieved with yeast to cancer cell anchoring. By making the yeast express Histone like protein A on its surface it can specifically bind to cancer cells. In the second part of the project, we make the yeast secrete a target molecule with the purpose to treat the cancer. Here, we exploit the native mating system of yeast in order to express the target molecule only when yeast has accumulated around a tumor. Lastly, in order for the yeast to be able to report the presence of cancer cells, we make it express gas vesicles that can be detected with the help of ultrasound.
Organism: Saccharomyces boulardii
For our product to work we need to implement it in an organism that can survive in the gut of the patient, but that does not have pathogenic properties. Since the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly used in our lab the first organism of choice was yeast. However, S. cerevisiae is not adapted to the pH variations and higher temperatures in the human gut environment (Palma et al., 2015) and is therefore not the best candidate organism for our product. On the other hand the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii, a subspecies of S.cerevisiae, is better adapted to the gut pH variations and has an optimal growth temperature of 37 ° (Czerucka et al., 2007; Edwards-Ingram et al., 2007; Palma et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2016). S. boulardii already has a GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status and the genetic makeup is very similar to that of S.cerevisiae, apart from differences in gene copy numbers (Edwards-Ingram et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2016). Since we are testing our system in S. cerevisiae in the lab, S.boulardii is a fitting target organism for our system. Right now several alternative probiotic S. cerevisiae strains are also under development, but none of these have a GRAS status at the moment (Palma et al.,2015). In the future our system could also be implemented in these yeast strains.