Difference between revisions of "Team:SJTU-BioX-Shanghai/pigeon.php"

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<img src=sbolpicgen.png width=475>
    <a href = http://pigeoncad.org>Pigeon</a>
Design Visualizer for Synthetic Biology
<hr width=900>
<table width=900 align=middle>
Syntax: <br>
A list of
<em>type [name] [color] [nl]</em>
where <em>type</em> is one of <em>p, P, c, r, t, T, s, o, >, <, | or - </em>;
a line with <em># Arcs</em>; followed by a list of
<em> name ind | rep name</em>
There are 14 colors labeled 1 to 14. These appear as the third item in each line.
Even numbers are darker versions of the odd numbered colors in the following order of hues: blue, green, red, orange,
purple, yellow, and black.
Color codes:
<img src=colorcode.png width=600>
Glyph codes:
<img src=pigeonlist.png width=1300>
<b>TIP: You can access Pigeon via Perl using <a href = pigget.txt target = blank>pigget.pl</a>.</b>
<b>TIP: <font color="#aa0000">You can provide feedback on Pigeon through the Pigeon Forum <a href=feedback.html target=blank>here</a>.</font></b>
<b>TIP: You can find Pigeon examples <a href=pigeonHelp.html target=blank>here</a>.</b>
<b>TIP: You can read about Pigeon  <a href=http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/sb400024s target=blank>here</a>.</b>
<b>TIP: <font color="#aa00aa">You can specify your own colors using the <sf>rgbcolors</sf> command. See example #9 <a href=pigeonHelp.html target=blank>here</a>.</font></b>
<form action = "pigeon.php" method = "post" >
        <textarea name = "desc" rows=20 cols=75/>o A 1
&lt;t t
&lt;c c2 2
&lt;r r1 1
&lt;p p1 6
s spacer 9
p p2 2
r r2 5
c c1 6
t t
o B 1
z ori 1
? Amp 1
v KanR 1
# Arcs
c1 rep p1
c2 rep p2
y rep c1-p1
x rep c2-p2
<label>Background color:</label>
<input type="text" name="bgcolor" id="bgcolor" />
        <!-Top arcs only: <input type = "checkbox" checked = "Checked" name = "topOnly" value = "Yes"/>
        <input type = "submit" value = "Pigeon!"/>
<font color="#aa0000"><small>&#9654 &#32 Please cite <em>``Bhatia, S. & Densmore, D. Pigeon: a design visualizer for synthetic biology. ACS Synth. Biol. 2, 348–350 (2013).''</em> in your ``Methods,'' if you use Pigeon in your work.</font></small>
    <p></p><img src =scratch/file.  alt = "Weyekin output image"><p>(<a href=scratch/file. target=blank>svg</a>)<sup><font size=-1>(Under test)</font></sup></p><font size=-2><p>You are connecting from</p></font>
<!-hr width=900>
<a href=http://www.cidarlab.org target=blank>
<img src=bulogo.png width=100 align=right>
Comments? Contact <a href=http://people.bu.edu/swapnilb/ target=blank>me.</a>

Latest revision as of 21:48, 13 August 2018