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 font-weight: normal;
 font-style: normal;

} /*

Use the following CSS code if you want to have a class per icon.
Instead of a list of all class selectors, you can use the generic [class*="icon-"] selector, but it's slower:
  • /

.icon-user, .icon-people, .icon-user-female, .icon-user-follow, .icon-user-following, .icon-user-unfollow, .icon-login, .icon-logout, .icon-emotsmile, .icon-phone, .icon-call-end, .icon-call-in, .icon-call-out, .icon-map, .icon-location-pin, .icon-direction, .icon-directions, .icon-compass, .icon-layers, .icon-menu, .icon-list, .icon-options-vertical, .icon-options, .icon-arrow-down, .icon-arrow-left, .icon-arrow-right, .icon-arrow-up, .icon-arrow-up-circle, .icon-arrow-left-circle, .icon-arrow-right-circle, .icon-arrow-down-circle, .icon-check, .icon-clock, .icon-plus, .icon-minus, .icon-close, .icon-event, .icon-exclamation, .icon-organization, .icon-trophy, .icon-screen-smartphone, .icon-screen-desktop, .icon-plane, .icon-notebook, .icon-mustache, .icon-mouse, .icon-magnet, .icon-energy, .icon-disc, .icon-cursor, .icon-cursor-move, .icon-crop, .icon-chemistry, .icon-speedometer, .icon-shield, .icon-screen-tablet, .icon-magic-wand, .icon-hourglass, .icon-graduation, .icon-ghost, .icon-game-controller, .icon-fire, .icon-eyeglass, .icon-envelope-open, .icon-envelope-letter, .icon-bell, .icon-badge, .icon-anchor, .icon-wallet, .icon-vector, .icon-speech, .icon-puzzle, .icon-printer, .icon-present, .icon-playlist, .icon-pin, .icon-picture, .icon-handbag, .icon-globe-alt, .icon-globe, .icon-folder-alt, .icon-folder, .icon-film, .icon-feed, .icon-drop, .icon-drawer, .icon-docs, .icon-doc, .icon-diamond, .icon-cup, .icon-calculator, .icon-bubbles, .icon-briefcase, .icon-book-open, .icon-basket-loaded, .icon-basket, .icon-bag, .icon-action-undo, .icon-action-redo, .icon-wrench, .icon-umbrella, .icon-trash, .icon-tag, .icon-support, .icon-frame, .icon-size-fullscreen, .icon-size-actual, .icon-shuffle, .icon-share-alt, .icon-share, .icon-rocket, .icon-question, .icon-pie-chart, .icon-pencil, .icon-note, .icon-loop, .icon-home, .icon-grid, .icon-graph, .icon-microphone, .icon-music-tone-alt, .icon-music-tone, .icon-earphones-alt, .icon-earphones, .icon-equalizer, .icon-like, .icon-dislike, .icon-control-start, .icon-control-rewind, .icon-control-play, .icon-control-pause, .icon-control-forward, .icon-control-end, .icon-volume-1, .icon-volume-2, .icon-volume-off, .icon-calendar, .icon-bulb, .icon-chart, .icon-ban, .icon-bubble, .icon-camrecorder, .icon-camera, .icon-cloud-download, .icon-cloud-upload, .icon-envelope, .icon-eye, .icon-flag, .icon-heart, .icon-info, .icon-key, .icon-link, .icon-lock, .icon-lock-open, .icon-magnifier, .icon-magnifier-add, .icon-magnifier-remove, .icon-paper-clip, .icon-paper-plane, .icon-power, .icon-refresh, .icon-reload, .icon-settings, .icon-star, .icon-symbol-female, .icon-symbol-male, .icon-target, .icon-credit-card, .icon-paypal, .icon-social-tumblr, .icon-social-twitter, .icon-social-facebook, .icon-social-instagram, .icon-social-linkedin, .icon-social-pinterest, .icon-social-github, .icon-social-google, .icon-social-reddit, .icon-social-skype, .icon-social-dribbble, .icon-social-behance, .icon-social-foursqare, .icon-social-soundcloud, .icon-social-spotify, .icon-social-stumbleupon, .icon-social-youtube, .icon-social-dropbox, .icon-social-vkontakte, .icon-social-steam {

 font-family: 'simple-line-icons';
 speak: none;
 font-style: normal;
 font-weight: normal;
 font-variant: normal;
 text-transform: none;
 line-height: 1;
 /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

} .icon-user:before {

 content: "\e005";

} .icon-people:before {

 content: "\e001";

} .icon-user-female:before {

 content: "\e000";

} .icon-user-follow:before {

 content: "\e002";

} .icon-user-following:before {

 content: "\e003";

} .icon-user-unfollow:before {

 content: "\e004";

} .icon-login:before {

 content: "\e066";

} .icon-logout:before {

 content: "\e065";

} .icon-emotsmile:before {

 content: "\e021";

} .icon-phone:before {

 content: "\e600";

} .icon-call-end:before {

 content: "\e048";

} .icon-call-in:before {

 content: "\e047";

} .icon-call-out:before {

 content: "\e046";

} .icon-map:before {

 content: "\e033";

} .icon-location-pin:before {

 content: "\e096";

} .icon-direction:before {

 content: "\e042";

} .icon-directions:before {

 content: "\e041";

} .icon-compass:before {

 content: "\e045";

} .icon-layers:before {

 content: "\e034";

} .icon-menu:before {

 content: "\e601";

} .icon-list:before {

 content: "\e067";

} .icon-options-vertical:before {

 content: "\e602";

} .icon-options:before {

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} .icon-arrow-down:before {

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} .icon-arrow-left:before {

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} .icon-arrow-right:before {

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} .icon-arrow-up:before {

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} .icon-arrow-up-circle:before {

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} .icon-arrow-left-circle:before {

 content: "\e07a";

} .icon-arrow-right-circle:before {

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} .icon-arrow-down-circle:before {

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} .icon-check:before {

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} .icon-clock:before {

 content: "\e081";

} .icon-plus:before {

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} .icon-minus:before {

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} .icon-close:before {

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} .icon-event:before {

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} .icon-exclamation:before {

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} .icon-organization:before {

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} .icon-trophy:before {

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} .icon-screen-smartphone:before {

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} .icon-screen-desktop:before {

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} .icon-plane:before {

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} .icon-notebook:before {

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} .icon-mustache:before {

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} .icon-mouse:before {

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} .icon-magnet:before {

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} .icon-energy:before {

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} .icon-disc:before {

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} .icon-cursor:before {

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} .icon-cursor-move:before {

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} .icon-crop:before {

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} .icon-chemistry:before {

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} .icon-speedometer:before {

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} .icon-shield:before {

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} .icon-screen-tablet:before {

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} .icon-magic-wand:before {

 content: "\e017";

} .icon-hourglass:before {

 content: "\e018";

} .icon-graduation:before {

 content: "\e019";

} .icon-ghost:before {

 content: "\e01a";

} .icon-game-controller:before {

 content: "\e01b";

} .icon-fire:before {

 content: "\e01c";

} .icon-eyeglass:before {

 content: "\e01d";

} .icon-envelope-open:before {

 content: "\e01e";

} .icon-envelope-letter:before {

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} .icon-bell:before {

 content: "\e027";

} .icon-badge:before {

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} .icon-anchor:before {

 content: "\e029";

} .icon-wallet:before {

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} .icon-vector:before {

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} .icon-speech:before {

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} .icon-puzzle:before {

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} .icon-printer:before {

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} .icon-present:before {

 content: "\e02f";

} .icon-playlist:before {

 content: "\e030";

} .icon-pin:before {

 content: "\e031";

} .icon-picture:before {

 content: "\e032";

} .icon-handbag:before {

 content: "\e035";

} .icon-globe-alt:before {

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} .icon-globe:before {

 content: "\e037";

} .icon-folder-alt:before {

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} .icon-folder:before {

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} .icon-film:before {

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} .icon-feed:before {

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} .icon-drop:before {

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} .icon-drawer:before {

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} .icon-docs:before {

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} .icon-doc:before {

 content: "\e085";

} .icon-diamond:before {

 content: "\e043";

} .icon-cup:before {

 content: "\e044";

} .icon-calculator:before {

 content: "\e049";

} .icon-bubbles:before {

 content: "\e04a";

} .icon-briefcase:before {

 content: "\e04b";

} .icon-book-open:before {

 content: "\e04c";

} .icon-basket-loaded:before {

 content: "\e04d";

} .icon-basket:before {

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} .icon-bag:before {

 content: "\e04f";

} .icon-action-undo:before {

 content: "\e050";

} .icon-action-redo:before {

 content: "\e051";

} .icon-wrench:before {

 content: "\e052";

} .icon-umbrella:before {

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} .icon-trash:before {

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} .icon-tag:before {

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} .icon-support:before {

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} .icon-frame:before {

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} .icon-size-fullscreen:before {

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} .icon-size-actual:before {

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} .icon-shuffle:before {

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} .icon-share:before {

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} .icon-rocket:before {

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} .icon-question:before {

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} .icon-pie-chart:before {

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} .icon-pencil:before {

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} .icon-note:before {

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} .icon-loop:before {

 content: "\e064";

} .icon-home:before {

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} .icon-grid:before {

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} .icon-graph:before {

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} .icon-microphone:before {

 content: "\e063";

} .icon-music-tone-alt:before {

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} .icon-music-tone:before {

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} .icon-earphones-alt:before {

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} .icon-earphones:before {

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} .icon-equalizer:before {

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} .icon-like:before {

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} .icon-dislike:before {

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} .icon-control-start:before {

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} .icon-control-rewind:before {

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} .icon-control-play:before {

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} .icon-control-pause:before {

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} .icon-control-forward:before {

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} .icon-control-end:before {

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} .icon-bulb:before {

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} .icon-eye:before {

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