Team:Auckland MOD/Partners.html

MOD - University of Auckland iGEM 2018 Team

To those backing students and innovation

iGEM offers experiences that few degrees can, and all the organisations and people below have helped make that happen. We know it's not always easy to convice your boss or wallet to help fund a student cause, so thank you.

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Geneious is a software package full of popular analytical tools for molecular biology and next generation sequencing. Geneious is made by Biomatters, our longest standing industry sponsor. Not only have they provided us with critical funding on many occasions, they also provide us with super helpful feedback on our presentations and access to Geneious software when we need it. Special shout our to Sebastian Dunn (software engineer), one of the nicest people we've worked with, and Richard Moir who said "As with previous years, we don't expect anything specific in return, we just wish them every success." Everyone in Team MOD hopes we can return the favour one day.

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Chiasma is a prominent university organisation which links students and industry. In 2018, the CEO for Chiasma Auckland is Jessica Chiang, an original iGEMer from the University of Auckland. Chiasma is well known for its commercialisation and networking events, and we look forward to representing iGEM and our sponsors at future events. Chiasma attracts many commercially-orientated science students who are often great iGEM candidates.

"Kiwi students are left in the dark when it comes to financing new projects and ventures, but iGEM pushed us to learn. In a country where funding and markets are very limited, being told 'No' is tauntingly common, and our team had to learn perserverance. Cashflow deadlines do add to the pressure but, as a result, we got to practice our soft skills with more businesspeople."

Hadleigh Waldegrave, Team Lead 2018

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Keen to talk?

If you're interested, have questions, or want to know more, don't hesitate to contact us directly.