
Meet the Team


Morgan Tardy


Emily Mount

Design Team & Lab Lead

Claire Bispo

Protocol & Biobrick Teams

Gina Cuneo

Post-Production Team

Mykhaylo Dudkin

Website & Modeling Teams

Nicholas Hammond

Post-Production Team

Larry Hinojos

Design & YMC Teams

Justin Lau

Design Team & Lab Lead

Megan Macpherson

Website & Gibson Teams

Ryan Modlin

Dante is one of our biomolecular engineers who has completed her third year. Using the skills she develops in iGem and in college, Dante is looking to join the medical research field with a focus on treating rheumatoid arthritis. It isn’t all research either. Dante is an artist and quite a talented one at that, having been publish in Matchbox Magazine. She even hopes to do art as a secondary job someday. Expect Dante’s creativity and passion for science to be amazing assists for this year’s iGem team.

Protocol Team & Lab Lead

Dante Moreno

Outreach & Gibson Teams

Jessica Scherer

Design & OEPCR Teams

Harman Singh

Protocol & Biobrick Teams

Laura Valine

Website Team & Lab Lead

Manuel Varela

Post-Production Team

Vanessa Ventura

Primary PI

David Bernick


Mckenna Hicks

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Work Photos

Hangout Photos