

* demo.js
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   // The Slide class.
   class Slide {
       constructor(el) {

this.DOM = {el: el}; // The image conteiner. this.DOM.imgWrap = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide__img-wrap'); // The revealer element (the element with the same color of the body that covers the image). this.DOM.revealer = this.DOM.imgWrap.querySelector('.slide__img-reveal'); // The title element. this.DOM.title = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide__title'); // The slide´s number element this.DOM.number = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide__number'); // The large preview elements (also an image and revealer for the cover/uncover effect) this.DOM.preview = { imgWrap: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview__img-wrap'), revealer: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview__img-wrap > .preview__img-reveal'), title: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview__title'), content: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview__content') };

// Some config values.

           this.config = {
               animation: {
                   duration: 0.6,
                   ease: Expo.easeOut



} // Sets the current class. setCurrent(isCurrent = true) { this.DOM.el.classList[isCurrent ? 'add' : 'remove']('slide--current'); }

       // Hide the slide.
       hide(direction) {

return this.toggle('hide', direction);

       // Show the slide.
       show(direction) {
           return this.toggle('show', direction);
       // Show/Hide the slide.
       toggle(action, direction) {

// Hide/Show revealer on top of the image and move the image, title and number.

           return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

let revealerOpts = { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, onComplete: resolve };

const commonOpts = { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }; let imgOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts); let numberOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts); let titleOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts);

if ( direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' ) { revealerOpts.startAt = action === 'hide' ? {x: direction === 'left' ? '-100%' : '100%', y:'0%'} : {x: '0%', y:'0%'}; revealerOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? '0%' : direction === 'left' ? '100%' : '-100%'; imgOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 0, x: direction === 'left' ? '-20%' : '20%'} : {}; imgOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '20%' : '-20%' : '0%'; titleOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, scale: 0.2, x: direction === 'left' ? '-200%' : '200%'} : {}; titleOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '200%' : '-200%' : '0%'; titleOpts.scale = action === 'hide' ? 0.2 : 1; numberOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, x: direction === 'left' ? '-50%' : '50%'} : {}; numberOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '50%' : '-50%' : '0%'; } else { revealerOpts.startAt = action === 'hide' ? {x:'0%', y: direction === 'down' ? '-100%' : '100%'} : {x:'0%', y: '0%'}; revealerOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? '0%' : direction === 'down' ? '100%' : '-100%'; imgOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, y: direction === 'down' ? '-10%' : '10%'} : {}; imgOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'down' ? '10%' : '-10%' : '0%'; titleOpts.ease = this.config.animation.ease, titleOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, y: direction === 'down' ? '-100%' : '100%'} : {}; titleOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'down' ? '100%' : '-100%' : '0%'; }

// Toggling the revealer. TweenMax.to(this.DOM.revealer, this.config.animation.duration, revealerOpts); // Moving & fading the image (wrappper). TweenMax.to(this.DOM.imgWrap, this.config.animation.duration, imgOpts); // Moving & fading the title and number. TweenMax.to(this.DOM.title, this.config.animation.duration*1.5, titleOpts); TweenMax.to(this.DOM.number, this.config.animation.duration, numberOpts);


} // Hide the preview element. hidePreview(delay) { return this.togglePreview('hide'); } // Show the preview element. showPreview(delay) { return this.togglePreview('show'); } // Show/Hide the preview. togglePreview(action) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Hide/Show revealer. TweenMax.to(this.DOM.preview.revealer, this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {x:'0%', y:'-100%'} : {x:'0%', y:'0%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '0%' : '-100%', onComplete: resolve }); // Move and fade the image wrapper. TweenMax.to(this.DOM.preview.imgWrap, this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {} : {opacity: 0, y: '20%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '20%' : '0%', opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }); // Move and fade the title and content. TweenMax.to([this.DOM.preview.title,this.DOM.preview.content], this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {} : {opacity: 0, y: '200%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '200%' : '0%', opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }); }); }

   // The Slideshow class.
   class Slideshow {
       constructor(el) {

this.DOM = {el: el}; // Navigation controls (prev, next and preview ctrls) this.DOM.prevCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav__item--prev'); this.DOM.nextCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav__item--next'); this.DOM.previewCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav__preview'); // The slides.

           this.slides = [];
           Array.from(this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll('.slide')).forEach(slideEl => this.slides.push(new Slide(slideEl)));
           // The total number of slides.
           this.slidesTotal = this.slides.length;
           // Current slide position.
           this.current = 0;

// initialize the slideshow. this.init(); } // init: set the current slide and initialize some events..

       init() {

this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(); this.initEvents(); } initEvents() { this.DOM.prevCtrl.addEventListener('click', () => this.prev()); this.DOM.nextCtrl.addEventListener('click', () => this.next()); this.DOM.previewCtrl.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { if ( this.isAnimating ) return; if ( ev.target.classList.contains('slidenav__preview--open') ) { ev.target.classList.remove('slidenav__preview--open'); this.exitPreview(); } else { ev.target.classList.add('slidenav__preview--open') this.enterPreview(); } }); } prev() { this.navigate('left'); } next() { this.navigate('right'); } enterPreview() { this.togglePreview('enter'); } exitPreview() { this.togglePreview('exit'); } togglePreview(action) { // If animating return.

           if ( this.isAnimating ) return;

this.isAnimating = true;

const processing = action === 'enter' ? [this.slides[this.current].hide('up'), this.slides[this.current].showPreview()] : [this.slides[this.current].show('down'), this.slides[this.current].hidePreview()];

// Hide the next/prev controls. this.toggleNavCtrls(action);

Promise.all(processing).then(() => this.isAnimating = false); } toggleNavCtrls(action) { TweenMax.to([this.DOM.prevCtrl, this.DOM.nextCtrl], 0.5, { ease: 'Expo.easeOut', opacity: action === 'enter' ? 0 : 1, onStart: () => this.DOM.prevCtrl.style.pointerEvents = this.DOM.nextCtrl.style.pointerEvents = action === 'enter' ? 'none' : 'auto' }); } // Navigate the slideshow.

       navigate(direction) {
           // If animating return.
           if ( this.isAnimating ) return;
           this.isAnimating = true;
           const nextSlidePos = direction === 'right' ? 
                   this.current < this.slidesTotal-1 ? this.current+1 : 0 :
                   this.current > 0 ? this.current-1 : this.slidesTotal-1;

Promise.all([this.slides[this.current].hide(direction), this.slides[nextSlidePos].show(direction)]) .then(() => { // Update current. this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(false); this.current = nextSlidePos; this.isAnimating = false; this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(); }); }


const slideshow = new Slideshow(document.querySelector('.slideshow'));

   // Preload all the images in the page..
   imagesLoaded(document.querySelectorAll(['.slide__img','.preview__img']), {background: true}, () => {
