Biosafety is the prevention of exposure to biohazards or pathogen dissemination, concerning on the issues of ecology and hygiene. Human errors, unqualified instruments, poor experimental techniques would all possibly contribute to deficient safety insurance. Typical topics in biosafefy involve the regular conduction of examinations on laboratory settings and machines, a set of strict laboratory guidelines to obey, etc. Working with synthetic biology experiment, especially high-security apparatus and facilities are required to prevent harmful chemicals or engineered organisms from being released accidentally.
Safe Project Design
Does your project include any safety features? Have you made certain decisions about the design to reduce risks? Write about them here! For example:
- Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis
- Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants
- Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment
- Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device
Safe Lab Work
What safety procedures do you use every day in the lab? Did you perform any unusual experiments, or face any unusual safety issues? Write about them here!
Safe Shipment
Did you face any safety problems in sending your DNA parts to the Registry? How did you solve those problems?