
Team OUC-China: Main

Silver part: Designing a new part

  This year, we design a basic part called miniToe, which consists of RBS, Csy4 recognition site and cis-repressive RNA element. As a regulatory element, it can be specifically recognized and cleaved by Csy4 to regulate the expression of its downstream genes from the RNA level. MiniToe is the core of our project design, is RFC10 compatible and works as expected. We have documented its experimental characterization on Part's Main Page on the Registry and submitted the sample to the Registry. Certainly, this part is different from the new part documented for Gold#2. See the page for more details:  

Gold parts: Improving an existing part

  Improving an existing Part
  Standardization and building up on existing parts are the fundaments of iGEM. We have created FOUR new BioBrick Part (BBa_K2615004, BBa_K2615005, BBa_K2615006, BBa_K2615007) that has a functional improvement upon an existing BioBrick Part (BBa_K1062004). The sequences of four new parts and existing part are different, and the new parts are changed by point mutation. We have showed experiments with both parts to demonstrate this improvement.
  See the pages below for details:
The existing part
The four improved parts

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