



MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) is an essential component in both analog and digital circuits such as analog switches and micro-processors. Inspired by this idea, we built genetic circuit "MOSFETs" in animal T cells which is "Monitoring and Operating System Founded on Engineered T cells". The upstream of this genetic circuit uses synNotch to transduce extracellular signals into cells. The concentration of signals corresponds to different threshold values, and the system can respond accordingly under different concentrations. We achieved some level of logical effects by applying recombinase's reverse mechanism to ensure the uniqueness of downstream output. By using ODE and gillespie algorithms, we conducted validations on mathematical models. Using the concentration of cell surface antigen as gate signal, different recombinase and promoter to adjust threshold value, we conducted experiment validation to measure different promoters and recombinases' response to signals.