
Transforming E. Coli Rosetta for pRED/ET engineering


Participants: Dominic
Protocol: chem. Trafo
Notes: inoculate pRED at 30°C because of temperature sensitive promoter
Results: no colonies. We decided to redo the experiment with another pRED plasmid from PD Dr. Sandra Sagredo from the Simmel lab.

Redo: Transforming E. Coli Rosetta for pRED/ET engineering


Participants: Dominic
Protocol: chem. Trafo
Notes: we used a different pRED/ET plasmid from PD Dr. Sandra Sagredo from the ZNN
Results: no colonies. We decided to redo the experiment by electroporation.

Redo:Transforming E. Coli Rosetta for pRED/ET engineering


Participants: Dominic
Protocol: epo. Trafo
Notes: we used a different pRED/ET plasmid from PD Dr. Sandra Sagredo from the ZNN
Results: no colonies. pRED/ET engineering seems to not work in Rosetta. we postponed this experiment to do it with PD Dr. Lassak at the LMU again.