Work in Progress
- Introduction
- Project Timeline
- Integration in our project
Human Practices
Microbial Carrier
- Not relevant - Which problem will it solve? How will it go to the pathogen in a pool of fishes where the current will be really strong?
- Not responsible - not safe due to the introduction of GMO in the open environment
- Project change & target/problem change to make it more relevant
One of the industries that greatly contributes to the antibiotic resistance problem is the fish farming industry. To achieve high yields and profits, many farmers are now applying intensive farming methods which involves the misuse of antibiotic usage. Our first idea was to solve this problem by engineering a bacterium that can sense the pathogen and swim towards it. After arriving there, a neutralizing agent will either be released or produced and excreted on the spot. Antibiotic resistance shield The overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic resistances. Although this problem has already been popping up in scientific and newspaper articles for over 30 years, its threat is one that can no longer be ignored. The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that annually over 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the United States are caused by antibiotic resistance. Moreover, it is approximated that by 2050, 10 million people will die annually due to antibiotic resistance. The ‘antibiotic apocalypse’ needs to be prevented, so action should be taken now!
Benelux Meetup at Wageningen UR
During the Benelux Meetup we attend an extensive workshop.
Citation Wageningen iGEM Team 2017
""The goal of the workshop was for each iGEM team to get out of their expert point of view and discover what the needs or problems would be for the end-user of their project. The teams were to find out: What would it mean to use the technology in practice? Three to six people of each iGEM team were coupled to a small group of another team. Next, one team got to shortly explain their project as 'developer'. The other team was to ask questions as 'end-user' about how the use of the technology and its influence on their lives or work. After 15 minutes, the roles were reversed. The experts and alumni iGEM teams were also invited to participate.
- Wageningen iGEM Team 2017
As described before, combating the development of antibiotic resistances was a project we thought worth working on. Nevertheless, we did not consider the application in fish farms as a feasible option anymore. So, we went back to brainstorming. Here, we thought about a new potential application: fighting (the formation of) biofilms, for example in industrial pipelines and on boat hulls. Additionally, we came up with ideas to remove biofilms from food and plants (Agrobacterium). Nevertheless, all these ideas either had a much easier and well-implemented chemical alternative or they were very questionable with regards to safety (i.e. containment of the genetically modified organism) and effectivity. Luckily, we ran into new possibilities!
Feedback Synergene/rathenau
- How to keep the GMO in a contained environment
- Think about worst case scenario, how to solve it
- Kill switch when fish swallow the GMO
- Way of how we sell our idea/ pitch presentation
- Other methods of how to tackle this problem without the use of GMO
- Talk with stakeholders to really understand what the problem is or where the problem is
- Ask them what kind of solution is required
- Relevance of using synthetic biology as a solution
- Change project while using the same elements
We were invited to the Synenergene event organised by Rathenau Institute. This event was to make iGEM teams realise the importance of performing a responsible research in their project. During the event we came into contact with several stakeholders and experts.
Antibiotic resistance shield
The overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic resistances. Although this problem has already been popping up in scientific and newspaper articles for over 30 years, its threat is one that can no longer be ignored. The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that annually over 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the United States are caused by antibiotic resistance. Moreover, it is approximated that by 2050, 10 million people will die annually due to antibiotic resistance. The ‘antibiotic apocalypse’ needs to be prevented, so action should be taken now!
Antibiotic resistance detection with Cas13a
Up until now, we had been focussing on a plan with the protein Cas9. Nevertheless, this was not the optimal protein for what we wanted to achieve. Participating in iGEM, we caught up with the most recent achievements in the synthetic biology field, amongst which a very interesting paper about Cas13a by Gootenberg et al. Their paper indicated attomolar sensitivity in combination with rapid DNA or RNA detection, which would be perfect for detecting antibiotic resistance genes!
Tardigrade proteins
Simultaneously, team members came up with a completely different idea, based on practical limitations in the lab instead of a societal problem: western blotting. In order to improve on this method, we would require proteins from tardigrades (also known as water bears). Tardigrades can survive under very extreme conditions, such as outer space. Their robustness is (partly) derived from the so-called tardigrade proteins, that protect cell(-structures) and proteins from dehydration and preserve protein activity after drying and rehydration. The western blotting idea was discarded because of practical limitations. Nevertheless, we saw the tardigrade proteins as a perfect opportunity to combine an antibiotic resistance detection system with microfluidics on paper, for which the drying of proteins would be necessary!
Cas13a in vesicles
Now that we were thinking about using Cas13a in combination with paper microfluidics, we wanted a method to make it easier for us to dry the protein on the paper. Additionally, we wanted to do this in such a way that the final product would be cell-free. Inspiration for the solution came from other iGEM teams, who had previously tried to produce vesicles and transport green fluorescent protein in these vesicles. Vesiculation would indeed be a solution to our problem, so it was added as an integral part of our project.
Ethical Legal and Social Issues in Biotechnology.
Dr. Lotte Asvled
Assistant Professor Biotechnology and Society
- Introduction to ethical, legal and social Issues in Biotechnology
- Importance of stakeholder mapping
- Validating project with stakeholders
- Towards a value sensitive design
We started this course by mapping all factors relevant for our design. We included every possible factor that could in some way be influenced by our technology. The next step was to identify the most important stakeholders and their values. We came up with many values, some were colliding. During this course we had to analyse potential stakeholders and we came up with a value sensitive design. However, we found out that we still had a broad range of stakeholders, leading to many values that had to be integrated. After this course, we really started steering our project towards a more relevant application. We decided that we needed to narrow our scope in order to integrate values into our design. We interacted with many more stakeholders and set up a new value sensitive design. This course was good practice and a good starting point after which the real stakeholder interactions began.
Input farmer
Tjerkje Poppinga
Tjerkje is studying higher professional education livestock farming. She helps her dad on his dairy farm.
- Udder infection (mastitis) is a long-standing disease at dairy farms.
- Farmers want a faster method to determine which antibiotics to use to treat mastitis if the default antibiotic does not work and if she can do the test herself she would like to, to save costs of the veterinarian.
- Meet the values fast and cheap
- Meet user-friendliness based on the farmer as potential user
Tjerkje said the most common diseases on the farm are utter infection and claw disorders. The farmers treat udder infection (mastitis) themselves. For this they have antibiotics that they are allowed to inject in the cows. Most of the times this works, but sometimes it does not, then they have to call the veterinarian. They try to do most things by themselves to prevent high bills from the vet. With mastitis they then have to hand in milk for an antibiotic resistance test, this test takes 2-3 days until results come in on which antibiotics to use. Tjerkje wants a faster method and if she can do the test herself she would like to to save costs of the veterinarian.
Input veterinarian
Gerbrich Bonekamp
Student Bioveterinary Sciences
- The most common pathogens in livestock are E. Coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus aureus, Staphylococcus agalactiae
- Trade-off between reducing antibiotic resistance or animal health. Farmers are trying to reduce misuse of antibiotics, but if they wait to long with treatment the illness could become worse, resulting in reduced animal health.
- Look into Salmonella
Gerbrich studies animal sciences. She told us that E. Coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus aureus and Staphylococcus agalactiae are the most common pathogens in livestock farming. Giving preventive antibiotics is not allowed anymore, the rules to prescribe antibiotics are quite strict in the Netherlands for the dairy sector. Every year the veterinarian composes a plan together with the farmer, for which antibiotics are allowed to use for which illnesses. When a farmer wants to deviate from this plan the veterinarian needs to have a written declaration. Every antibiotics used needs to be registered. A farmer can thus inject the antibiotics himself, the challenge is that while farmers are trying to reduce antibiotic usage, on the other hand, if they wait to long with treatment the illness could become worse, resulting in reduced animal health.
We asked Gerbrich if there are possibilities to fight multi-resistant bacteria like the salmonella bacterium with antibiotics. She told us that there are still some antibiotics which are used only human. If the veterinarian decides it is necessary to use these, there can be an exception. It is however under strict supervision and noted down which veterinarian prescribes these antibiotics. If antibiotics can no longer be used because of stricter regulations, breeders should focus on health and robustness of the cow. Lower production of milk could also result in a healthier cow because the cow can put more energy in its own immune system. In order to bring the disease burden down, the environment and food for the cow should be adjusted accordingly. The stress on the animal should be minimized as stress has negative effects on the immune system of the cows. According to Gerbrich the solution to the antibiotic resistance problem is further reducing the use of antibiotics in all sectors of livestock farming. Besides this she thinks reducing the transport of animals can improve the situation as then the spreading of the resistant bacteria becomes less. When transport is necessary hygiene is of utter importance!
Input farmer
Machiel Vries
Cow farmer and breeder at Domela Holsteins
- There are plenty of different diseases that play a role in the dairy industry.
- Fast diagnosis is essential to minimize loss of cattle and productivity, since most illnesses cannot be prevented.
- While only sick cows are treated with antibiotics, more antibiotics are potentially used in the chicken and pig industry.
- Para-infectious diseases (spread through manure) are especially tricky.
- The tool should neither be too complicated, nor take a lot of time.
- Research into the chicken and pig industry.
- Research into Bovine Virus Diarrhoea, a para-infectious disease.
As a farmer, Machiel aims to deliver qualitatively good cow milk as inexpensive as possible. In 2014 his company started to buy embryos to enhance the animal’s properties through breeding. These are strong races with health certificates.
Machiel informed us about different diseases that play a role in the dairy industry, such as Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR; viral) and pneumonia. For some (like IBR), animals can be vaccinated. However, often this is not the case. So, the only thing that can be done to minimize the loss of cattle and productivity, is quick diagnosis of illnesses. Currently, a blood sample takes approximately half a week to be analysed.
According to Machiel, no antibiotics are given to cows (in the Netherlands) unless they are sick. This is potentially different in the chicken and pig industry, which he suggested us to look into. Furthermore, he recommended research in para-infectious diseases, i.e. diseases spread via manure (e.g. Bovine Virus Diarrhoea).
With regards to our tool, Machiel thinks this would be very useful. However, the tool should then neither be too complicated, nor take a lot of time, as farmers generally do not have much spare time.
iGEMMers guide to the future
Zoe Robaey
Co-author iGEMer's Guide to the Future - SYNENERGENE/Rathenau Instituut
- Many guidelines for Integrated Human practices
- Production of a video project explaining its value
The iGEMmers guide to the future is a tool which helps iGEM teams to incorporate IHP in their project. On this website there are numerous methods on how to tackle several parts of the IHP, such as brainstorm mapping, stakeholder mapping and SWOT (risk analysis). Their goals is for us to do responsible innovation.
Joost van Herten
Senior Policy Advisor for Veterinary Affairs at the Royal Dutch Society for Veterinary Medicine (KNMvD). KNMvD is the professional organization for veterinary surgeons in the Netherlands. The KNMvD promotes the professional development considering veterinarians in the field of animal welfare, animal health, public health and food safety.
- The use of formularies by veterinarians considering the bacterial infections and the antibiotic treatment per animal specie.
- Contact with veterinarian experts
- Integration of detection method in current treatment protocols
- Narrowing the detection method to one disease
The insights of the methods (formularies and guidelines) veterinarians use, gave us insights in how our detection method could add value to the current regulations concerning antibiotic treatment. We found out that the treatment per animal disease is very specific, and that we had narrow our scope to one animal disease to add value. In the future, the detections methods could be slightly adapted with regards to a specific animal disease.
Input Microbial Resistance Expert
Mark van Passel
Antiicrobial Resistance Expert
- Resistant bacteria are not necessarily the pathogen causing the infection
- Look into protocol of farmers and see where our project will shine
- Narrowing our scope to 1 gene → blaZ
- on-site device
In the interview with Mark we discovered that detecting antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a rather challenging process. There are roughly 61.000 resistant genes and 24.000 genes are unique. Furthermore, even if it is found that the patient has antibiotic resistant genes it does not necessarily mean that this bacteria is the pathogen. In this interview, we realised that our final product of our project should be a device you can use on-site. Additionally, Mark mentioned several companies where they are developing techniques for the detection of antibiotic resistance. He also suggested to look what the farmers are doing now as a protocol when discovering that one of their cows got an infection. With this we could really state where the added values of our project lies. So, the detection device that we are making should be accurate of which antibiotics the farmer then needs to use.
Cécile van der Vlugt
Risk Assessor GMO, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
- Involved institutes in The Netherlands and Europe to tackle antibiotic resistance
- The political agenda on tackling antibiotic resistance
- The overview of current developments to tackle antibiotic resistance
- The need to decrease the overuse of current antibiotics
- The need to engage the public to implement our detection method not only in veterinary field, but also in society in the future
- The acceptance of the use of GMOs contained and in the environment
- The need to decrease inefficient antibiotic use to control resistance
- Development a new treatment strategy and frontline diagnostics
- A contained method detection method considering safety and public acceptance
- From a paper chip to a tube
- Include safety as a value
Korienke Smit and Cécile van der Vlugt gave insights on the political agenda concerning antibiotic resistance. This way, we were able to make an overview of the most important European and Dutch institutes and agencies. Besides new vaccines and new prevention strategies to tackle the infectious diseases, and besides the need for new antibiotics and new therapeutics, the increased use (including overuse and misuse) of the available antibiotics (ref. The Netherlands Center for One Health (NCOH)) should be stopped. The detection method could be used as frontline diagnostics and could be the key for new treatment strategies.
Safety and public acceptance
Besides designing in a relevant for the field, the acceptance of our detection method was considered. We aimed to design a detection method that could be broadly implemented to detect resistance on the spot. The public should be comfortable to use our method. Our idea was based on detection with GMOs with a kill-switch on a paper-chip. However, considering safety and public acceptance, we have chosen not to use GMOs in the environment, but only the products of the GMO. Taking into account the public opinion on GMOs and bacterial resistance, we aimed to design a product that looks as safe as possible to make the public comfortable when using our detection method.
Korienke Smit
Research assistant at National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Involved institutes in The Netherlands and Europe to tackle antibiotic resistance
- The political agenda on tackling antibiotic resistance
- The overview of current developments to tackle antibiotic resistance
- The need to decrease the overuse of current antibiotics
- The need to engage the public to implement our detection method not only in veterinary field, but also in society in the future
- The acceptance of the use of GMOs contained and in the environment
- The need to decrease inefficient antibiotic use to control resistance
- Development a new treatment strategy and frontline diagnostics
- A contained method detection method considering safety and public acceptance
- From a paper chip to a tube
- Include safety as a value
Korienke Smit and Cécile van der Vlugt gave insights on the political agenda concerning antibiotic resistance. This way, we were able to make an overview of the most important European and Dutch institutes and agencies. Besides new vaccines and new prevention strategies to tackle the infectious diseases, and besides the need for new antibiotics and new therapeutics, the increased use (including overuse and misuse) of the available antibiotics (ref. The Netherlands Center for One Health (NCOH)) should be stopped. The detection method could be used as frontline diagnostics and could be the key for new treatment strategies.
Safety and public acceptance
Besides designing in a relevant for the field, the acceptance of our detection method was considered. We aimed to design a detection method that could be broadly implemented to detect resistance on the spot. The public should be comfortable to use our method. Our idea was based on detection with GMOs with a kill-switch on a paper-chip. However, considering safety and public acceptance, we have chosen not to use GMOs in the environment, but only the products of the GMO. Taking into account the public opinion on GMOs and bacterial resistance, we aimed to design a product that looks as safe as possible to make the public comfortable when using our detection method.
Value Sensitive Design with modules
After mapping and interviewing different stakeholders, we were able to make a Value Sensitive Design of our project. In an extended report, we considered stakeholders values (including the values of iGEM) and translated these values to design requirements (figure hierarchical structure). We adapted our design and our project accordingly.
The reports of stakeholders mapping and the Value Sensitive Design can be found here:
Report sensitive designStakeholder analysis
On different levels, policy-, competition-, and user level, we investigated the values that our design had to meet. How we translated the values of the stakeholders to design requirements can be found in the figure about the Hierarchical Nature of Values (figure 1). Even though some norms were contradictory (as can be seen figure 2, summary values and norms) , we aimed to meet all the norms and values as good as possible.
Figure. Hierarchical nature of values filled in for our home detection kit. Michelfelder et al. (2013).
Figure. Figure. Summary of values and norms (based on concerns and potentials different actors see) in the design process. Model inspired by Investigating Ethical Issues in Engineering Design (van de Poel, 2001).
Input Chicken Farmer
Sjouke Hoekstra
Chicken farmer and poultry specialist at De Heus
- In the poultry industry, Salmonella is a big problem.
- Look further into the Salmonella problem by contacting AVINED and the slaughterhouse/diagnostics centre.
Interview summary
Sjouke Hoekstra is a chicken farmer who has been battling salmonella for a long time. A new policy set up to tackle antibiotic resistance problems says that chickens that test positive for Salmonella have to be slaughtered immediately. In an attempt to prevent salmonella from spreading, Sjouke has spent a lot of money on different cleaning methods. However, the underlying, fundamental cause of the salmonella problem was never really looked into. Sjouke believes that his chickens were infected via their food, which is derived from the Yucca plant.
Sjouke recommended us to dive deeper in the salmonella problem. For this purpose, he referred us to the company AVINED. Furthermore, we could contact the slaughterhouse, to which the diagnostics centre is connected.
Rik ter Loo
Expert IKB Kip en Salmonella meat industry
- Forbidden to treat salmonella in chickens with antibiotics
- No high need to make big investments in treatment of chickens
- No focus on Salmonella and chickens
Rik te Loo did not see any connection with the salmonella chicken challenges and the our detection method, because the treatment of Salmonella with antibiotics is currently forbidden. Antibiotic regulations considering chickens are currently.
The IKB Kip certification scheme is a global chain quality system for the entire poultry meat sector. IKB Kip is a dynamic system that is constantly developing. IKB Kip’s scheme management lies with the PLUIMNED foundation. This allows all links involved in the production of IKB Kip poultry meat (from breeding to processing) to ensure production methods guarantees, for instance regarding the quality and safeguarding of the quality
Input Veterinarian
Engeline van Duijkeren
Veterinarian, works for RIVM, research on if antibiotic resistance is transferred from animal to human and via which ways.
- Milk samples from cows that have mastitis but are not cured by certain antibiotics are not always sent to the lab for test, because it costs time and money (2-3 days). Sometimes farmers thus already administer other antibiotics not knowing if it might work.
- 6 common pathogens causing mastitis
- Taking a milk sample is the best sample for our tool.
- Extended-spectrum lactamases can break down a lot of types β-lactam antibiotics and thus can make a large group of antibiotics inactive.
- Focus on most common pathogens in mastitis
- Focus on β-lactamases as these also have impact on humans
- Focus on milk as milk is most accessible
Milk samples from cows that have mastitis but are not cured by certain antibiotics are not always sent to the lab for test, because it costs time and money (2-3 days). Sometimes farmers thus already register other antibiotics not knowing if it might work. When the milk sample goes to the lab, the untreated milk is plated on different agar plates. When colonies have grown, the microorganisms are often colored and examined through the microscope. Also, biochemical tests are done to see which compounds the bacteria can convert. When a cow has clinical mastitis (visible symptoms), it is most likely that one type of bacterium is the cause. There are 6 types of known, common pathogens for mastitis. Engeline tells us that farmers would like a on site test for which antibiotic can or can not be administered. She thinks that within several years whole genome sequencing will be the golden standard.
We asked Engeline what is the most appropriate sample for detecting antibiotic resistance. She tells us that feces contains too many bacteria, blood is supposed to be sterile but is not common practice and thus economically not so attractive. Urine samples are often used with pet animals. Milk would be most suited as this is has little bacteria, only skin bacteria and the pathogens causing mastitis.
Engeline also told us about extended-spectrum lactamases that can break down a lot of types β-lactam antibiotics and thus can make a large group of antibiotics inactive. A lot of β-lactamases can be passed on from animals to humans
Input Bouwe Frank Gall
Bouwe Frank Gall
Veterinarian (Dairy Cattle & Horses) at Dierenartsencombinatie Gorredijk
- Mastitis (udder infection) is a challenging problem in the dairy industry
- The current diagnostics are not at all focused on detecting antibiotic resistances
- Contact Ynte Schukken (expert in mastitis at the Groningen University)
- Contact GD Animal Health
Interview summary
When asked about the most occurring/challenging bacterial infection in cattle, Bouwe Frank pointed us towards mastitis. This is in an infection of the udder. The problem with mastitis is that it can be caused by various bacteria. If you are interested in detecting antibiotic resistances in the case of mastitis, you will thus first have to establish which pathogen you are dealing with.
How the current process goes, is that a sample of a sick animal is sent to the GD Animal Health. They cultivate the sample to see what bacteria causes the disease. Often, an educated guess considering the pathogen can be made. If the test is positive, the animal can get a suitable treatment. If not, the test is repeated under different conditions. These tests are not based on detecting antibiotic resistances, because this takes more time and money.
Bouwe Frank referred us to the GD animal health to get a better insight in the current diagnostics process through the veterinarian laboratory. A valuable person to contact is Ynte Schukken, who is connected to the GD animal Health and professor at the Groningen University.
Input Vetenarian
Maaike van den Berg
Veterinarian Van Stad tot Wad
- The integration of Formularies in our design
- The process from disease analysis to antibiotic prescription
- The roles of the farmers, veterinarians and diagnostic centers in this process
- The requirements of first, second and third choice antibiotics
- Current diagnostic methods to determine pathogen sensitivity for antibiotics
- Pathogen sensitivity test by diagnostic center
- Relevance to narrow our scope to Staphylococcus or E.Coli
- Design detection method based on integration with formularies
- Narrow scope to resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus
Maaike van den Berg showed told us about the current policies on antibiotics and how she as a veterinarian uses the formularies. Also, she gave us insights in her tasks as a veterinarian and how she prescribes antibiotics based on the results of the diagnostic center. Diagnostic centers do pathogen detection and determine the sensitivity for antibiotic resistance subsequently. In two to three days, the results include the pathogens sensitivity for all potential antibiotics. As we only could detect one kind of antibiotic resistance, we decided to scope our detection method on the most common mastitis pathogen, which is Staphylococcus Aureus.
Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren - Healthcare for animals
- Annual report on monitoring pathogen sensitivity for antibiotics
- Trend: rapid decrease of pathogen sensitivity for penicillins
- The roles of the farmers, veterinarians and diagnostic centers in this process
- Scope on penicillin resistance of Staphylococcus Aureus
After an elaborate conversation with the Lotte Roos from GD, she sent us the annual report on monitoring pathogen sensitivity. This way, we gained insights in the trends considering resistance of mastitis pathogens. The sensitivity for penicillins is rapidly decreasing or there was no sensitivity.
Collaboration Dairy Farmer
Paul Oosthoek
Paul Oosthoek is a dairy farmer at Oosthoek en Zn VOF. He explained about the protocols they use in cause of mastitis diagnosis.
- Current methods to tackle disease and antibiotic resistance
- Early mastitis diagnosis
- Treatment protocols for mastitis
- Collaboration with Paul (visited the farm several times)
- Using fresh milk samples from the farm
Paul elaborated on the mastitis problem by stating that cows can pass on the (potentially multiresistant bacteria) to their calves, further increasing the spread of antibiotics. Beyond the borders of the Netherlands, milk farmers have bigger challenges with antibiotic resistance. “Resistance transfer is a major challenge beyond the borders as antibiotic remainders can be found in food from cuttle.” In the Netherlands, this seems less of a problem, according to Paul. “We need to be sure that no antibiotics remain in the milk before we can sell the milk”.
“Since two years we are breeding cows that are healthier and have more resistance against diseases. We treat mastitis with the antibiotic Ubrolexin in a late stage. In this stage the udder looks red and infected”. Paul is able to check himself whether or not the cow has mastitis in early stage. “If the cow has mastitis, the milk texture is different. In this early stage, Ice Mint, a treatment salve, can do the trick and cure the infection”. Paul told us about new techniques in the market, like the milk robots that detect the potential of mastitis. “Measurement on the milk conduction can predict whether or not a cow is infected with mastitis”.
R&D veterinary pharmaceutical products
Yvonne Verbeek and Bart Engelen
Experts at R&D veterinary pharmaceutical products
- Current methods to detect resistance take too long when immediate treatment is needed
- Antibiograms and sensitivity tests
- Lab results are still needed to validate diagnosis and to monitor
- The use of milk robots
- Need for argumentation to start with second choice antibiotics
- Need for pathogen detection causing the disease
- Look into pathogen detection
- Look into developing a method for future milk robots (producer: Lely)
During this interview, we gained knowledge on current methods to identify pathogens and determine the sensitivity of these pathogens. These detailed methods will be necessary to follow trends and to validate current treatment and diagnosis. Furthermore, mastitis can be caused by different pathogens and it hard to identify which pathogen cause the disease and subsequently, identify which resistance genes this pathogen has. The milk robots are the new technologies in the field to detect and count cells in the cow's milk. The amount of cells (>25.000) is an indication for mastitis.
Sanbio meeting
Maarten Jonkers
Account Manager Life Science at Sanbio
- Current methods used for antibiotic detection
- Most research is currently focused on real time PCR
- No demand for pathogen detection
- Collaboration with Sanbio
- The use of the Milk DNA isolation kit to compare with boiling method
- No focus on pathogen detection
For antibiotic detection, most research is currently focused on real time PCR with specific probes that anneal to the antibiotic resistance genes. This method is comparable to our method, as specific primers are required per resistance. We decided to try out the Milk DNA Isolation Kit to be able to compare our boiling method with a commercially available isolation method.
Collaboration Bioveterinary Research Center
prof. dr. Dik Mevius
Senior researcher and agricultural researcher at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, expertise: Bacteriology, Microbiology, veterinary studies, antibiotic resistance
dr. Fimme Jan van der Wal
Agricultural researcher at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, expertises: animal illness, diagnostische techniques, infectious diseases
- The gene blaZ is relevant in MRSA
- SSC-MEC, mecA is relevant for the multi resistance of MRSA beyond the scope of mastitis
- Relevance of RNA detection to show expression
- Challenge to do sample preparation with milk due to fats
- Costs and speed of detection should stand out
- Key to success is simplicity and a result: yes or no
- Narrow scope to blaZ and mecA
- Collaboration with Wageningen Bioveterinary Research center
- Experiments with their isolates and validation
Dik and Fimme do research on the development of diagnostic tools for pathogen resistance detection in the bioveterinary field. In S. aureus, blaZ is relevant when looking into the β-lactamases. Other β-lactamases are not relevant enough. BlaZ produces small-spectrum penicillinases. This means that benzylpenicillin, ampicillin and amoxicillin antibiotics, common first and second choice antibiotics that are empirically used by the farmer to treat mastitis, can not be used is blaZ is detected. Rapid detection of this gene could prevent the misuse of penicillins by the farmer and gives reason to directly prescribe other treatments. From the policy perspective, the presence of blaZ has a lot of impact.
The mecA gene is also relevant to detect as this gene makes the pathogen resistant against all β-lactam antibiotics, leading to the well-known disease MRSA. The experts revealed insights for the key of success. Furthermore, they told us that farmers are able to work with tubes and pipettes. Farmers are willing to invest and follow a more challenging protocol if time for a good results.
Reflection with workshop
- Aspects that are still missing, like validation
- To do’s to achieve a responsible and relevant synthetic biology design
- Achieve relevance by validating the design at the farm
- Achieve responsibility by analyzing the risks when there is false positive or false negative
Reflection of the workshop
Lists of responsible and relevant things in our project
Things that were considered as really responsible are listed below:
- Reliability (this is not yet know)
- GMO-free and safe
- Sensitive detection
- Contained
- The broad range of applications of TDPs
Things that were considered as relevant are listed below:
- Modules can be used separately and can be used for different purposes and broad applications: sustainable storability of TDPs
- Tackling a real societal/local threat (ABR)
- Costs (are unclear)
- User Friendliness
- Biobrick can be used for broad application and we contribute to an integrated synbio engineering system
Reflection. What is beyond the scope of iGEM and what is things we still can include?
Tackling a real problem
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- The need is to identify which AB is relevant to use when facing a disease. Our tool gives insights in which ABs not to use. Although we think that our strategy will help to reduce the abuse of antibiotics, the question in the market is slidely different. Prototype tests should give insights whether are device is relevant enough to tackle current challenges.
- Point out which AB to use
- Sensitivity and reliability
- Things we can do:
- What happens if there is a false positive or a false negative?
- Estimate the change to have a false positive or negative
- Make risks analysis: Contact TNO to talk about risks analysis
- What happens if there is a false positive or a false negative?
- Beyond the scope of our project:
- Being able to quantify detection
- Make Cas13a able to detect mutated genes
- Things we can do:
- User Friendliness:
- Things we can do:
- Contact farmer to check if we meet the friendliness requirements concerning farmers
- Contact industrial designer to think along with the final design
- Make a decision tree so the farmer knows exactly what to do after obtaining the test results
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- Develop an easier RNA extraction (specialist should look into this): Adjusting the detection protein to detect the DNA directly instead of the RNA. This would take a step of reverse transcription out of the protocol and make the assay more direct instead of indirect.
- Develop a service “a traveling lab in a bus” that does this kind of ABR tests (Front end runner)
- Things we can do:
- TDPs as sustainable storage solution:
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- Talk to TDP experts about the possibilities
- Talk to contextual experts to give insights on this sustainable solution
- Make a risk analysis concerning worldwide TDP storage
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- Costs savings:
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- Look into cheaper materials
- Beyond the scope of the project:
- What things need to be considered when bringing our prototype to the market:
- Next things to do: Brainstorm with TNO to gain insights and feedback
Concluding, we reflected our project with the different roles to make sure we did not miss anything. The workshop made us aware of the future challenge considering our project. Due to the reflection we gained insights in which things were beyond the scope of the project and we identified things we could still integrate in our project to make our project more relevant and responsible. Thinking from these four different perspectives was really effective. We were able to reflect the project on different levels, even though the team composition was balanced more towards the experts and system integrators.
The goal of the workshop had two sides. For iGEM, this workshop will be a design evaluation/reflection exercise. For the CEE it is important to receive feedback on the Engineering Roles; possibly determining more engineering roles and match specific skills with the roles.
To conclude, we reflected on our project with the different roles to make sure we did not miss anything. The workshop made us aware of the future challenges considering our project. Due to the reflection we gained insights in which aspects were beyond the scope of the project and we identified aspects that we could still integrate in our project to make our project more relevant and responsible. Thinking from these four different perspectives was really effective. We were able to reflect on the project on different levels.
Feedback Industrial Design Expert
Bella Boven
Graduated Industrial Design Engineer
- Not too small and not too precise
- Click system with different parts
- clear difference between test and control
- Robust
- Closed system
Medical Delta
The Medical Delta Café is an event that brings together innovators from the Life Sciences and Health & Technology sectors. Doctors, researchers and entrepreneurs discuss and present opportunities for research cooperation and our product development.
Dutch Biotechnology Conference
iGEM TU Delft attended the Dutch Biotechnology Conference, organised by the Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV). The NBV is an association for all professionals in the field of Applied Life Sciences, a valuable network with over 1000 members from different disciplines, from the business sector to education. We gained feedback on our project helping us to shape our project.
Dutch Biotechnology Conference
iGEM TU Delft attended the Dutch Biotechnology Conference, organised by the Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV). The NBV is an association for all professionals in the field of Applied Life Sciences, a valuable network with over 1000 members from different disciplines, from the business sector to education. We gained feedback on our project helping us to shape our project.
Knowledge Parade: National Institute of Public Health and the Environment
During the knowledge parade, we met some farmers and doctors. Here, we gained more insights in the needs and the challenges in the field, like the demand for resistance detection for specific genes in the intensive care.
Investigating the needs in antibiotics field, we visited our general practitioners. They confirmed that there is a demand for diagnostic tools that reveal antibiotic resistance. Doctors seem to face challenges considering viral or bacterial infections, the identification of the pathogen causing the infection, resistance detection and the susceptibility to existing drugs.
Feedback experts bioveterinary research
Investigating the needs in antibiotics field, we visited our general practitioners. They confirmed that there is a demand for diagnostic tools that reveal antibiotic resistance. Doctors seem to face challenges considering viral or bacterial infections, the identification of the pathogen causing the infection, resistance detection and the susceptibility to existing drugs.
See our applied design page.
Validation with Dairy Farmer - Paul Oosthoek
We also received feedback on how we can improve our device. Paul stated that it would be better if the test really showed which specific antibiotic should be used for treatment, instead of knowing which antibiotics should NOT be used. We completely agree with this statement; finding out which antibiotic to use is more effective in helping to solve the worldwide antibiotic resistance problem. Another piece of feedback was to use larger test tubes for the detection. Currently, we use 1.5 mL eppendorfs in which the detection is done. Paul recommended to perform the detection in larger tubes to increase the visibility and to be more user-friendly.
See our applied design page and our demonstrate page.