Royal Hotel Royal Hotel

    1 . HP--Creative Art Course for primary school students

    AHUT_China(This year's project is about carbon dioxide.)With the increasing impact of the greenhouse effect on the global environment,it's very important to know how to efficiently deal with greenhouse gas CO2.Traditional CO2 collection technology is not mature, restricted by high energy consumption and low efficiency.

    Our project simulates the protein molecule expressed by the mutation of carbonic anhydrase gene Loci, obtains the high thermal stability of carbonic anhydrase (CA-2) and imports it into Escherichia coli cells to achieve efficient CO2 collection

Figure 1 The Xiangxiangle art & culture House

Figure 2 Learning biological knowledge

    On July 5, 2018, we arrived at the XiangXiangle Art and Culture House, and we had a creative art class with the children.In class, we studied biology with them and learned creative art courses.By letting children learn the signs of iGEM competition and explaining biological knowledge for them, especially the concepts of genes and synthetic biology, etc.,We encouraged children to add their own ideas to the iGEM logo and use painting to depict genes, synthetic biology, and iGEM competitions in their heart.As shown in Picture 3.


Picture 3 The process of class

    After learning the course we designed, every child completed their own works with the guidance of the teacher Long Lijuan and the iGEM team members.


Picture 4 Works completed


Picture 5 Group photo


Picture 6 Single photo

    Our Human Practice-- Creative Art Courses in Primary School Students is very meaningful. It not only introduces the iGEM competition, but also introduces the iGEM team of the Anhui University of Technology.And at the same time, this activity guides the children to have a preliminary understanding of life and the corresponding disciplines.





   2 . We discussed with the AHUT's model airplane team

    Currently, our project is still at the laboratory stage, has not yet reached large-scale application.To better seek the scene of large-scale applications, Anhui University of Technology's model airplane team and we held a seminar and developed a program of social practice with the help of the instructor group.

Picture1 Group photo of Anhui University of Technology’s model airplane team

    We got in touch with a factory in Maanshan(Maanshan Steel Plant), and a six-rotor drone was provided by the model team, as shown in Picture 1

Picture2 Six-rotor drone

    Zhao Lei, who has studied embedded programming development in the team, has developed a carbon dioxide detection device that can be mounted on the unmanned aerial vehicle with different gas sensors (The gas sensor can detect the mass of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other gases in each liter.) and STM32 ARM microcontroller. As shown in Picture 3:

Picture 3 Gas detection device

    We used this drone to carry the detection device into the air and tested it near the end of the factory's exhaust system. It was found that the concentration of carbon dioxide near the smoke extraction device was extremely high, 5-20 times greater than the normal value. According to the document "National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting and Other 11 Greenhouse Gas Management National Standards Released", the proportion of various costs in the exhaust gas from such a plant's production process is: oxygen: carbon dioxide: sulfur dioxide: vulcanization Hydrogen: Carbon monoxide: Hydrogen chloride: Fluoride: Nitrogen oxides: Other = 14:10:3:3:3:2:3:8:54, We have measured the composition, content and mass percentage of each gas in the factory exhaust gas after averaging as follows:



    3. Paying Visit to Biochemical Research Center and Discuss Project with Professor Xia Xu

    On Sept.26,2018,members of the Team AHUT_China were very honored to visit the biochemical research center and visit professor Xia Xu.Professor Xu is a doctoral supervisor.Her research direction is mainly based on molecular simulation,which is designed for drug delivery, CO2 capture and transformation, biological materials,anti-microbial, disease treatment and functional polypeptide in vitro-detection, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, microfluidics, online detection technology and so on.

    We communicated with Prof. Xu about the project of absorbing CO2 in the air by introducing the synthetic modified carbonic anhydrase gene into escherichia coli and raised some relevant questions, and she gave us detailed answers.Here were our interview content.

Figure 10_ discusstion with Pro.Xia Xu

①Q:The laboratory has synthesized the gene sequence of human carbonic anhydrase by the total synthesis method, which, as far as we know, is a little bit different from the original one. May I ask you what these differences are?

A:Compared with the natural one, the synthetic gene of human carbonic anhydrase by the total synthesis method replaces the 203rd amino acid.As a result,the synthetic gene performs more stable when exposed at high temperatures.Our main application scenario is in the factory, so the modified human carbonic anhydrase must be highly active under such conditions.

②Q:Our project is to introduce the full synthetic gene sequence of human carbonic anhydrase into escherichia coli through psb1c3 carrier to achieve the goal of absorbing CO2 in the air through carbonic anhydrase. Therefore, we want to get some information about the frontier in this field home and abroad, for instance, the technology of absorbing CO2 in the air through biology or other methods and so on.

A:So far, the most advanced way in the world uses algae as the carrier for absorption, and researchers have made detailed explanations.In the past, many studies used plant carbonic anhydrase to capture CO2.Though this kind of carbonic anhydrase can survive in most environments,yet efficiency of human carbonic anhydrase for capturing CO2 is dozens of times higher than that of the plant one.

③Q:The major scientific research direction of biochemical research center.

A:It can be concluded as drug delivery, CO2 capture and conversion, biomaterials and regenerative medicine.

④Q:As far as we know, the carbonic anhydrase expressed in escherichia coli in our iGEM project is more active than that did in human body. This is because of the effect of modifying the active site based on the carbonic anhydrase expressed in human body. Therefore, we want to know how to find out the relevant active site to improve the activity of carbonic anhydrase by computer.

A:The relevant active sites of carbonic anhydrase are known in the knowledge base. We use computer to simulate mutation of the known active sites of carbonic anhydrase to see if it can improve its function, which is verified by conducting relevant experiments later.Our workload and efficiency can be reduced and improved by computer simulation.

Figure 11_ Discuss in-depth with Pro.Xia Xu

    After that, Prof. Xu guided us to visit the molecular cells and experimental operation area in the biochemical research center.She showed us relevant experimental equipment and operation process, and then we used the enzyme marker to measure the absorbance and fluorescence of bacterial liquid under her guidance. We became more interested in biology and chemical engineering after this visit and the collaboration among our team members have been improved as well.

Resume of Professor Xia Xu: Xia Xu, female, doctoral supervisor

Academic Title: PhD

Job Title: Professor

Her research direction is mainly based on molecular simulation,which is designed for drug delivery, CO2 capture and transformation, biological materials,anti-microbial, disease treatment and functional polypeptide in vitro-detection, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, microfluidics, online detection technology and so on.

Study Experience:

1987-1991 Bachelor of material specialty at Harbin Institute of Technology
1996-1999 Master of chemical engineering, institute of process engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
1999-2004 PhD in biochemistry at Oxford University

Work Experience:

1991-1996 Assistant researcher, institute of process engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
1996-1999 Postdoctoral in the department of engineering, Oxford University
2003.4-2006.5 Senior researcher at the Oxford University biomedical engineering institute
2006.6-2009.12 Research at the Institute of process engineering, Chinese academy of sciences one of the people in the "A Hundred Talents Program" put forward by the Chinese academy of sciences.
2010.1-2017.6 as a “Wanjiang Scholar” (a project launched Anhui provincial government to recruit academic elites, create academic masters and drive discipline construction)
2017.7- working at Anhui University of Technology

Figure 12_ Discuss in-depth with Pro.Xia Xu

Overview of scientific research projects and achievements as a researcher in institute of process engineering, Chinese academy of sciences: In 1991, she obtained bachelor degree of engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology; In 1999, she received master degree from the institute of process engineering, Chinese academy of sciences and in 2004, Prof. Xu received doctor degree from Oxford University. From 2003 to 2009, she worked as a postdoctoral and senior researcher at Oxford University, engaging in scientific research and part of teaching. In 2010,she was selected into the "A Hundred Talents Program" of the Chinese academy of sciences, and appointed both as the vice director of research of biochemical engineering and equipment and the assistant director of the national key laboratory of biochemical engineering. From July 2010 till now, professor has been working in school of chemistry and chemical engineering, Anhui university of technology. She is the director of biological chemical center of AHUT and one of the “Wanjiang Scholar”. She once won the national science and technology progress award and was rewarded the first prize of the science progress from Chinese academy of sciences Research direction in recent years: her research direction is mainly based on molecular simulation,which is designed for drug delivery, CO2 capture and transformation, biological materials,anti-microbial, disease treatment and functional polypeptide in vitro-detection, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, microfluidics, online detection technology and so on.Nearly 40 papers has she published on major academic journals, such as Biotech. Bioeng., Hum. Reprod. Sensor Actuat B - Chem, Osteo. Cart. In addition,Prof. Xu wrote 2 chapters in the monograph and applied for 2 international invention patents and 13 Chinese invention patents.After returning to China in 2010, she has successively hosted two projects under the national natural science foundation. Another one is the major research and incubation program under the national natural science foundation. As for Chinese academy of sciences,she presided one strategic new industry project and one project of scientific research and development of equipment, as well as other enterprise projects.


Figure 13_ Experimental guidance


1.2010.1-2014.4 "A Hundred Talents Program" of the Chinese academy of sciences
scientific research funds: 3,500,000 RMB
2.2011.12-2013.11 she co-presided the development of equipment for dynamic test on microdrug dissolution and scientific research and development of equipment of the Chinese academy of sciences
scientific research funds: 3,430,000 RMB
3.2012.1-2015.12 she presided the study on the mechanism of freezing damage of stem cells under NSFC(Natural Science Foundation of China)
scientific research funds: 600,000 RMB (21176238)
4.2012.5-2015.4 she presided over the key technology of biopharmaceutical and its application under the name of the strategic emerging industry of Chinese academy of sciences
scientific research funds: 5,000,000 RMB (4,000,000 RMB from enterprise)
5.2013-2015 she presided an entrepreneurial project of study on the biomaterials
scientific research funds: 200,000 RMB
6.2016.1-2019.12 she presided the study and application of the regulation mechanism of cytoskeleton to human pluripotent stem cell fate during cryopreservation under the NSFC
scientific research funds: 800,000 (21576266)
7.2016.1-2018.12 she presided over the study on mesoscale structure and regulatory mechanism in CO2 enzymatic capture system under the major research plan in NSFC
scientific research funds: 950,000 RMB (91534107)


1.Xia Xu*.Cryopreservation: Cryopreservation of stem cells in Comprehensive Biotechnology. Elsevier. Volume 5, 2011, Pages 481-488

2.Jiabin Zhang, Hu Zhang,Xia Xu.Smart Materials to Regulate the Fate of Stem Cells in Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering: Fundamental Principles. RSC Smart Materials Series. 10.1039/2046-0074.



   4. Public number iGEM WeChat of Anhui University of Technology

    AHUT-China upgraded the original WeChat public number in July 2018. During the implementation of this year's project, more than ten original articles have been published since the establishment of the team. We actively carry out social practice through such external publicity platform, popularize iGEM contest and introduce our project this year.


    1. Biofilm water purification laboratory (September 17, 2018)

    2. Communication and cooperation -- (Sweden) iGEM (lingshou-sweden) of Linkoping University (September 12, 2018)

    3. Bio-chemical research center ---- -professor Xu xia (September 11, 2018)

    4. International cooperation - Harvard university iGEM team (Harvard) (4 September 2018)

    5. International cooperation - IIT -madras team (30 August 2018)

    6. Thumb up for iGEMer spirit (July 29, 2018)

    7. Coli (July 26, 2018)

    8. Carbonic acid bacteria (25 July 2018)

    9. What is IGEM? (July 23, 2018)

    After each HP activity, the members of AHUT_china group timely summarized, wrote the text, translated it into English, and made it into WeChat manuscript, which was published on the public account of iGEM WeChat of Anhui University of Technology.

    Public account iGEM WeChat of the Anhui University of Technology, including three main sections of project progress, cooperation and communication, and popular science articles, for more convenient access and reading by subscribers.

    The project progress module makes the team weekly publication, the experiment process and the team Logo display. The team weekly report is a periodic report, and the team often holds meetings, from 2018-03-10 weekly report to 2018-06-23 weekly report, a total of 11 pieces, recording how we prepare step by step, and continue to implement, to promote the process of the competition, to bring everyone into our laboratory, reveal all kinds of laboratory, and tell the hard but happy life of the co-generation.

    Cooperation and communication are also divided into two parts. HP and Collaboration record some activities in HP, such as primary school students' creative class activities, visits to Huvernon environmental protection technology co, LTD, etc. Collaboration introduces our interaction with iGEM teams in other universities.

    The popular science article module focuses on the popular science of synthetic biology. It mainly propagates the International genetic engineering Competition (iGEM) through words and pictures. It has been held by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) every year since 2005. It is the highest international academic competition in the field of Synthetic Biology. And the knowledge related to our team's experiment, such as the popularization of carbonic anhydrase and escherichia coli.

    The public account of iGEM WeChat of Anhui University of Technology is mainly for schools and the society. It can be promoted to WeChat users through WeChat channel, so as to improve the popularity of the international genetic engineering competition and create the image of the iGEM team of Anhui University of Technology.





     5. Lecture on iGEM in Anhui University of Technology (AHUT_China)

Time: 3.30p.m. on Sept. 11, 2018, Tuesday

Location: Conference Room in the Innovative Education Faculty

    We held a lecture aiming at letting more people know about synthetic biology and iGEM. With great honor, we invited Dr. Pei hao, who is currently working in the school of engineering and applied sciences in Harvard University and engaging in the application of microfluidics in biomedical field, to give students in AHUT this lecture. It has successfully attracted interests of hundreds of students, but due to the limited seats in the meeting room, we had to invited only more than 60 students to attend this speech. In order to enable more people to watch the lecture, we took advantage of the webcast platform, making more than 1,000 people enjoy this meeting online. Dr. Pei not only presented us the research progress of microfluidics but also shared teachers and students with the current research results.


Figure 15_Picture--Questionnaire survey

    Microfluidics Technology refers to the technology of controlling, operating and detecting complex fluids at the micro size. It is a newly interdisciplinary subject developed on the basis of microelectronics, micromechanics, bioengineering and nanotechnology. The rapid development of Microfluidics Technology in recent years has stricken revolutionary impacts in the fields of chemistry, medicine and life science. Biochips are regarded as an important tool for interpretating gene sequences in the Post-Genome Era and microfluidics chips are also known as "lab-on-a-chip", which use MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology for mixing the separated purification used in general laboratories and miniaturize devices such as enzyme reactions onto the chip for biochemical reactions, process control or analysis. The construction of this kind of chip is far more complex than microarray chips. According to ranges of its application, the chip can be further divided into three categories: sample pretreatment chip, reactive chip and analytical chip. They can perform complex and precise operations on microfluids (both liquid and gas), such as mixing and separation of microfluids, chemical reactions, microanalysis, etc. Besides, microfluidics chips also play a unique role in the screening of rare cells, the extraction and purification of MRNA, gene sequencing, single-cell analysis, and protein crystallization. They have been widely used in biotechnology research due to their lightweight, less sample or trial dose usage, fast reaction speed, large parallel processing and disposable features.

    After the lecture, we conducted a questionnaire survey among participated students. From the feedback of more than 1,000 questionnaires collected, we can see that hundreds of students are full of interest in synthetic biology through this lecture, and students of different majors have made determination to take part in iGEM next year. (the questionnaire is followed)


Figure 16_Picture--Questionnaire survey