Team:AHUT China/Notebook

Royal Hotel Royal Hotel


     Pick Clon


    Pilot Expression of Protein
   “IPTG+ 4h”“IPTG- 4h”



   After the rocker culture is 4 H, add IPTG(final concentration is 0.5 mm) and then the rocker culture is 4 hours. Each of the two tubes absorbs 200 μL of bacterial fluid, and in the frozen centrifuge, it is 4 °C and 12000 rpm centrifuge. 10 minutes, go to the clear, It is resuspended with 100 μL 1x SDS Loading buffer, then heated in a water bath pot at 100 °C for 10 minutes and stored in a -20 °C refrigerator.


    Protein extraction





    Purification of Protein
     Prior to purification



    Western blot identification of proteins
     CA2L203K    CA2WT