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Biological Design: The Golden Braid Assembly

We are continuously talking about a machine which can create its own genetic circuits, by using pre-designed parts, and ‘print’ them inside different living cell chassis. But how is Printeria going to perform all these complex reactions?


Alberto Conejero lerolerolero

I am member of the Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada of the UPV. I am also interested in Biomedical Data Analysis, Graph Theory, Network Science, and in the applications of Mathematics to Computational, Systems and Synthetic Biology, and Communication Networks.

I am the author of more than 50 research articles published in international research journals. In addition, I have stayed at the following universities for short periods: in Bowling Green (OH) and Kent (OH) (USA), Lecce (Italy), Prague (Czech Rep.) And Tübingen (Germany).

Before being Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics, I held the position of Director of Academic Performance and Curricular Students Assessment Area of the Vice-rectorate of Students and Culture of the UPV. Previously I held these positions university: Deputy Dean of the ETSINF (formerly Faculty of Informatics) (2004-2009), and Secretary of the Commission of the Strategic Plan of the UPV for the period 2007-2014 (2005-2007).

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